Are casual gamers ruining gaming?


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Julianking93 said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
Julianking93 said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
snippy snip snip
Yes, I know casual gaming has been around forever. That's why I said it. Its been around since about the N64 (at least thats when I remember). And no I haven't seen the promo for Natal but I'm sure it shows a family of 4 enjoying a family friendly gaming experience by flailing their arms about like their covered in ants.

I'm not one of those people who thinks that gaming is for hardcore people only but its just kind of annoying to me when I see the Wii trying to act like a baby toy when its developed by one of my favorite developers
But how is it trying to act like a baby toy?
Their games are mostly geared towards families and 5 year old's. Go to a game store and look at all the Wii games. Most of them are shit like Hello Kitty Island Adventure and Barbie Magic Pony Ride
That's called shovelware. It's not being developed by Nintendo, so how can Nintendo really be blamed for it?

Just like you can't blame the Sony for PS2 and PS1 shovelware, you can't really blame Nintendo for Wii shovelware, this is a business after all, and denying games sale when they aren't offensive in any way is silly.

Nintendo's games are geared towards the same demographic they always have. Everyone, young and old.

[small]Note, these are pretty much posted for the sake of it at this point.[/small]

Heart of Darkness

The final days of His Trolliness
Jul 1, 2009
SantoUno said:
Heart of Darkness said:
No, because there is no such thing as casual or hardcore gaming.
Of course there is, well I don't think hardcore is the right word I would rather use dedicated as the term for the so-called hardcore gamers. Casual gaming is real, it's those people that play games every now and then like people who play Guitar Hero/Rock Band and cheap minigames like Wii sports but are not really into playing serious games with lots of innovation and depth for the dedicated gamers like Assassin's Creed and Dragon Age.
Uh, nope. That's YOUR definition. Ask anyone, and your definition of "casual"/"hardcore" gaming is bound to change. These terms do not have a solid definition, like game genres do. Besides, Wii Sports was a pretty innovative title; from what I've heard, DA:O is not, as it's just a standard RPG done right with a superb script and voice acting. Casual and hardcore gaming are, in fact, not real.


New member
Sep 17, 2009
Here is my suggestion, it is the best one evar and all game developers should listen to me. Make game difficulty's actually range from actual practice to hardcore fucking experience. Don't just make health and damage higher,make the actual game more difficult and trade off intuitiveness for higher interactivity.Heres an example with a game i made up in my head-Killword

-Enemies take around 7 seconds to fully lock onto you when you are exposed(Before that they may hit you but after 7 seconds they will hardly miss)
-Maps are linear
-Screen is cluttered with visual aid(map arrow,teamate glow,minimap maybe)

-Enemies will be able to fully lock onto you in just 2 seconds
-Maps are sprawling and have different paths,maybe they are different everytime you play
-There's hardly any visual aid,if it's multiplayer for example instead of instantly knowing where you teamate is you'll both have to communicate

There we go developers,we can turn a game for cybotic gaming androids into a game for your grand mum in just one change of menu option, and it doesn't alienate first time gamers or basically dumb down gameplay


New member
Jul 27, 2009
scaledriver said:
Hiphophippo said:
There are plenty of challenging games out there if that's your thing.
If you can suggest some for PC, 360 ,PS3 I need to expand my library since this year has been pretty lackluster.
You want challenging? Try the new Turok.

If you can beat the pitch-black raptor cave maze level on the first time, you WILL immediately get more manly.

If you can walk past the rocket-shooting spider tank after surviving waves of enemies with missile launchers JUST to grab a grenade launcher, Chuck Norris will be envious of you.


I dunno, actually. My game froze when I did that.

But yeah, new Turok. Hard game.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Julianking93 said:
They're not ruining gaming, they're just annoying.

Don't worry, when the Wii's popularity dies down, so will the casual gamer population and everything will be back to normal. Unless Nintendo decides that they want to make another casual gamer system and continue being another branch of Playschool...
the wii is like the ipod. theyre small, white, TRENDY, and make me hate people.

you also see casual gamers clogging up xbox live and psn too. its just bad.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
NO, stop complaining about them.

They are showing the rest of the world that gaming is harmless fun and not the anti social devil incarnate some people think it is.


New member
Mar 5, 2008
ChromeAlchemist said:
So because they give their core audience what they want, they are abandoning them?
Since when did we want Wii Fit? We wanted a new Zelda game, a new Mario game, a new IP, we wanted them to go back and make Metroid Dread like they said they would so long ago. And we got another casual crap game. It was mildly entertaining, but hardly the experience we've come to expect.

