Apocalypse Lane: Episode One: Big Pete's Funeral


New member
Feb 13, 2009
Don't really like it so far. I'll give it another shot next week. The most likable character was Hickery guy.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I thought this stunk more than that corpse probably did. But I will give it more chances later. I also can't believe there are people who think this is better than Brawl and Unforgotten Realms...


New member
Aug 6, 2008
McCa said:
MattKirby said:
McCa said:
its... quite... Meh. I suppose It's not bad. but Not quite what I like. Bit, Disgusting?

And poor Pete tastes like "shit" to quote the cat whose name I forget... Cuddles was it?
Exactly, but it does have potential. It was good for a good intro to characters though.
True dat. I'll continue to watch from lack of better things to do, and well I've had a terrrible day so my humour radar may be dead.
Same lol, I've got nothing better to do with that 5 minutes, hopefully it'll be funnier.


New member
May 4, 2008
This also has zero to do with gaming in any shape or form. All I can see it as is the Escapist clutching at straws trying to find a show to call its own. Unforgotten Realms was great when it started, and Unskippable and Zero Punctuation continue to entertain, but most of the other shows are barely watchable. De Rez was just unfunny, and always lived in the shadow of Yahtzee, to the point where they mocked him. Funnily enough, he only returned the favour to those who he deemed worthwhile (LoadingReadyRun blokes). I just think there are some much better more talented individuals on the net who would also stick to the main drive of this site; games.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
It was pretty good. Nothing *that* original tbf, but then again most things aren't. There seems to be a lot of "gay" uses as insults, but that could be due to the stupid fun element to it.

Cuddles has promise though. Animation was good too, bringing it to being similar to Family Guy and American Dad.
Although I prefer ZP and Doomsday Arcade, i'll watch this.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
Trivun said:
Quite funny, judging by the other comments it's like Marmite - you either love it or hate it. Personally I love it, though there are a few bits where I could see why people would hate it instead. Not the best video series I've seen, but still damn good nonetheless, especially for a pilot episode :D.

I thought it was ok....


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Mr. Blond said:
bunch of elitist a-holes with ur "meh" comments...2 guys made this...what're u doin'?...they do voices for like 7-8 characters...and the animation is on par with most "adult swim" content...i liked it and look forward to more...everyweek right?
I think the first few South Park episodes were not made by a lot more people. I do believe there were about 3-4 voice actors and only two (I think) were making the animations. And it was funnier.

Besides, it doesn't matter how many people make a show, if the show is not funny. Even 100 people and a $100.000.000 budget won't help a COMEDY that isn't funny.

Eric the Orange

Gone Gonzo
Apr 29, 2008
Mr. Blond said:
bunch of elitist a-holes with ur "meh" comments...2 guys made this...what're u doin'?...they do voices for like 7-8 characters...and the animation is on par with most "adult swim" content...i liked it and look forward to more...everyweek right?
yeah, how dare your opinion disagree with mine!

Geo Da Sponge

New member
May 14, 2008
Oh my...

That was pretty horrible, even with the low expectations I came in with. Pretty predictable, and wasn't even slightly funny. I'll probably come back next week to see if it's improved, but I don't expect it will have.

Okay, Escapist, I've watched your cartoon now, stop pestering me with adverts!


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Mr. Blond said:
bunch of elitist a-holes with ur "meh" comments...2 guys made this...what're u doin'?...they do voices for like 7-8 characters...and the animation is on par with most "adult swim" content...i liked it and look forward to more...everyweek right?
So it's good becuase two guys did this, I saw an amazing production by two actors a few years back, it really was amazing, funny and I couldn't tell that it had only two actors. This however, was no where near that that quality, and I don't think it would beright to give credit anyway if there was only two voice actors, it was the scripting that needed changing!

Armitage Shanks said:
Digikid said:
Sorry but......fail!

Better luck next time.

You need character plots and a better storyline. That and it was not funny at all.
You uh, you realise that was less than 4 minutes long, right?

You aren't gonna have Francis Ford Coppola levels of character development or storyline in under the time it takes to cook sausage roll. That would need at least 8 minutes.

In other words: if your issue is character development and plot, how can you judge it off one short ep?

Personally I thought it was decent. Not awesome, but decent. I'll definitely tune in for the next couple of weeks and see how it goes.
If they needed 8 minutes to get some character development and storyline, then why didn't they?

Unforgottten Realms did this in the first Season and it turned out excellent (the first series I mean, not the whole thing)

The animation was pritty good, although it seems they purposley didn't show any leg movement, which is probablies very likely.

Some of the characters have potential, and it reminded me of Fallout just a bit, however, I'm failing to see the point of this episode. It wasn't very funny, and even the things you have to look for (A cat with a knife) seem overused in other series'.

So that was my opinion, if you really want this series to be better, you need better scripting including actual funny humour. Also, I think British people would do this better, lol.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
It was meh, cuddles is awesome. I'll probably end up watching all of it since I'll have nothing better to do.


New member
Oct 20, 2007
Im gonna give this a chance, got a few laughs out of me. I cant say it was bad.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
I liked it, looks like it could go somewhere good, and for pete's sake, a lot of you are judging negitivly by there first episode? give them a bit of a chance. In my opinion even if its based off of laughs and you don't laugh, its still pure entertainment? i don't see why theres comments like "I wish i could Un-watch that video..", if your watching it in the first place doesn't that mean you have time to waste anyway? Maybe thats just my opinion though.


New member
Dec 18, 2008
I'm surprised to see so many who don't like it. I thought it was great! I love Stinky :p

Tech Team FTW!

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Jon Etheridge said:
This series is only going to get better.
That I will judge for myself.

Just out of morbid curiosity, what was the inspiration behind the post-apocalyptic setting?


New member
May 30, 2009
pretty good opening, from the feedback you should be able to tell what works and what dosen't, the characters are interesting and seems very funny. Good work, would like to see more.


New member
May 12, 2008
I like it. Not the greatest thing ever, but give him some slack, it's a pilot, and although I kinda wished they would have used to flesh out the characters a bit more, like why we should care who big pete is or value the input of other characters, the writing is decent enough that I'll watch it every week.

Don't get discouraged!