Are you actually good at gaming?


New member
Jul 31, 2008
I make it my mission to play every game on the hardest setting and try to 100% it. There are tons of games that I am still working on. It doesn't mean I'm good though, I just keep playing and getting killed or game overs till I get it done. I am yet to not beat a game and give up, some just take longer then others. Games like COD and Halo (big mainstream titles) are always easy even on hard so there is no challenge there, but then I pick up something like Super Meat Boy and then I remember why I love playing games, I love a challenge.

I suck balls if you give me a shooter with the controller. I used to be really good when COD4 came out, then my Xbox died and I just went back to playing shooters exclusively on my PC (unless they aren't available). The only things controllers are good for is Madden, NHL and driving games.

Also I dont understand football (soccer for you American folk) games and I have never once picked up a Rugby game even though I like it. Also Boxing my eyes its pointless. Its like street fighter without moving around. Two hairy shirtless men stood sweating while hitting each other with padded gloves on? A little bit perverted to me. Oh and MMA games, again two dudes rolling round on the floor, thats sex not a sport.

My best friend has been gaming since he was about 7 (now 22) and he still plays on easy, I told him to try normal and he just sucked. I guess its not about how long you've been playing. He cannot master twin stick controllers either, he moves, then stops, then looks around. Its sad to watch.


New member
Dec 18, 2009
I know I'm below average, I usually struggle on Hard Difficulties, I have a like 1:4 K:D ratio in most FPS games... though to be fair I seemingly lag a lot more than normally would be seen as acceptable, makes sniping impossible because the scope teleports around instead of swaying...

I really only seem to excel in driving games... well NFS like games not Grand Turismo.

Titan Buttons

New member
Apr 13, 2011
Yeah, I can pick up any game type after a few hours and be good at it. Except for guitar hero, I never got passed medium. I almost always beat my friends and I've one a game competition once, got some free concert tickets :)


New member
Oct 15, 2009
I'm pretty crap at racing games that aren't similar to mario cart but I'm pretty good with some shooter's I'd say it differs from game to game.


New member
Jul 3, 2011
I just completed everything in F-zero Gx 2 hours ago(took me about 4 years XD ), and that's another way of saying: FUCK YE I'm great in games
But I completely suck in fps (probably couse I don't think they're fun..), not really good in rts(although I do really enjoy playing them) and I'm no star in normal racing games aswell


New member
Sep 26, 2009
I'm fairly good at a majority of FPSs, namely TF2. Games like sports and racing games -- no, I just don't get them that well, RTSs I usually always never get all the way through since if I mess up I'll just restart, everything else I'm very meh.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
I'm not a terrible game player and given enough chance to understand the fundementals of the game and time to make sure I'm not missing anything really obvious, I can be quite good at them.


New member
Mar 18, 2011
I'm decent at games, I'm not sure what my strengths and weaknesses are, but I'm pretty good at platformers, third-person shooters, RPGs and I do well in brawlers and hack 'n' slash games.

I haven't compared myself that much to others with my gaming experiences, but on a few occasions when playing against some mates in smash bros. they always talk about how good they are before hand, like how they have never lost and I might be a challenge to them, I then kick their arses, but I rarely win a round in a FPS.


New member
Apr 12, 2010
I mostly play Minecraft (I make a lot of crazy redstone shit) however that can't really be judged, and Team Fortress 2, where I primarily play scout and have a 2.85 kd (4.5 pd) ratios. So I'm good at team fortess 2


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I'm pretty good to be fair. I will always beat the campaign and I win online at almost every match in many games.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
Mixed bag.

I suck at 3rd person shooters, sports games and racing games.

I'm pretty average at RTS's, rhythm games and platformers.

I'm pretty good at MOBA's and 1st person shooters.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Well yes.
Not exceptional.

But I am quite a bit better than most of my friends without effort.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I am in fact, The God of Mario Kart Double Dash.


New member
Dec 16, 2007
Only driving games. I only play on simulation settings without any help and with hardest AI, everything else, I'm perfectly fine with normal, or even easy if it'n an RPG (especially if it's an RPG).


New member
Sep 18, 2009
I've never really taken up multiplayer gaming, so i'm not sure how i'm at that. But having played single-player for 20+ years i have become good at it. I can tackle the highest difficulty setting of just about all modern SP games without too much difficulty. This is partly because games have become less punishing and the skill that were developed playing games in the 80s & 90s become overkill these days.


New member
Nov 8, 2009
I'll make games look easy IF i like the game

Monster Hunter is a great example. most of the games are pretty rediculous; but the game more or less hands you a stick and says: "kill that giant fucker."

if you've played a lost planet, you know exactly what i mean.

Hard(er) settings on FPS'es aren't too bad, if you have time to kill.

JRPG's are more or less my playing ground; i'll throw it on the hardest setting, because it's fun.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I was one of the top Halo players in the world several years ago. I was also one of the top Smash Bros. Melee players, although I probably wasn't quite as good at that game as Halo 2. I made some cash in local tournaments though, so I suppose I was at least good.

Now I feel I can at least hold my own with anyone out there in the Modern Warfare series. My stats seem unimpressive (1.95 K/D, 1.8 W/L ratios) but I have an ungodly amount of kills (235k+) and I almost always play alone, which obviously hurts my stats because I often have useless moron teammates. That leads to being spawn camped, which leads to deaths and losses. When I play Free-For-All though, I win at least 95% of the time. I feel FFA is the most skill-intensive gametype in Call of Duty, so that has to count for something, right?


New member
Dec 16, 2007
Treblaine said:
I'm shitolla at uncharted 2 online, but then again I came to it brand new (never played competitive 3rd person shooter before) about 2 years too late.
I'm the opposite, quite crap at FPS, but strangely good at Uncharted mp, it just has this natural flow to me with all the climbing, jumping and melee, it just sings to me.