Are gamers "nicer" people?


New member
Nov 27, 2009
No, I suspect you're simply getting along with people similar to yourself. You like games, they like games, you get along.

I'll point out that the gaming community is a very shielded community, we're very against people trying to join in with us, which often makes us look really rather dickish to people.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
D Moness said:
Aprilgold said:
Fappy said:
PC gamers tend to invest more in their hobby simply due to the relative effort it takes compared to that of a console gamer. It's really no surprise that they would probably be a bit more friendly to their own. I am both and in my experience this statement holds true. I would not however say that gamers are generally nicer people.
I agree to this as well. Since its easy to get a console, your more likely to find people who are dicks because the gate of entry is lower. And the fact that people hold no power on actual banning of people from certain servers. And the fact that consoles do shit all for banning.

I guess you can say PC gaming has a nicer crowd because their allowed to weed people out by themselves, without big daddy manufacturer getting involved.
Yeah and a lot of PC gamers let that fact get to their heads and think they are better gamers because they belong to the "master race of gamers" because they play on a pc and look down on console gamers.
I look down on consoles because they use ****** and ****** like fucking hello. No, I don't look down on the system, its the loud vocal minority who use ****** and ****** and gay and ***** and shit and **** and fuck and many more because its their equal of a fucking hello.

Having a higher gate of entry that is actually mechanical can make the difference in keeping people like that out. I also don't have to wait 50 blinding days of pure rage over the fact they wouldn't refund me after my account got hacked and someone bought 90$ worth of shit on it. Hell, lets drop pretenses here, Console guys defend their platform because they had to spend money to get it, its simple consumerism at work. Its like when something claims to be cooler then Y, so they defend X likes its the best thing in the world. Same with PC, its the same consumerism at work there too.

Hell, but I do enjoy PC's because consoles burned me enough that I just dropped it and went to Steam, which is a magical land where the players can actually sort rift raff out by themselves, without Daddy Valve getting involved.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
True gamers? It doesn't matter if you only play a F2P shooter or buy every AAA game that comes up, you're still a gamer.

Gamers are people, and like people some are nice and some are not. We're not any worse or better than any other group of people.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
So in other words, in order for you to decide gamers are nicer people, you have to No True Scotsman the heck out of the definition of "gamer".

And then try to generalize all gamers based on high school kids.

I'd offer up trade chat on any WoW server you like or an afternoon playing any FPS on XBL to combat "must be nicer" perceptions of PC gamers or console gamers, respectively, or the "Fat, Ugly, or Slutty" website (that catalogs asshole behavior against women who game), but I have a feeling you'll say they're not "real" gamers in the first place.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
Aprilgold said:
D Moness said:
Aprilgold said:
Fappy said:
PC gamers tend to invest more in their hobby simply due to the relative effort it takes compared to that of a console gamer. It's really no surprise that they would probably be a bit more friendly to their own. I am both and in my experience this statement holds true. I would not however say that gamers are generally nicer people.
I agree to this as well. Since its easy to get a console, your more likely to find people who are dicks because the gate of entry is lower. And the fact that people hold no power on actual banning of people from certain servers. And the fact that consoles do shit all for banning.

I guess you can say PC gaming has a nicer crowd because their allowed to weed people out by themselves, without big daddy manufacturer getting involved.
Yeah and a lot of PC gamers let that fact get to their heads and think they are better gamers because they belong to the "master race of gamers" because they play on a pc and look down on console gamers.
I look down on consoles because they use ****** and ****** like fucking hello. No, I don't look down on the system, its the loud vocal minority who use ****** and ****** and gay and ***** and shit and **** and fuck and many more because its their equal of a fucking hello.

Having a higher gate of entry that is actually mechanical can make the difference in keeping people like that out. I also don't have to wait 50 blinding days of pure rage over the fact they wouldn't refund me after my account got hacked and someone bought 90$ worth of shit on it. Hell, lets drop pretenses here, Console guys defend their platform because they had to spend money to get it, its simple consumerism at work. Its like when something claims to be cooler then Y, so they defend X likes its the best thing in the world. Same with PC, its the same consumerism at work there too.

Hell, but I do enjoy PC's because consoles burned me enough that I just dropped it and went to Steam, which is a magical land where the players can actually sort rift raff out by themselves, without Daddy Valve getting involved.
There's just as many people like that on PC though. The "higher gate of entry" COULD make a difference, but don't forget that for some people, the cost of the computer's the only concern. And they already have a computer most likely. It sends a bit of a mixed message when you include fuck in the words they use for hello, when you yourself say it multiple times. I don't believe consoles are the best thing in the world.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
While I know that there are plenty of nice people who happen to be gamers, we are most certainly not a nicer people than others.

Pretty much every forum I've been on, (including this one) has had it's fair share of elitists, sociopaths, assholes, and overall jerks. Including myself on certain occasions.

Not every gamer is like that though thankfully.


New member
Dec 30, 2011
games don't make people more of an ass hole, there are nice people who play games and nice people who don't play games
May 5, 2010
Wow. Before I get the subject of this topic, I feel compelled to analyze just how nonsensical the OP is. Buckle up, kids, it's time for some over-analytical, nitpicking bullshit fun!
Kyle1527 said:
I know, your going to laugh. But perhaps the question is not so much gamers, but "nerds". Now, I know these are HUGE spectrums with many different definitions but I am going to try and make a point.

Now for me, this is all personal experience, but I want to know what YOU think. A "true" gamer for me is someone who doesn't just play one genre of commonly played mainstream games, it's someone who plays and tries out a variety of new games and platforms. Now I would say most people on The Escapist are definitely true gamers, considering the chavs on Xbox Live probably don't even know what a forum is.
Well, why does it matter if they go on forums or not? Your very own defintion of a "true gamer" (there is no such thing, by the way) only requires that the person in question play games of a variety of genres, on a variety of consoles. Even by your arbitrary definition, forums have nothing to do with anything.