You know what Nintendo did last generation? They gave us a Mario title, a Smash Bros title, 2 Metroid titles (not developed by them but still) a Mario Kart title, a Fire Emblem title, two Pikmin titles and two Zelda titles, with quite a bit more I haven't mentioned.

You know what they did and are doing this generation? They gave us one Mario title and are about to give another, a Smash Bros title, a Metroid title with another coming, a Mario Kart title, a Fire Emblem title, two new IPs (Disaster: Day of Crisis and Takt of Magic, one was given mixed reception and half a Zelda title with another coming, an upcoming pikmin title, and other games coming I haven't mentioned.

Nintendo has been doing this for 20 odd years now. They do it because that's what their audience wants. Considering they never created a new IP that applied to us last generation, does it mean that Nintendo turned their back on their core audience even earlier than this generation?
Last generation was better than this one in terms of Nintendo catering to the hardcore gamer. It is true that they've given us a few good games so far, but even they have largely been dumbed down. Super Mario Galaxy was an amazing game, but everything about it was obscenely casual-friendly and just plain easy compared to past Mario games. Mario Kart Wii was white noise, nothing more than a glorified rehash of past Mario Kart games, with nothing but a mediocre motion control scheme to make it stand out.

Admittedly, if they are making another Pikmin game (assuming you're not thinking of the Wii release of the original), I will be quite happy. But I haven't heard anything about that, now have I ever even heard the names of their alleged new IPs.

So really, not only have they not abandoned the core gamer, but they are in theory giving them more games than they did last generation. Just because they are releasing games for another demographic, it doesn't mean they are abandoning their core demographic, (see above).

This is comparable to a child playing with toys, and it bothers it that there is another child enjoying a separate set of toys he/she doesn't even like. It's silly.
I can see what you're saying here. But I'm not so much saying that they're abandoned the core gamer as they're shifted their focus away from it, to the point where the hardcore gamer is suffering while the casuals are invited to take our old stomping grounds. We are being given some good stuff, but, in the Wii at least, they have started shifting their focus away from us.


New member
May 16, 2009
ChromeAlchemist said:
Julianking93 said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
Julianking93 said:
ChromeAlchemist said:
snippy snip snip
Yes, I know casual gaming has been around forever. That's why I said it. Its been around since about the N64 (at least thats when I remember). And no I haven't seen the promo for Natal but I'm sure it shows a family of 4 enjoying a family friendly gaming experience by flailing their arms about like their covered in ants.

I'm not one of those people who thinks that gaming is for hardcore people only but its just kind of annoying to me when I see the Wii trying to act like a baby toy when its developed by one of my favorite developers
But how is it trying to act like a baby toy?
Their games are mostly geared towards families and 5 year old's. Go to a game store and look at all the Wii games. Most of them are shit like Hello Kitty Island Adventure and Barbie Magic Pony Ride
That's called shovelware. It's not being developed by Nintendo, so how can Nintendo really be blamed for it?

Just like you can't blame the Sony for PS2 and PS1 shovelware, you can't really blame Nintendo for Wii shovelware, this is a business after all, and denying games sale when they aren't offensive in any way is silly.

Nintendo's games are geared towards the same demographic they always have. Everyone, young and old.

[small]Note, these are pretty much posted for the sake of it at this point.[/small]
Very true. All systems/companies are guilty of developing these types of games and if they don't develop it, they're still guilty of letting it on their system, I've just noticed it most on The Wii.

Note that I don't think the Wii is a bad system exactly, but during the time I had it, I only owned 3 games for it (No More Heroes, Zelda, and Metroid). I know that doesn't make it a bad system, but most of the games for it are family and shovel wear.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Just try Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on realistic. Then tell me there are no hard games.
Aug 25, 2009
Yes, but not for long. since this is just a trend, when it runs its course the casual gamers will decrease, money will stop flowing into the coffers and developers will start making actual games and write the Wii off completely. Whenever anything gets mainstream it takes a few years of utter drivel, then returns to a slightly elevated normal, as the casual gamers who remain will begin to get more discerning.

When you start, you're always a casual gamer, it's just that with the Wii and XBox there has been a massive influx of casuals, rather than the usual handful. (relatively speaking.)


New member
May 16, 2009
Julianking93 said:
They're not ruining gaming, they're just annoying.

Don't worry, when the Wii's popularity dies down, so will the casual gamer population and everything will be back to normal. Unless Nintendo decides that they want to make another casual gamer system and continue being another branch of Playschool...
the wii is like the ipod. theyre small, white, TRENDY, and make me hate people.

you also see casual gamers clogging up xbox live and psn too. its just bad.
Great analogy. Although I haven't seen much casual gamers on Live or PSN (most likely because I am 99.999999999% of the time a strictly single player gamer) but mostly elitest assholes whom I hate even more than casual gamers.

