are gunblades plausible


New member
Sep 11, 2008
i personaly think that if you got say a bolt action rifle or something and stuck a sword on it in the right way it would work. or you could make a count duku shaped sword hollow out the middle and then put a gun in the center (mythbusters did it with an umbrella)


New member
Feb 27, 2009
Yes they are plausible, bayonetted rifles are kinda gunblades. If you'd improve that you could put a bigger blade a bit more back and itd be very efficient in melee.

Sir Ollie

The Emperor's Finest
Jan 14, 2009
At this day and age who needs gunblades? 50 years from now when you get bipedal metal gears walking around a gunblade is going to do nothing.

Samurai Goomba

New member
Oct 7, 2008
It's called a bayonet, I believe. There are a variety of styles, some of which are basically knives or small swords stuck to the end (but away from the barrel) of the rifle.

A game called Darkwatch came up with some fun designs featuring gunblades if you wanna check those out. Generally speaking, however, swinging a sword and firing a gun aren't two tasks which tend to complement each other. You also have to take weight into account. The heavier the blade the more lopsided the gun, which impacts accuracy. Even if they could balance the gun out again, it'd be much heavier.

Xaryn Mar

New member
Sep 17, 2008
It would work until someone parries and then your barrel would be slightly bent unless it is a very heavy blade that is and then you wouldn't be able to aim with the gun part :)


New member
Dec 25, 2008
We call "swords attached to guns" "bayonets".

And no, a longsword on a pistol grip is not going to work. Thats just a dumb idea (which, I'm sure as many people will point out, has probably been talked to death).

headshotcatcher said:
Yes they are plausible, bayonetted rifles are kinda gunblades. If you'd improve that you could put a bigger blade a bit more back and itd be very efficient in melee.
Not very likely. It makes it hard(er) to maneuver the rifle, especially when fighting in close quarters, like in trenches or clearing a building.


New member
May 18, 2009
gunblades like in FF8 are useless. the recoil will move the weapon before the bullet leaves the damn thing. get a bayonet and a mosint nagant, that'll kick ass

Sir Ollie

The Emperor's Finest
Jan 14, 2009
RAKtheUndead said:
Ollie596 said:
50 years from now when you get bipedal metal gears walking around a gunblade is going to do nothing.
And 50 years from now, when we have autonomous UAVs armed with dozens of high-explosive bombs, those bipedal mecha are just going to get knocked over. Actually, a modern helicopter could easily wipe the floor with a mecha, and the bipedal design adds nothing except weight and complexity in the guise of gyroscopic components.
But....mecha's are cool, I see your point though.

Syntax Error

New member
Sep 7, 2008
The Gunblade is not a bayonet.
It's a gun that's also a sword at the same time. Unfortunately, it's prone to fail at being a gun. I'm pretty sure I read an article about this somewhere...

Note that for you to use a gun with any sort of efficiency, you'd probably need to aim it. Holding it like a handgun would be too unwieldy, since the weight of the blade makes the front end too heavy (unless said blade is made of ultra-light, but ultra strong and durable, probably forged by UltraJoe). You probably could, given enough arm strength, or if your target is not all that far. But if that's the case, you'll probably do more damage if you just slash him. Plus, you can't aim it like you would a gun that is held by two hands (like a rifle or shotgun).


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Nothing like shooting a generic bad-guy in the face and then stabbing their partner with a searing hot blade.

/FF is crap.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Holy christ how many of you people are going on about 'what a Gunblade is' but your so far from the truth? (extreme geek mode = on)
A gunblade in ff8 does not shoot a bullet at all. When you pull the trigger, it causes a reverberation down the sword giving the sword strike extra damadge. That's all.

In that sence, no they arn't plausable because while it does add extra force to the strike theoretically, unless your really strong and able to hold the sword firmly the whole way, you will lose grip of it and things will go tits up.


Apr 24, 2008
Syntax Error said:
(unless said blade is made of ultra-light, but ultra strong and durable, probably forged by UltraJoe).
I'm of the opinion that a gun built into a blade is nowhere near as devastating as a Gun Built Into A Gun

I suppose you could make it spiky, if anything needed clubbing after you opened fire on it with that. Cthulhu, perhaps.


Elite Member
Sep 19, 2008
Well... not to be a nerd.. but the Gunblade (as shown in FF8) does not shoot.

It shoots "itself" and uses this charge to vibrate, to widen and deepen the wounds. So yes, the Gunblade is really a VIBROBLADE.

Also, like many people already posted: People built pistoles into nearly anything, Maces, Swords, Canes... so why not? having a gun AND something to bludgeon people semms ok for me *g*.