Anyone have a DISABILITY?


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Mikodite said:
FalloutJack said:
Doclector said:
I have aspergers. Which wouldn't actually hinder me much if it wasn't classed as a disability. Now I have idiots who think I can't do anything, or people who think I'm a pathetic self diagnoser.
Fuck 'em. Aspergers has a way of showing you who you can really count on in life. I should know. Funnily enough, though, I never thought of it as a disability. I see so many things clearly that other people would ignore in favor of their own asses.


As a individual with aspergers syndrome diagnosed by Dr. Zacamari himself, who also had to spend most of their schooling with an aid following them around, who keeps getting accused of 'yelling' when getting into a heating discussion, who can't make and keep friends to save their soul, who has people thinking they are an immature idiot despite being college educated going to university this fall... I can say that this is a debilitating disorder.

I take offense whenever I hear people claim that it isn't. Do you realize that only a small fraction of autistics stand a change of being a productive member of society?

You have a serious problem, not being able to read others and receive and acknowledge social queues, and I wish you would accept that. Seriously, how easy has your lives have been for you to think not being able to understand and react in social setting isn't a big enough deal for it to be a disability?
Yo, matey. I was making light of my own diagnosis for a laugh, because it actually seems to make me smarter than folks. If you can't handle that, and my telling the other guy to forget about intolerant dumb shits, then might I suggest never speaking to me again. Or, alternatively, you could apologize, right now.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
FalloutJack said:
Mikodite said:
FalloutJack said:
Doclector said:
I have aspergers. Which wouldn't actually hinder me much if it wasn't classed as a disability. Now I have idiots who think I can't do anything, or people who think I'm a pathetic self diagnoser.
Fuck 'em. Aspergers has a way of showing you who you can really count on in life. I should know. Funnily enough, though, I never thought of it as a disability. I see so many things clearly that other people would ignore in favor of their own asses.


As a individual with aspergers syndrome diagnosed by Dr. Zacamari himself, who also had to spend most of their schooling with an aid following them around, who keeps getting accused of 'yelling' when getting into a heating discussion, who can't make and keep friends to save their soul, who has people thinking they are an immature idiot despite being college educated going to university this fall... I can say that this is a debilitating disorder.

I take offense whenever I hear people claim that it isn't. Do you realize that only a small fraction of autistics stand a change of being a productive member of society?

You have a serious problem, not being able to read others and receive and acknowledge social queues, and I wish you would accept that. Seriously, how easy has your lives have been for you to think not being able to understand and react in social setting isn't a big enough deal for it to be a disability?
Yo, matey. I was making light of my own diagnosis for a laugh, because it actually seems to make me smarter than folks. If you can't handle that, and my telling the other guy to forget about intolerant dumb shits, then might I suggest never speaking to me again. Or, alternatively, you could apologize, right now.
Its hard to know if someone is kidding on the internet, but there have been too many autistic dipshits out there that have been advocating to have autism regarded in society as a minority group, not a disability group. Too many high functioning autistic people (like those with aspergers syndrome) have tricked themselves into thinking autism is a super-power or the next step in human evolution, and many place themselves and their struggle to that of the homosexual community. I have nothing against gays/lesbians/bis, in fact I'm pointing out that being gay is not a disability.

There are just too many people (mainly parents of autistics who, like all parents, don't understand that their kid isn't the next coming of Jesus/Einstein/Dalli-Lama) who buy into the aspergia mythos and its stalling the help that could go to the ones that are reduced to screaming fits that can't string a sentence together.

I know I'm sounding really trollie at the moment, its just deeply troubling to see someone else with the disorder that seems to have forgotten how hard their life was before they adopted the skills to at least survive in a world of normal-minded people.

Intolerance is one thing (though arguably one doesn't want to be merely tolerated) and I do hate the amount of intolerance and stigma that exists for all disability groups, but shielding yourself by being in denial isn't going to help, and it annoys the hell out of me to see that. There isn't much we can do about assholes, and we can't let them get to us, but we have a real problem and I don't want it treated like Restless Legs Syndrome. That isn't too much to ask?

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I got PDD-NOS, which stands for Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.

I always specified it as me simply being lazy and gutless, but the medical term rolls off the tongue a bit better.


New member
Mar 18, 2010
I have add though nobody takes it seriously so I never got any help from teachers or any kind of exceptions actually I found that alot of teachers tended to be really short with me because I would daze out alot or get distracted doing my own thing which didnt help my marks because they would mark me hard cause they didnt like me and they wouldnt help me because I couldnt pay attention. Very frustrating indeed.