Seriously, half the people who "T-Bag" me in CoD are 12 year olds who don't know what T-bag actually means.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Julianking93 said:
Very true. All systems/companies are guilty of developing these types of games and if they don't develop it, they're still guilty of letting it on their system, I've just noticed it most on The Wii.

Note that I don't think the Wii is a bad system exactly, but during the time I had it, I only owned 3 games for it (No More Heroes, Zelda, and Metroid). I know that doesn't make it a bad system, but most of the games for it are family and shovel wear.
I have 20 plus games I love that aren't at all family oriented or shovelware, but obviously our tastes vary somewhat.

Thaius said:
Since when did we want Wii Fit? We wanted a new Zelda game, a new Mario game, a new IP, we wanted them to go back and make Metroid Dread like they said they would so long ago. And we got another casual crap game. It was mildly entertaining, but hardly the experience we've come to expect.
we didn't want Wii fit at all. When I said we were being given what we wanted, I meant games in general that have and are coming. We are getting more titles than we did last generation, and they are titles the core gaming set seems to want.

Last generation was better than this one in terms of Nintendo catering to the hardcore gamer. It is true that they've given us a few good games so far, but even they have largely been dumbed down. Super Mario Galaxy was an amazing game, but everything about it was obscenely casual-friendly and just plain easy compared to past Mario games. Mario Kart Wii was white noise, nothing more than a glorified rehash of past Mario Kart games, with nothing but a mediocre motion control scheme to make it stand out.

Admittedly, if they are making another Pikmin game (assuming you're not thinking of the Wii release of the original), I will be quite happy. But I haven't heard anything about that, now have I ever even heard the names of their alleged new IPs.
They are making another Pikmin. Miyamoto said it himself in the Nintendo roundtable when the Zelda concept art was shown.

And I'll be damned if a casual player can collect all of the stars and hidden elements to that game. That's what makes it for everyone. I agree that Mario Kart was watered down despite the good online, but this generation is far from watered down and casual friendly in general, NSMBW being an example, among others.

And Mario Kart: Double Dash!! was a good game, but it was also the worst Mario Kart game to be made so far. Just thought I'd say that much.

I can see what you're saying here. But I'm not so much saying that they're abandoned the core gamer as they're shifted their focus away from it, to the point where the hardcore gamer is suffering while the casuals are invited to take our old stomping grounds. We are being given some good stuff, but, in the Wii at least, they have started shifting their focus away from us.
The "hardcore gamer" can never suffer when games are still challenging. Smash Bros is still challenging (obviously, it's competitive), so is SMG, so is NSMBW, Fire Emblem, while the new ones have been easier in general, the latest one is more challenging, and I could go on but...

A real hardcore gamer finds challenge in most of these games one way or another. That's how speedruns and other things were invented. But I digress.

Their focus can't have shifted away from us if we're getting more good stuff than before, and more games geared towards us than casual gamers are getting. I see what you're saying in terms of some games being more accessible, and you don't like this, but this is minor. Nintendo's "demo play" is even evidence that games won't be getting easier.


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
Susan Arendt said:
Let me see if I understand the question: Is the influx of new players, thus adding more money and visibility to the industry, ruining gaming?

Uh, no.

There are still plenty of games out there with more than enough challenge for the super hardcore. Making games accessible to a wider variety of players is not a bad thing. The more people playing, the better.
I think the "casuals are ruining gaming" thing is just another iteration of the "NO GIRLZ ALOWD" mentality, they're afraid of getting cooties from the Different People.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
Daffanka said:
Blimey said:
So whats a "casual" gamer? I play games every now and then, but not every night. Does that make a a "casual" gamer? When I do play a game, its usually things like Oblivion, Modern Warfare, Battlefield...pretty much anything with action/adventure. Does that make me hardcore? I just don't really understand what a "casual gamer" is. Is it one who doesn't play video games often, or is it the type of games they play?
A casual gamer is someone who plays x less than you and is x worse than you. A hardcore gamer with no life plays x more than you and is x better than you. It's a pretty simple system.
Ahh that's simple. I guess this means I'm down at the bottom of the gaming food-chain. Probably somewhere between "Cannon fodder" and "Stares down his own fucking gun-barrel."


Man of many Ideas
May 22, 2009


New member
Dec 11, 2008
I agree with the fact that there are challenging games for those that look. I mean anything with a difficulty setting can be brought to an insanely hard, controller throwing difficulty if not immediately then after the game is beaten once. Personal favorites include Halo games, God of War II, Resident Evil 5.