Anyone interested in playing a game together?

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Making this thread based on Obsidian Jones's "Bed thought" on why none of us play any games together. I figured if we WERE to do that then we'd first need to know what games everyone has that could be played together with. So here's mine.

I have Armello, Hearthstone, 100% Orange Juice, League of Legends, Monster Prom, Battleblock Theater, Card City Nights, The Escapists 2, Guilty Gear Xrd, Terraria, and all three Trine games.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I tend to play Smite and Paladins, but I also play Deep Rock Galactic and I have Armello and Battleblock and Guilty Gear Xrd.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
I used to play fighters with people from here, played stuff like older blazblue and persona arena but then the user groups kinda dwindles in participation. Always up for some Xrd! PSN is Dreikoo (yes, two Os in the end there)

I'm also playing Iceborne a lot nowadays which would be another thing to play here. Maybe we can even get a 4-person party haha.

Other stuff I have that we could play is all the blazblue games, uniest, nitro+ blalsterz and dbfz on PSN and AH3SS for pc.


New member
Nov 6, 2008
As far as multiplayer goes, at the moment I'm pretty much just PUBG, Verdun, OG Battlefront and Ultimate Chicken Horse. But then again I'm in Aus so I'm probably playing while most of you are asleep or at work.
Sep 24, 2008
Oh, hey! This was made! That's awesome to know.

So, I'm doing a lot on my switch. I'm going to get Daemon X Machina tomorrow. I have Smash, Mario Kart 8 (I suck at it), Power Rangers Battle for the Grid, Torchlight II, Splatoon 2, Ultimate Chicken Horse, and Arms. I'm going to get Overwatch because of course I am. Lucio is all.

I have PS4 Pro as well. I just got Street Fighter V arcade edition deluxe because of the deal, but I'm not stellar at it. I have Remnant from the Ashes, Tekken 7. Wipeout (which I got in a sale and I think I tried for twenty minutes), and Monster Hunter: World. I never got really into Monster Hunter. The weapons never felt... I didn't feel special, I guess I can say. In God Eater, you get powers and Artes and all that great stuff.

Maybe you get more abilities when you level up the weapons, but all I felt like I was doing was whacking away at a monster. I didn't feel the ability for growth or combos. I'm a big Character Action guy. Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, God Eater 3... those games are like crack to me. But I maybe just didn't give MH:W enough of a try.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
ObsidianJones said:
Oh, hey! This was made! That's awesome to know.

So, I'm doing a lot on my switch. I'm going to get Daemon X Machina tomorrow. I have Smash, Mario Kart 8 (I suck at it), Power Rangers Battle for the Grid, Torchlight II, Splatoon 2, Ultimate Chicken Horse, and Arms. I'm going to get Overwatch because of course I am. Lucio is all.

I have PS4 Pro as well. I just got Street Fighter V arcade edition deluxe because of the deal, but I'm not stellar at it. I have Remnant from the Ashes, Tekken 7. Wipeout (which I got in a sale and I think I tried for twenty minutes), and Monster Hunter: World. I never got really into Monster Hunter. The weapons never felt... I didn't feel special, I guess I can say. In God Eater, you get powers and Artes and all that great stuff.

Maybe you get more abilities when you level up the weapons, but all I felt like I was doing was whacking away at a monster. I didn't feel the ability for growth or combos. I'm a big Character Action guy. Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, God Eater 3... those games are like crack to me. But I maybe just didn't give MH:W enough of a try.
Check out the Iceborne improvements. All the weapons got new moves in it (also they added a bunch of grappling hook moves too). The new Iai stance for longswords is especially fun and adds a new feel to the weapon that brings it all together. It kinda depends on what you use a bunch too, some weapons are more simplistic in a "hit the dinosaur, don't get hit back" sort of way but others have various sub-gauges you have to manage and unique situational powers you can take advantage of only if you fight in a specific way. (I like longswords, twin blades and the switch axe)

Though that being said, MH is gonna be basic compared to something like God Eater. MH is kinda like the dragon quest of that genre, it's really good but very much the standard example so it will be simple when contrasted to the new edgy offerings from other companies.

And on that note, the new game from the god eater people, Code Vein, is coming out next month and it's one of the few things I've preordered this year so maybe we can get some vampire party action going when that hits too.
Sep 9, 2007
I tend toward strategy games, so I wouldn't say no to Stellaris, Sins of a Solar Empire or Planetary Annihilation/Supreme Commander. I've also been having a good time playing Raft with friends. Its a early access crafting/survival game(yeah, I know...) but on a raft this time. It's a bit content light at the moment, but its still being updated.

Squilookle said:
But then again I'm in Aus so I'm probably playing while most of you are asleep or at work.
This is also a problem I have.


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
I regularly play ESO. Currently playing Borderlands Presquel. I may have other multiplayer games, I have a gaming group on Tues night and I know we have played Wildlands, Gloom, Ticket to Ride, Warframe, but there are probably other I've forgotten (we have been playing for years.) Not interested in Diablo 3. We played that for a long time til recently and need a break.

Also an Aussie, so it's probably a hard sell too


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Ive been playing some Space Station 13, Deathwing on PS4 and maybe something else, I can't remember. battletech I think?


Elite Member
Jan 7, 2011
I think I would like someone to spar with in the various fighting games I own. GGXrd, SCVI, (might convince me to buy the season pass for SCVI) but being stuck in Malaysia means shoddy latency with anywhere that isn't SEA or Hong Kong. I'm also quite terrible at fighting games.

