Apollo Justice


New member
Oct 1, 2011
With Ace Attorney 5 coming out soon in Japan, I've dropped my previous prejudices against Apollo Justice and dove in. I finished it a few days ago and had some mixed thoughts on the game. I was wondering what any of your thoughts on the fourth instalment were.

As for me I thought that Apollo didn't pick up as a reliable character until his second day in court in case two. He kept that going through case 3 and a bit of case 4, but where every Ace Attorney game should shine is in the final showdown, Apollo did not. Case 4 felt extremely unfocused and watered down leaving only one measly cross examination for the finale and no decisive evidence.

Rylee Fox

Queen of Light
Aug 3, 2011
I thought Apollo was an idiot the entire time. He wasn't really able to handle anything himself, always having to rely on everyone else to solve things for him. Sure Phoenix Wright often did that as well, but not all the darn time. I thought the 4th game was dull compared to the rest of the series and a friend of mine even said he'd completely ignore AA5 if they used Apollo again.

I'm pretty sure that's why they are using Wright again. No one really liked Apollo.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
I used to really hate it but now I'm more in the it was pretty meh. Trucy and Apollo had good chemistry and it had some decent music(mostly due to Troupe Garammereye(sp?)). I liked Ema,Hobo Phoenix and most of the supporting cast.THough none of them our particularity memorable. It fails overall due to Apollo's weakness as a lead,he's just another pawn in Phoenix's Batman gambit. Apollo has to be spoon fed answers by everyone and never comes into his own as a character.It leaves the player with any real sense of accomplishment.Also the perceive ability is fairly silly. I'm not saying the magatama wasn't a bit silly but it was implemented better.


New member
May 18, 2011
Yeah, I couldn't really respect Herr Forehead the same way I could Wrighto and Edgey. Plus, the entire flashback with Phoenix, yeah, okay, the guy did have his idiot moments in the past three games, but the Phoenix from the past three games wouldn't do something that idiotic.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
I have a kind of love-hate relationship with that game. It is horrible in sooo many ways, but still kinda fun to play.

Bad traits are:
1: the game holds your hand and NEVER lets go. The first 3 Phoenix Wright-games were actually at times quite challenging, you actually had to pay attention, remember and do the connections themselves. But Apollo Justice takes for granted that the player has the attention span and memory of a 5 year old and CONSTANTLY gives you extremely obvious hints.
Never are you or the character Apollo Justice allowed to figure out the somewhat obvious things, its always another character that tells you and Apollo stands there like an idiot. Everything moves at a snails pace and when you've figured it out you will have to be prepared to wait a long time until the idiot characters also figures out the painfully obvious.

None of the characters remember things said more than 2 minutes ago. As soon as something said before is mentioned the game MUST have a bloody flashback. They literarily have flashbacks to conversationgs just minutes ago, and even though the characters should know it they are like "hmmm yeah I think they mentioned something about that". All the characters in the game suffer from constant amnesia and can never remember anything and the flashbacks are bloody constant.

2: The cases are quite strange and full of holes. I wont go into detail, but many of the cases are quite ridiculous. Especially the serenade-case.

3: Zack Gramoire is a JERK! He is Trucys father, he abandones her indefinately, screws over his partner, then when Phoenix tries to help him he makes a plan with an outside party to swindle Phoenix and beat him at poker. This would have been Phoenix's first loss in 7 years and essentially ruin his livelihood, the livelihood that supports your bloody daughter Zack! Not to mention you are supposed to be friends with Phoenix! Then when the plan fails you actually grab a bottle and hit the girl, Zack is a super-jerk.

4: Phoenix isn't Phoenix. The whole incident with the faked evidence is tenous at best, I have a hard time seeing how he could not get out of it. Then the character is just strange and boring and does not resemble the real Phoenix at all.

Ok I think thats it for now. I am looking forward to Phoenix 5 immensely, but I'm also worried. What if it has the same low standards Apollo did. I recently played Phoenix vs Layton and that game has similarly low thoughts about its players. I just dont want the game to assume that I am a juvenile idiot =(


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Rylee Fox said:
I thought Apollo was an idiot the entire time. He wasn't really able to handle anything himself, always having to rely on everyone else to solve things for him. Sure Phoenix Wright often did that as well, but not all the darn time. I thought the 4th game was dull compared to the rest of the series and a friend of mine even said he'd completely ignore AA5 if they used Apollo again.

I'm pretty sure that's why they are using Wright again. No one really liked Apollo.
Spoiler for the the "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney"

Plus it make sense as the truth about last case of Phoenix Wright was a trap for him to fail.
Now they know Phoenix doesn't used fake evidence, and asked him to take his job back.

As for the game "Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney", it is not a terrible game and of course I like it.
However if we compare this game with the previews ones, it is not.......epic if this is the right word to say......
Even the ending was weak.

But I will admit the first case of the game, was freaking awesome!!!!!!
No one expected this! NO ONE!!! [I mean about the twist]

Aardvark Soup

New member
Jul 22, 2008
I didn't really like the final case of Apollo Justice as well. Luckily there is an excellent fan game called Turnabout Substitution which makes up for it by being an awesome alternative finale. I can really recommend it.