Are my fears of Dota well founded?


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Be worried. I think of myself of as rather kind and forgiving usually. Dota however turns me into a scumbag and it makes me feel horrible after. It's primarily because I play video games to wind down and have fun and in dota when another person is just feeding and is the whole reason you're losing... after a stressful day you can snap. I feel like you need to be pretty thick skinned to play any game where there's team pvp. If you dont like dealing with people's horrid attitudes (and there is no reason you should!) you might wanna avoid this. I will say that the dota community is miles ahead of the league of legends community as far being friendlier. But that doesn't say much...


New member
Jun 3, 2011
Worgen said:
You wont really start meeting asses till you get higher rank, at low levels no one really expects anyone to be good, or at least that was how league worked back when I first started playing it. Really if you want a moba type game, I would suggest smite, I found it much easier to play and get into that a normal one. Smite is 3rd person and feels a bit more like a shooter.
THIS. i love smite with a burning passion because it has a more mellow community and it plays a bit like dragon age II (although that may be off putting). because you control your character in smite with WASD, you can strafe and backpedal while attacking, which i find makes it much easier than the cumbersome point and click system that DoTA 2 and LOL use.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Yes. More so than any other MOBA in fact. Not because it's more competitive or that the people are bigger jerks (none of those are the case). It's because the matchmaking as some serious problems and might cause you to get put into a game against players of a much higher skill level. Honestly though, from what I've experienced, the community is actually friendlier than LoL (not saying that they're actually nice or anything) so once (if ever) they get their matchmaking sorted out, you shouldn't have as much fear of getting into it.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Ryhzuo said:
Worgen said:
You wont really start meeting asses till you get higher rank, at low levels no one really expects anyone to be good, or at least that was how league worked back when I first started playing it. Really if you want a moba type game, I would suggest smite, I found it much easier to play and get into that a normal one. Smite is 3rd person and feels a bit more like a shooter.
This is incorrect, the reality is the exact opposite.

Lower skill brackets are all filled with trolls, smurfs, immature kids and people who rage at everything but don't have the faintest idea what they're doing. Most of these people are stuck in low priority matchmaking because they leave too many games or get reported too often.

Once you get to higher brackets, most people are pretty nice about it. There's no real Elo so people don't really care as much about their W/L and are just playing to have fun. It also depends on which server you play on at which time of the day. Try to avoid after highschool hours if you can.
The only way to win a moba, is not to play, they are fucken hives of rage. Moba's breed rage, it is their currency and the only way to save yourself is to not play. They are a trap, an insidious trap. Who ever set the trap is the most evil person around, they give you such a high for winning, but they will cause the desire for murder and mayhem when you lose.