Applying for GameStop


New member
Sep 23, 2009
I know that GameStop is hated around here (to say the very least) and I've heard that as far as employers go, they can either be awesome or awful. Well, I'm going to take my chances and apply there for a job. Even still, it's something that I think I'll enjoy regardless, and hey, it's still better than working at Wal-mart, right?

So, I just wanted to ask you guys: Have you ever worked at a GameStop? What was your experience like?

And here's maybe where you can help me out. Do you know how strict their requirements are for employment? For example, I'm filling out the application and they want to know what systems I know well and while I do know a little bit about Xbox 360, I'm not a guru by any means. Is that going to blow my chances?
(Also, what exactly does "Game Software" mean? I'm sure I'm going to feel stupid once someone tells me, but I'm honestly not sure what they mean by that...)

So, share your experiences and thanks to anyone that's willing to answer my questions!


High Priest of C'Thulhu
Dec 7, 2008
Software is games, for one. And I think when they ask for your knowledge of consoles they just want you to know what games go with which, common issues (such as the red ring of death) and how to hook it up to a television.

And good luck, mate.


New member
May 16, 2009
I just applied there and got hired this week.

Haven't gone in yet, but I know all the guys there since I'm a frequent customer so I thin it'll be fun.

Better than working at that horrible grociery store...ugh.

And it will improve your chances of being hired the more you know about games.

And I also had no clue what to put on the Game Software section, so I just left it blank.


Elite Member
Oct 27, 2009
I'm going to be applying this summer once school is done. I hope it'll be fun, and it's sure to be better than working at a grocery store.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
I've never worked at gamestop but that people ive talked to who worked there were the nicest bunch of people. They were pretty much the only reason I kept going back. The people in xtravision are douchebags. Keep making me get out my fake ID to buy 18+ games


New member
Jan 2, 2009
Chancie said:
I know that GameStop is hated around here (to say the very least) and I've heard that as far as employers go, they can either be awesome or awful. Well, I'm going to take my chances and apply there for a job. Even still, it's something that I think I'll enjoy regardless, and hey, it's still better than working at Wal-mart, right?

So, I just wanted to ask you guys: Have you ever worked at a GameStop? What was your experience like?

And here's maybe where you can help me out. Do you know how strict their requirements are for employment? For example, I'm filling out the application and they want to know what systems I know well and while I do know a little bit about Xbox 360, I'm not a guru by any means. Is that going to blow my chances?
(Also, what exactly does "Game Software" mean? I'm sure I'm going to feel stupid once someone tells me, but I'm honestly not sure what they mean by that...)

So, share your experiences and thanks to anyone that's willing to answer my questions!
I currently work there my boss is cool and the people are usualy great so its well worth it
Apr 28, 2008
Game software is the games themselves.

Consoles = hardware
Games = Software

I tried applying there a few times but never got hired. So instead I got a job at a video rental store that recently rents/buys/sells games.

Its fun.


New member
May 26, 2009
I've tried several times at the one GameStop and even though they know me, being a frequent, customer, i always seem to get the bad luck when it comes to getting a job there.


New member
May 12, 2010
Go for Play n Trade. Where I live they tend to hire more informed individuals. Only drawback is they don't sell PC games.


New member
May 17, 2010
I worked there for 2 years. I had a cool boss and cool coworkers, but the job itself was pretty bad. Pay sucks, discount sucks, and if you're unlucky and get a shitty manager, you're gonna have him, his manager, and his manager's manager breathing down your neck about MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS and GAME RESERVATIONS. I got written up because I didn't get enough of either one week, handed in my two week notice that night, and was told not to bother showing up for my two weeks. I hate the company, but for lack of a better alternative they still receive my business... if Newegg is out of stock.

To answer your other question: not much. General questions you'll field on an average day:
Is this game any good / what do you think of this game... (It sucks)
Can I use my dad/mom/insert distant relative here's credit card? (No)
I don't have my id, but I'm 22, can I buy this? (No, go away, you look 12 anyways.)

More techy questions:
My xbox has red lights on it, what do I do?
Can you explain 780/1080p?
How should I clean my system/screen?
What do I do with a broken/scratched disc? (Have it buffed out at a store that does it, costs like $2, works almost every time)

Overall, I'd recommend that you go for the job if it isn't going to be your main source of income. If it is, work damn hard on getting those subscriptions and reservations. It can be fun, it's not hard work by any means, and you get to meet some EXTREMELY "interesting" people.


New member
May 14, 2008
We're actually forbidden to talk about the company in any way per the employee handbook >.<

But in my 3+ years there, I generally only get 1-2 shifts a week, inconsistently scheduled because the company gives a different amount of hours to each store each week. It's really not reliable for a main source of income unless you're a manager.

And be ready to deal with the STUPIDEST customers and questions of your life. I hate it when I answer the phone and say "...where we buy sell and trade used games for cash or credit" and the person on the other end goes "do you buy back games?" *facepalm* If you have more specific questions, you can PM me.