Having a Discord or equivalent set up will probably help facilitate this whole thing regardless.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
ObsidianJones said:
Oh, hey! This was made! That's awesome to know.

So, I'm doing a lot on my switch. I'm going to get Daemon X Machina tomorrow. I have Smash, Mario Kart 8 (I suck at it), Power Rangers Battle for the Grid, Torchlight II, Splatoon 2, Ultimate Chicken Horse, and Arms. I'm going to get Overwatch because of course I am. Lucio is all.
Ah I also have Smash, Arms, and Splatoon 2. I wasn't sure if anyone here was a multiplayer game player for Switch. I also have night shift so I'm up until 4-6 AM so my sleeping schedule might be more in line with the Aussies.
Sep 24, 2008
Dreiko said:
And on that note, the new game from the god eater people, Code Vein, is coming out next month and it's one of the few things I've preordered this year so maybe we can get some vampire party action going when that hits too.
Listen to me.


I'm about Code Vein. I just saw a demo preview. This is EXACTLY what I like. This is the kind of character developing and trial and error that makes me love gaming. And I'm a self proclaimed Loot Whore. More weapons? More Powers? I'm there.

Squilookle said:
I'm in Aus
The Eupho Guy said:
This is also a problem I have.
trunkage said:
Also an Aussie
Seems to me that we have a Trio of Heroes to protect the world while the rest of us sleep. Fight on and sing us songs of your glory.

Specter Von Baren said:
Ah I also have Smash, Arms, and Splatoon 2. I wasn't sure if anyone here was a multiplayer game player for Switch. I also have night shift so I'm up until 4-6 AM so my sleeping schedule might be more in line with the Aussies.
Arms needs more love. I'm not the best of it. They need to release some pro joy-cons soon. I used to do Fitness Boxing, but I got tired of actually getting the punch but the Gyro not calibrating in time.

But maybe we can work out some Squid Now/Kid Now action.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
ObsidianJones said:
Dreiko said:
And on that note, the new game from the god eater people, Code Vein, is coming out next month and it's one of the few things I've preordered this year so maybe we can get some vampire party action going when that hits too.
Listen to me.


I'm about Code Vein. I just saw a demo preview. This is EXACTLY what I like. This is the kind of character developing and trial and error that makes me love gaming. And I'm a self proclaimed Loot Whore. More weapons? More Powers? I'm there.
The story/themes of the world are really my cup of tea, that's my main hook since I really love that style of anime take on magical vampires. Though seeing the gameplay definitely didn't dampen my hype either :D.

Wings012 said:
I think I would like someone to spar with in the various fighting games I own. GGXrd, SCVI, (might convince me to buy the season pass for SCVI) but being stuck in Malaysia means shoddy latency with anywhere that isn't SEA or Hong Kong. I'm also quite terrible at fighting games.

Having a Discord or equivalent set up will probably help facilitate this whole thing regardless.
Yeah the connection from US to SEA is definitely gonna be a 0 bar 10f+ lag affair XD. That's the issue with fighters, you always have people but they're either on different platforms or continents.

Still if we get Xrd going you can maybe find someone else in your neck of the woods. Lets not give up.

SC6 is like, the one fighter I don't have btw XD. I almost got it cause 2B but I already have too many so I stopped lol.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
Nick Calandra said:
This is a good thread. I might have the mod team introduce a forum for specifically this stuff. Maybe we'll even do game with the editor nights or something.
Oohhh. Nice. Glad to see you're interested in us. We're probably not worth the effort given our small population but I appreciate it.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Nick Calandra said:
Specter Von Baren said:
Nick Calandra said:
This is a good thread. I might have the mod team introduce a forum for specifically this stuff. Maybe we'll even do game with the editor nights or something.
Oohhh. Nice. Glad to see you're interested in us. We're probably not worth the effort given our small population but I appreciate it.
Bah, we're about to give the forums a shot in the arm here this weekend. New Community Manager being introduced, Current Events forum being added to get the politics stuff out of Off-Topic. Lots of stuff happening on Escapist right now and I'm more than open to new ideas to get the community here more involved with the main site again.
Having stickies for genres or even individual games that people can use to matchmake would help a lot if you make a specific board for people to get together.

Also if you plan on having staff play with us you can maybe integrate that into a "how 2 git gud" style article where the staff member chronicles their efforts towards these sessions in these pieces and other past experiences they have had with these games. That way you can just throw a staffer into the tiger den and see how the average beginner has to approach getting into a game with an established community but you can also use an experienced staffer offer perspective on how it feels to play a game at a higher level vs other people of varying skill levels.

I think fighting games especially suffer from an intimidation factor that makes people too skittish to attempt getting into them so any work dispelling that notion would be great in my eyes as a huge fan of the genre.


Phone Poster
Nov 10, 2009
I remember back in the day that the escapist hosted a session of playing cod4. It was the only time I played with other people from this site.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
As far as affordability goes, the best game for anyone here to start playing together with from my list is 100% Orange Juice.

It's super cheap and it's basically Mario Party but without the minigames and more randomness, which sounds bad but in practice, since so much is random in the game it doesn't feel bad to lose and since there's no minigames, it's basically just boiled down to risk assessment. It's lots of fun and the artstyle and humor help reinforce the laid back attitude of the game.