Are modern console killing Final Fantasy?


New member
Apr 21, 2009
I don't feel that the newer systems and more advanced technology is killing FF. I believe that FF, like any concept, is an orange. You can only make so many glasses of juice with an orange and the FF orange was ripe and large. It produced many cold fresh glasses of juice.(Nine to be exact lol),but S-E started filling the glasses with water partially to fill the rest of the glass, hence the 10 hours of cut scenes in every recent FF game. It is time for S-E to pick a new orange. Its hard to make a game with the same basic concept over and over again.


New member
Dec 15, 2009
AmzRigh said:
FFXI, an atrocity? Clearly you haven't played it. The plot may not quite stand up to its brethren (though it far exceeds most MMOs in that respect), but the world is just so vibrant and alive. The world of Vana'diel is deeper and more fully realized than any other Final Fantasy.
Oh no, I have played it, much to my chagrin.

The amount of grinding required to do anything in this game is mind numbing and hearken back to old mmorpg design that were already getting stale when FFXI was released. It's practically an insult to human dignity.

The combat system was barely one... you'd wait for your long ass timer to actually cycle throught so you could do something or wait for your TP bar to fill up so you could do something. And when that timer is full, better not mistime thing or you'll miss your skillchain... the excitment was almost to much to bear /scarcasm. The amount of waiting in FFXI was incredible, and even combat didn't stop it from happening - heck, combat was all about sitting in a corner and waiting for someone to pull a monster - freaking fascinating. Speaking of waiting... nothing more fun than missing the Jeuno boat and having to wait 30 minutes for it to come back.

Systems wise, S-E had no clue what they were doing - the ninja ended up being the greatest tank despite him being designed as debuff/dps. The Beastmaster was designed has a solo-ing class, and than penalised for his good solo-ing abilities.

Don't even get me started on zoning time, travel time, the whole 'alt for mule' thing which actually cost real money and was made necessary by level capped content, the endless need for gils, the imbalanced classes design, the poorly thought out way Dynamis and other end game activity worked (Nothing more fun than having that 1 week timer monster stolen from you by another linkshell because of a provoke bug! If you thought WoW drama was bad...), the joke that was Sky and Sea, the fact that gear progression being linear means that it all doesn't really matter, etc.

While the zones were beautiful, most of them were fairly emtpy except for some monsters (no npcs to interact with) and most of them were useless - if the zone wasn't a good grind spot, you'd be lucky to ever see a soul in there.

Not to mention that FFXI recycled it's zone shamelessly... you'd do 1-18, than restart a subjob up to 1-33, than go back to your main job up to 75 (assuming you didn't want to have one of the special job) - this mean you'll see the same zone over and over again until you finally broke out of the slump at around level 35. And what more, Genkai, story based mission and so on usually made you go back to the same zone over and over again, except everytime you'd go in a bit deeper.

It had a beautiful setting, a good story (if you can get beyond the fact that you only get tiny morsels of it every hundred of hours of gameplay - why play the game when you can watch the entire story on you tube really...), but everything else it did wrong.

I have heard that it improved itself greatly once WoW came out and the servers started emptying themselves, but I was long gone by then.


New member
Dec 15, 2009
FFXI is everything that is wrong with MMO in a nice package. So I'd say hell no.

Sehnsucht Engel

New member
Apr 18, 2009
Xabekrn said:
I don't feel that the newer systems and more advanced technology is killing FF. I believe that FF, like any concept, is an orange. You can only make so many glasses of juice with an orange and the FF orange was ripe and large. It produced many cold fresh glasses of juice.(Nine to be exact lol),but S-E started filling the glasses with water partially to fill the rest of the glass, hence the 10 hours of cut scenes in every recent FF game. It is time for S-E to pick a new orange. Its hard to make a game with the same basic concept over and over again.
I agree with this. They should try something new.


Wing Commander
Jul 27, 2009
Jazoni89 said:
No because all of the talent that was in square left and founded mistwalker.

Now that's the straight forward reason why final fantasy sucks nowadays.
Exactly, Lost Odyssey is a Final Fantasy in everything but name, and it's excellent.