New member
Mar 29, 2008
OOH PICK ME. I've been working at Gamestop for two years now and actually just got off - GOOD TIMING SIR. Here's what you pretty much have to know in a nutshell-

1. Salesmanship, or, repeating yourself to fifty customers a day like a broken record about the benefits of reserving games and the almight Edge card that makes the world spin, or more recently implemented, GPG's, which are GamePlayGuarantees, a two to three dollar charge that says if you're a total clutz and scratch your games up that the almight and benevolent corporation will give you a new one for free. So you gotta learn to read customers, get in good with them and know what to say to which and why.

....that's actually about it. Show up on time, wear the dress code and pray you get some good coworkers. I love mine, we actually hang out outside of work -except for my SM, he's married with children.-


2. Don't screw up in front of customers. Most are ok if you turn around and say "Sir/Ma'am I'm sorry we don't have this game, could I help you find something else?" But some will say WELL WHY THE HELL NOT THE CASE IS OUT THERE HOW DARE YOU YOU SUB-HUMAN PIECE OF DIRT. Don't drop any specific four letter words that aren't "Edge" or "Oops." Then you get written up.

...3! Getting written up. Just happened to me because I was an hour late when we were slammed and my happy happy manager didn't buy that three tylenol pm's will indeed put you in a 12 hour coma. My fault yes, but my point is that until then I had not been written up, mostly because I just showed up, did my job, and left. So long as you do that, you will be fine.

4. Game knowledge, this is really what it comes down to, because there is a HUEG emphasis on customer service and satisfaction. If you know what you're talking about, know about the games coming out, then you can rack up your reserves and if you say "I got to know all this from this DEEEEE-LIGHTFUL MAGAZINE THAT CAN ALSO SAVE YOU MONEY OH MAI GAWD" then you can get reserves. When you're confident, the customer's confident, and in my and the corporation's eyes, when they're confident, they spend their money on you, you being the company and not you the individual GA (Game Advisor) or as I call us "Floor Maggots." WHICH BRINGS ME TO...

5. ORGANIZATION. You'll do ALOT of filing, ALOT of work alphabetizing the game wall which by the way, the DS wall is F**KED. IRREVOCABLY AND PERMANENTLY F**KED. Depending on where you live, certain people will come in with their little crib midgets to destroy your work. Unfortunately you gotta take it with a smile. But yeah, there's alot of manual labor involved on top of being a corporate drone to the queen bee. Speaking of queen bees,

6. Your manager(s) and You: A Step by Step guide to professional ass-kissing.
You will have a number of managers, being, in this order
-Entry level (you) GA (Game Adviser and all around soldier of the MIGHT GS)
-SGA (Senior Game Adviser - the GA that's paid slightly better and has a key to the store on top of managerial responsibilities.)
-ASM (Assistant Store Manager - A person above an SGA with three times the work)
-SM (Store Manager - The cheese of the store that is responsible for everyone under them that is listed above)
-DM (District Manager - SATAN. Jack the Ripper meets Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy's illegitimate child. Just kidding, they're pretty nice but always busy, I described my last job's DM. He manages the district's stores and doesn't worry about the GA's, usually.)

Anything above that means something has GONE HORRIBLY WRONG. A system is missing, the registers are missing a substantial amount of money, blah blah blah LP issues (Loss Prevention.)

7. FFFFFUUUUUU - The F keys. You'll use them almost exclusively. F5, F1, F12, F9 and F10 will be your best friends.

I wonder if I'm indulging too much information.

That, I think, really is about it. Be nice to customers, know your stuff, and once you get passed taking orders, everything you do is pretty much autonomous and you'll know what to do, like any other job it all just become routine. Then it gets fun. THEN BLACK FRIDAY HAPPENS THAT LEADS INTO THE HOLIDAY SEASON. It's like three months of Normandy beach. If you have any more questions please let me know.

-P.S. Dear Gamestop Manager that browses this website, I love you. I love my company and the games I can rent. I have a wife and five children that are being fed Chef Boyardee's almost exclusively off my paycheck, please don't fire me. :D

-P.P.S. Jk they don't browse this site, I don't think.

-P.P.P.S. I really do enjoy working there, it's fun, it's just having to service customers while you work the back counter and floor. If you have any questions, all of you, please message me and I'll answer to the best of my knowledge.

-P.P.P.P.S To myself, I spun a little humor in there but I do not believe I have indulged any work specific information that is confidential to the company that isn't something you can walk into any GS and find out just by buying something there or having an understanding of any corporation's managerial ladder. By posting this response I believe I am not in violation of any terms per the Gamestop handbook and and in no way present this post as libel or slander against GameStop and it's affiliates and will not answer any explicit questions that are confidential to GameStop employees in any private messages that I am sent if any are present. Again, I love my job and do my best to remain there as an employee. Thank you.