Since when did ballsy mean self aggrandizing pandering? I don't really get the message they are trying to send here other then we need to really real in the pro-gay (but also not gay themselves) anti-gun crowd, but how can we accomplish that without really trying hard.RossaLincoln said:As circulation-generating stunts go, this one is pretty ballsy.
Oh by the way I'm just giving you a heads up on the news, but word on the street is that Batman is going to die next week by being shot in the arctic by poachers while trying to save an openly gay emperor penguin from sliding off of a melting glacier into water that's been polluted by an oil spill. Oh and Batman in this case is gender swapped being played by a strong independent and self assured feminist woman of color who grew up in a neighborhood torn apart by conservative austerity measures and limited access to affordable health care. It is set to be a pretty heart wrenching issue, but it will most likely be clouded by controversy because this new version of Batman is a chain smoker.