New member
Mar 12, 2011
Mikodite said:
Its hard to know if someone is kidding on the internet, but there have been too many autistic dipshits out there that have been advocating to have autism regarded in society as a minority group, not a disability group. Too many high functioning autistic people (like those with aspergers syndrome) have tricked themselves into thinking autism is a super-power or the next step in human evolution, and many place themselves and their struggle to that of the homosexual community. I have nothing against gays/lesbians/bis, in fact I'm pointing out that being gay is not a disability.

There are just too many people (mainly parents of autistics who, like all parents, don't understand that their kid isn't the next coming of Jesus/Einstein/Dalli-Lama) who buy into the aspergia mythos and its stalling the help that could go to the ones that are reduced to screaming fits that can't string a sentence together.

I know I'm sounding really trollie at the moment, its just deeply troubling to see someone else with the disorder that seems to have forgotten how hard their life was before they adopted the skills to at least survive in a world of normal-minded people.

Intolerance is one thing (though arguably one doesn't want to be merely tolerated) and I do hate the amount of intolerance and stigma that exists for all disability groups, but shielding yourself by being in denial isn't going to help, and it annoys the hell out of me to see that. There isn't much we can do about assholes, and we can't let them get to us, but we have a real problem and I don't want it treated like Restless Legs Syndrome. That isn't too much to ask?
It sounds less like you're suffering from the syndrome and more like you're suffering from other people's prejudice.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
Estrogen insensitivity syndrome, a insanely rare condition that renders my cells from utilizing estrogen properly, making me exceptionally masculine for a woman, also related to a condition that renders me a higher than 70% chance of dying before age 30. I can't really leave the house anymore due to these, do I win?


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Mikodite said:
I think you're making an assumption somewhere, but I'm not entirely certain what it is. I'll figure it out later. The thing is, I feel that you're bring a smidge too critical here, in a place where you needn't be. This isn't life or death and you know now that I was being frivolous. Basically, don't sweat the small stuff.

Now, the slippery slope that is a discussion about aspergers and autism basically boils down to this: It is a problem and it isn't, pretty much at the same time. It is a problem because not all who have it can cope with what the world is shoving in their face and is isn't because this is not a condition of infirmity or disease. The body and mind grew this way and many are affected in different degrees.

The mind connected differently and brought about a different function that effectively perceives the world at unique angles. I know this as well as you do, I'm sure. However, the controversy will never end. There will always be pricks and assholes and there will be people like me against them. Now, I'm going to assume that our disagreement here is over. Yes, it is an issue and yes people handle it improperly, but no I am not one of them and no you should not be so jumpy about it.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I'm short sighted, but I guess it's only really a mild one unless you're fully blind.


New member
Jul 7, 2010
I have Chronic Tics Disorder, which (in the most simplified, easy to understand way) is Tourette's without the yelling, the understanding and sympathy, or the potential monetary benefits for school that come with having incurable illnesses.

The Becker

New member
Jul 17, 2011
SpaceArcader said:
I had the language delay problem at early years but I've seem to grow out of it but every now and then I have difficulty pronouncing what I want to say. It's not helpful when trying to meet new people and you cant even pronounce what you want to say.
I got the same thing, i like to call it me being verbally dyslexic. All these big words spinning around in your head but you can barely sputter them out.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
kman123 said:
Diabetic=not a disability.

Yeah, unfortunately it doesn't count.
Think of it this way: in a few decades, you might need some amputation. Then that coveted parking sticker is yours. Unless you go blind...

No disabilities here. At least, none that I'm aware of. I'm getting my heart checked out tomorrow though, so maybe that'll turn up something.


New member
May 16, 2009
I'm not sure if it counts as disabilities but I have anxiety issues that have been diagnosed and bipolar disorder along with (I don't think the following is true, the doctor who did this was just an idiot) "mild Aspergers."
But I'm not sure if I get any disability "pluses" that you lot are talking about.
At least I don't think >.>

The Afrodactyl

New member
Jul 19, 2010
I'm not sure if this is a disability, but the cartilage in my knees likes to eat itself. It means that one moment i'll be fine, and then i won't be able to walk :/


Sailor Jupiter Woman
Jun 10, 2011
Well, I'm hard-of-hearing. I found out after an operation for a perferated eardrum that one of the smaller bones in my ears is `slightly paralysed`. I dont see it as a disabilty though, as the only thing I struggle to do is hear where sounds are coming from.
I do want to learn sign language soon though.


Dec 3, 2010
Social phobia, but I'm starting to improve after over five years of suffering.
Lost so much due to it. >.<


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
I have Aspergers but its a very mild case so that doesn't affect me much. I also wear glasses and the inability to see is a disability even if it is an easily corrected one.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
i got flat feet, if that counts. hurt like hell before i got inserts (hundred bucks for two arch shaped pieces of plastic, thats money well fucking spent. helped quite a bit tho)