This was near what I was thinking about. Not just for random games that we already enjoy, although we should definitely do that. We could have a Gaming Book Club of sorts. Like the month prior, we look at deals for multiplayer games that we can get into or games we already own, and then set up matches in them. If the game is say, Guilty Gear Xrd and we already have some people already into that game, we can organize some practice sessions and what not.Dreiko said:Having stickies for genres or even individual games that people can use to matchmake would help a lot if you make a specific board for people to get together.Nick Calandra said:Bah, we're about to give the forums a shot in the arm here this weekend. New Community Manager being introduced, Current Events forum being added to get the politics stuff out of Off-Topic. Lots of stuff happening on Escapist right now and I'm more than open to new ideas to get the community here more involved with the main site again.Specter Von Baren said:Oohhh. Nice. Glad to see you're interested in us. We're probably not worth the effort given our small population but I appreciate it.Nick Calandra said:This is a good thread. I might have the mod team introduce a forum for specifically this stuff. Maybe we'll even do game with the editor nights or something.
Also if you plan on having staff play with us you can maybe integrate that into a "how 2 git gud" style article where the staff member chronicles their efforts towards these sessions in these pieces and other past experiences they have had with these games. That way you can just throw a staffer into the tiger den and see how the average beginner has to approach getting into a game with an established community but you can also use an experienced staffer offer perspective on how it feels to play a game at a higher level vs other people of varying skill levels.
I think fighting games especially suffer from an intimidation factor that makes people too skittish to attempt getting into them so any work dispelling that notion would be great in my eyes as a huge fan of the genre.
Sort of like of like this
"Ok, Escapists, we voted. Due to the sales and/or the majority of people either picked it up or already had it, the PS4 Escapist's Gaming Club for October will be Guilty Gear Xrd, the Xbox One game will be Call of Duty, and the PC game will be Starcraft. If anyone wants to sign up for a mentor role, please note it here and we'll get it added to the Monthly page. Those who are interested in learning or just random battles, sign up and we'll do our usual thing of posting availability weekly and seeing what can happen."