For example, most people who I have met on Xbox Live are complete dicks, this is understandable as the Xbox 360 is more of a casual gaming experience and pretty much anyone can pick up the mic and chat shit.

However, I've had Steam for a few weeks now and I have made friends with some really cool people - none of them seem to be dicks at all (0/31). Now this isn't really a valid comparison, but honestly I feel like these are the type of people who in a real life situation e.g. Them seeing someone getting mugged would help out regardless of their physical strength.
OK, hold the fuck up! What the flying hell does MUGGING have to do with anything??!! You're talking about people you've chatted with over the internet, and you already feel comfortable judging how they react in a real-life crisis situation?! For fuck's sake, I doubt I could make that kind of judgement with any authority about people I've known for YEARS. And anyway, you're right. It's NOT a valid comparison. Even if everyone you met online was channeling Ghandi, that wouldn't say anything about the general gaming population, casual or otherwise. All it would prove is that you met some nice people on the internet. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now my comparison is the general public of Great Britain. I go to a High School in England and I can say 90% of the people in my school would just walk by or maybe run away in fear that they would get mugged- because they aren't 'nice' people.
Actually, you can't say that. For several reasons.
Glad you asked. First of all, unless there's under, say, 100 people in your school, I seriously doubt that you know every last one of them all that well. There are likely hundreds of kids who you haven't even MET attending your high school. And again, judging how someone would react to a nearby mugging is not like guessing "cat or dog person". It's a pretty big statement, and you should really get to know someone before you make it. And anyway, even ignoring all that, your high school is NOT the general public of Great Britain, thank god.

All of the "Gamers" in my school under Year 11(11th Grade in America?) are shit talking tryhards who play nothing but Call of Duty and Fifa, who go on the mic and belt insults at people they don't like. However, in Year 11 there are some pretty nerdy kids who also have some pretty beefy computers and they are actually pleasant individuals, who actually don't talk shit on voice chat and have marginal gaming skill.

So, in your experience are gamers nicer people?
Oh, this one just makes me laugh. It's so perfect, I felt the need to bold it. You say "belt insults at people they don't like" like it's this horrible thing, while AT THE EXACT SAME TIME, YOU ARE BELTING INSULTS AT PEOPLE YOU DON'T LIKE. The irony is just....Ah. It's just great. Thank you for that. AND WE AREN'T EVEN DONE. All you're saying here is that "Some people who play casual games are dicks, while some of the more hardcore gamers are nice." While this statement is technically true, it has absolutely no relevance behind it, as the statement "Some casual gamers are nice people, while some of the more hardcore gamers are dicks" is every bit as valid. Because some people are dicks, and some people aren't. But whether you're a dick or not has absolutely nothing to do with what kind of videogames you enjoy.

TLDR: Whether you're a dick or not has nothing to do with what kind of videogames you enjoy.


New member
May 25, 2010
hazabaza1 said:
Every game on every platform ever will have a massive amount of cunts in it.
And before ya'll start going "what about PC gaming?" just go look at the MOAB scene.
Yep. The MOBA scene for PC games is like the CoD scene for consoles, but much worse.

And this comes from an avid player of both. Most people you encounter on CoD or Halo are just silent. But you're lucky to find someone on any MOBA game who isn't constantly insulting everyone.

Maybe we're "Nicer" in real life (though I doubt it,) but we're certainly not that nice online.
Apr 2, 2009
In my experience,gamers and nerds aren't nicer, or meaner, people. The fact you haven't really noticed many that aren't nice means you hang around with the right people.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Just like with everyone else.
There are 2 types of people, nice people, rude people and the people in between.
Then there are 2 types of gamers, nice gamers, rude gamers and the gamers in between.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
some of them yeah you got the shit heads with mics but some gamers are really nice people all of my friends are gamers and I rarely see trolling on the Escapist.

Lost In The Void

When in doubt, curl up and cry
Aug 27, 2008
Adam Jensen said:
Real gamers are in most cases introverts. Introverts don't give a fuck and are more intellectually mature then extroverts who just wanna party and play multiplayer CoD with their friends while Limp Bizkit is playing something stupid in the background.
Well nice to know that because I'm an extrovert I don't get to be intellectually mature. Oh well guess that just means more beer for me right?

Seriously I don't get this stigma; the stereotypical nerd is socially awkward and so anyone with social skills becomes a jock douche who drinks all the time and plays COD with all his friends with a gamertag like l337c0ck or something?

Let me blanket state something now so that we're even. Its bullshit statements like this that make me think that nerds are just as much assholes as any other social label you cite.

Here's my profile link in case you want to see what I play on Steam and XBL to argue that I'm not a real gamer just for you [].

Fuck sakes and people think the jocks are the douchebags...


New member
Nov 22, 2011
I've had my fair share of good and bad, but mostly I find off-line people better. But that could be cause the online interactions are from DN and COD - lots of bad experiences there for me - but I still play. Guess I'm a sucker

Metalix Knightmare

New member
Sep 27, 2007
Zhukov said:
I rather doubt it.

If gamers/nerds really are nicer people on average then it's only because they lack the requisite self-confidence to be dicks.
Pretty much this. You get us in a chatroom and your average nerd will very quickly become one of THE biggest dirtbags you will ever meet.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
It's a more extreme position than I usually take, but I've a theory that a "true" gamer really is less likely to be a dick, not because of any inherent "nice" behavior, but because of having greater patience. I believe that video games are a good way to teach someone patience, by having them deal with failure over and over. After all, anyone willing to continue playing in spite of
is going to be someone who doesn't fly off the handle at minor obstacles like someone acting in an annoying way.