The people at S-E are complaining that it's impossible to make a Final Fantasy-style game with towns and a world map because the technology is so good it'd take too long to make.

Lost Odyssey is proof that S-E is just incompetent.


What's the frequency, Wishbone?
Dec 9, 2010
The grind in FFXI is so much less these days. I mean, you can go from 30 to 70 in a day now. It's kinda ridiculous. Plus, they've been rebalancing all the classes to work the way they'd originally intended, Ninja included. Sure, it can still be a blink-tank, but a blink-tank isn't nearly as useful as it used to be, at least at high levels.

The addition of Aht Urghan was pretty incredible. Added a lot of variety to the world. Whitegate is still probably my favorite city.

I guess it's clear from my previous post that having a deep and interesting world is one of the most important parts of an MMO for me. The way I see it, if a place doesn't interest me, why would I want to go there? And Vana'diel greatly interests me. When I found the quest In An Explorer's Footsteps, I was drawn in, and the world hasn't stopped being interesting to me since.

[EDIT] Dang, this thread is moving fast...


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Netrigan said:
Movies have the same problem. Too many directors throw in these big, over-the-top CGI spectacles, even though the unreality of the effects hampers immersion. Meanwhile, better directors are using the same tools to make incredible movies. Not every scene needs a star wipe.
I agree, Tim Burton is destroying himself.

Square Enix is to video games what Tim Burton is to movies.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Tarkand said:
In short, FF were better game when they had to work within the confine of limited technology. Now that 'the sky is the limit' and they can go crazy with 25 disk per games... the game have dropped off greatly in quality (IMO anyway).
Blame the devs for that, not the tech. The tech isn't forcing them to do anything, they can go crazy, but they don't have to, and the fact that they do is their own fault and no-one else's. Or maybe the consumer is to blame too, for apparently buying enough of the apparently crappy new FF's to justify the making of new crappy-new-fangled-FF's.


New member
Sep 28, 2009
Naw, modern consoles are trying to adapt Final Fantasy to better use the new levels of technology they have to give, other wise its a wait making a game using a engine designed for old technology on a modern console with more to offer. for now I believe there just testing the waters for what they can use.


Wing Commander
Jul 27, 2009
Tarkand said:
FFXI is everything that is wrong with MMO in a nice package. So I'd say hell no.
You're so right. It's the only game I've ever played that made me so bored I literally ran around in circles just to be doing something. Never again, MMOs, never again.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I think Square Ennix is the sole responsible for the "death" of Final Fantasy. I think they need to get in touch with the fans, know what they want and take their time to adjust that to their creative sensibilities.
Bold steps must be taken into a new direction (so it doesnt get stale) but they must maintain what made the series great...charismatic protagonists, epic conflict, a diverse world where you can go ANYWHERE you want ANYTIME you want. Also...they must be mindful of who they choose regarding the voice actors. Voice (when associated with good dialogue) can be a great element to convey emotion and personality. They dont need outstanding graphics to do that.


Oct 6, 2009
I'm going to go with the consensus here and say they are killing themselves, it kind of goes hand in hand with what I believe is the flaw of a lot of games (NOT ALL) that come from japan now a days, they aim to put all these amazing things in a game. Like, a crafting system, a guild, amazing graphics, and when it's all said and done, I feel like I'm watching the most beautiful 1st grade level representation of Shakespeare. Nice to look at, not so great to listen to or be a part of, it's almost painful to watch honestly.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
warm slurm said:
Jazoni89 said:
No because all of the talent that was in square left and founded mistwalker.

Now that's the straight forward reason why final fantasy sucks nowadays.
Haha, pretty much, really. Lost Odyssey is 100x better than Final Fantasy XIII.
I never got the leveling system in Lost Odyssey so I got stuck on that FUCKING army that they throw in after a double boss fight near the start which i've heard is a supposed to lose fight anyway so why should it matter if i lose? Shame i sensed a decent story in there

And say what you like about FF, it can never be truly terrible (just quite bad XD) as it created this