Anyone Else Tired of Sony Hacks?


New member
Mar 24, 2010
BoTTeNBReKeR said:
Hey, this sounds a lot like the things governements do to eachother all the time...
Be fair, hackers may be arrogant self righteous arseholes but they're not as bad as politicians.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Nope. I'm not affected by it, and I like to see groups of bedroom-dwelling nerds getting all up in the business of a corporation.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
While I feel bad for the innocent folks caught in the crossfire this is still pretty funny to me. I gotta be honest. After Sony pulled dick move after dick move after dick move on their customers it's good to see them getting hacked to hell and back and losing swimming pools full of money in the process. My only hope is that their inexcusably bad security keeps getting beaten down for a while longer and eventually they start getting hit with fines and law suits as well just to add insult to injury.

I have nothing but absolute contempt for Sony as a company and watching this train wreck unfold is nothing short of sweet sweet karma. There is simply not enough bad things that could happen to Sony as a company that would ever bring me to the point of feeling anything remotely close to sympathy for them and it's because of my deep seeded contempt for Sony that will never, ever, grow tired of watching them suffer. . . Well maybe I would be a little sad if they ended up going under because of all this but only because I wouldn't be able to watch them suffer any longer.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
I'm fed up, and the last Sony console I had was the ps2!

But screw the investors. They're just suits. My problem is that the customers will suffer. No-one likes finding they backed a horse that dies half way through the race, and if this affects Sony bad enough, that's what'll happen. It ain't fair, so as much as I want Sony to suffer for their disregard for their customers, fines are not the way, I feel. At least, not as heavy as is being suggested.

Basically, it's crucial that Sony (and of course, once they are found, the hackers) are punished for this, but it needs to be done in a way that keeps impact on customers to a minimum.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I think the hackers should GTFO.
And to all the people who are saying "they should've had better security" that's bogus. Everything can be hacked, even if it takes years to do so.A quote from a good game : Ofcourse the boys in the labs can make it hackproof. But that doesn't mean we're not going to hack it" (slightly twisted as I did it from memory).
This is not really sony's fault, it's the hackers. They should feel bad about themselves


New member
Mar 24, 2010
sravankb said:
Yeah - they do commit crimes, but it's a (somewhat misguided) attempt to try and ensure that companies and governments uphold the freedom of information. These other guys "Lulzsec" - they're just doing the crap that they're doing for shits and giggles / stealing / blackmailing for no justifiable reason. That said, I'm not claiming that Anon's actions were perfectly justifiable, but I certainly wasn't against their ideals.
Oh I'm not saying that Anonymous aren't ethical as far as criminals go, I completely agree with the Extra Credits video that spoke rather complimentarily about them. But that said it's worth remembering that they're still criminals no matter how many ideals they have so don't be too surprised if/when they decide that making lots of money is more important than those ideals.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
I'm sick of it in the sense that "Oh god Sony make it STOOOPPP". They got (practically) a free pass over the whole PSN thing. They have not learned their lesson.

Sure, nobody is 100% foolproof against intrusions. But all of the recent ones were ones that we've been handling for a decade or more now. It's stupid and lax and I don't agree with the methods but I hope Sony learns from these repeated whacks with a newspaper.

Honestly I'd be more impressed if a 'hacker group' penetrated Sony security and gave them the method and examples, *in private*, so Sony could fix it. These latest are goobers looking for attention.

But they're also doing all of us a service, regardless. Or at least, all of us that are Sony customers. It remains to be seen if Sony can withstand it and come out better, or if they're going to be nibbled to death by ants because they refuse to pick up the bug-spray.


New member
May 9, 2008
It would help if Sony actually made everything work. I can't transfer any of my games from Media Go to my PSP because they're performing site maintenance. Again.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
I dont feel sad Sony, I just feel very Lucky I didnt decide to buy their product.

Seriously dodged a bullet there.


New member
Apr 2, 2011
MFenix said:
I almost never play my ps3 and I'm horrible sick of this crap.
At least I have my 360 to turn to. Hooray for having both consoles! ^_^
You say that is if there are only two. Last time I checked, there's a third, and it also has a pile of great games worth owning and playing. ;)[/quote]

I like my Wii as well but I'd rather be playing my 360. Or my PS2. Or my original Xbox.
Yea my Wii almost never gets used unless I have a hankering for SSBB.


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Well that's a pointless question, I highly doubt anyone with a Playstation is enjoying the hacks...


New member
Jul 15, 2008
I'm pretty tired of talking about Sony hacks. Anom..Sony sux..i feel violated...whatever...go outside and play. Until my bank account is wiped, my idenity is stolen, and im forced out into the streets for just wanting to download rockband tracks I could care less. I still think this entire thing has been blown way out of proportion. And the more we talk about it the more rocks these hackers get off. So just..whatever.