Are you actually good at gaming?


New member
Feb 8, 2010
I'm a god at Pokemon. That's about the jist of my gaming talent. I'm above average at JRPG's, but I'm absolute crap at racing games.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
Am I good at gaming??


Though that is hardly a requirement for loving them almost unconditionally.


Jabbering Fool
Mar 31, 2010
I like to think of my self as middle of the road, one eyed thirty year old's are never going to be the greatest gamer in the world but at the same time I have beaten most games I have played.


New member
May 26, 2011
CrashBang said:
I'm 21 and I've been gaming since I was 6. I have the Crest of Hyrule tattooed on my back and I donno where I'd be without games. However, that doesn't mean I'm a particularly good gamer.
I've played through Mass Effect 2 several times on normal difficulty, but on hardcore? No no no no. Y'know the part, half way through, where you make your way into the supposedly dead Reaper and get ambushed by a load of Collectors on platforms? Can't do it, nope, not a chance.

My point is, for all of the love you have for games, are you actually good at Halo, DIRT, CoD, God Of War or Portal?
Sure, we all have our strengths. For example, it's a scientific fact that I am unbeatable at Crash Team Racing, but I am rubbish at almost all first and third person shooters, even though I play them quite a lot.

So, gamers, what games do you suck at, even if you love them and play them often?
I'm actually really good at almost everything I play, but one game I like but can't seem to get good at is Battlefield: Bad Company 2. I don't know why I'm not good at it; maybe I am good at it, just everyone else is better =p.

--I beat Portal twice and every advanced challenge on the first day I got it. 'Cuz that game was awesome. I'll buy Portal two, when it costs 15 dollars so I can afford it =p

--My K/D on Call of Duty 4 was almost 3. (Thats 3 kills for every death, and if you're familiar with the game, then you know a K/D of 3 is rediculously good)

Games I've beaten on the hardest difficulty:
-Dante's Inferno
-Call of Duty 2 and 4 (didn't like any others)
-Halos 1, 2, and 3 (don't like the newer ones)
-Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
-Left 4 Dead 1 and 2
-Portal (Advanced Challenges and Gold Challenges)
-Resident Evil 4 and 5
-Star Wars: KOTOR 1 and 2
-Guitar Hero (any given one I can beat)
-Mass Effect 1 (not 2, because I hated 2 and could only bear to get halfway through the game)

I'm sure there's lots more, I just don't remember. I should write my list down somewhere.

The point is that I'm good at games, just I have an inability to be good at BF: BC2 =S


New member
Sep 19, 2010
CrashBang said:
I'm 21 and I've been gaming since I was 6. I have the Crest of Hyrule tattooed on my back and I donno where I'd be without games. However, that doesn't mean I'm a particularly good gamer.
I've played through Mass Effect 2 several times on normal difficulty, but on hardcore? No no no no. Y'know the part, half way through, where you make your way into the supposedly dead Reaper and get ambushed by a load of Collectors on platforms? Can't do it, nope, not a chance.

My point is, for all of the love you have for games, are you actually good at Halo, DIRT, CoD, God Of War or Portal?
Sure, we all have our strengths. For example, it's a scientific fact that I am unbeatable at Crash Team Racing, but I am rubbish at almost all first and third person shooters, even though I play them quite a lot.

So, gamers, what games do you suck at, even if you love them and play them often?

my strength is in games that are strategy, rpg, fighting, and racing. I beat mass effect 2 on hard with not that much difficulty, had a character build that worked well on it. (essientally, I could restart my shields with a click of a button, and all my armour was either with shields or health upgrades.)

however, jrpg's are one of my weaknesses, action, first person shooting games like cod are also down there.


~ Struck by a Smooth Criminal ~
Mar 28, 2011
Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Challange me, I dare you. Me and Lucas will churn you to a pulp.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
I'm completely awesome at games. I've never failed at one. EVER. I might possibly be the greatest gamer ever.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
First, apologize if this sounds like bragging, I really don't mean to.

First time I played Halo I got number 1, after that always been top 5 in a match. I always topped in CoD back when I played it. Always play my games on the hardest difficulty. Though I seem to find myself being mediocre my by own standards in the games I love the most, being Platinum in Starcraft 2 and top 150 in Dawn of War 2.


New member
Oct 16, 2010
well, i am really just "okay" at most games.
on the other hand i only started gaming when i was 7 and those games were just simple
point and click games(i rocked at those xD).
but i seriously blow at FPS MP's and similar genres
my top genre seems to be platformers,though i am still just "okay" at that.


New member
Jun 20, 2011
I've been gaming for a good 14 years now, but, I freely tell anyone that I'm not an amazing gamer, there are certain games that I excel at(for example, Tony Hawk games, or stealth games), but apart from that, I'm not really that good at any other games. However, I still enjoy most games, even if I'm terrible at them, in fact, I think I enjoy them more, I play them to just have a laugh, I don't really take gaming seriously, no matter how many times I die in WET, I still enjoy myself.


New member
Jan 14, 2009
I think I'm a little above average.
(I wish you would have included a poll so that everyone could have voted "above average" thus making it mathematically impossible.)

Anyways, rock band and the like can play expert, can beat Halo/Cod on Legendary/Veteran, and racing games I play on normal. Same with RTS games.


New member
May 26, 2011
I'm great at any game that lets me slow down and strategize. Any FPS I can play stealthily, Turn-based strategy like Civilization, RPGs, etc.. I'm also pretty good at fighting games and racing games. Although I'm only average at online FPSs. I tend to be between .75 and 1.25 kill-death ratio.


New member
Jul 16, 2011
On & off, single player on hardest difficulty sometimes i can beast right through it & sometimes i get completely destroyed & same goes for multiplayer there are days when I'm going awesome & days when I'm doing terrible/ or the days i feel like just screwing around.

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
NO, I can be successfull at games, but generally i just dont have the time to become really good at them,, so instead i settle for dicking around, having a good time, and shotgunning everything in all FPS games


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Depends on the game. I'm a total god at Super Meat Boy, Doom, and Trackmania, otherwise I tend to be just good or horrible in the case of games like Alien Shooter, CoD, Timesplitters...
Apr 21, 2011
If its platformers, free-running, Action/Adventure, Hack'n'slash etc. I would be particularly good at. Things like Shooters, fighters and racing games are my weakpoint. I don't know about RPG's though. Been gaming since I was 7 so 7 years.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
Minecraft - I know a lot about it, but my farms don't come out so well, and I die a lot.
MW2 - I often end up being first in my team, but only on normal difficulty.
Starcraft 2 - I love the game, but am in silver-gold league.
Fallout 3/NV - Love both games and have beaten each one multiple times, but only up to normal difficulty.
So yeah, I'm not too good.