Are you comfortable around people of the opposite sex?

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Sion_Barzahd said:
Its usually guys i struggle with, especially when they're the type that all bull-headed and acts overly macho. >_> i just feel like i'm talking to really slow worms.
It's fun to poke at that kind, isn't it?

OT: Well, a few years ago, no. Now I'm fine. Unfortunately, first impressions had been made, so my new-found confidence wasn't useful until recently.

Other than that, I've always been confident enough. I was able to sing "You're a Pedophile" by the Amateur Transplants in my Year 9 music class in front of everyone.

There are no actual offensive parts, so the teacher was powerless. It was beautiful.

Death God

New member
Jul 6, 2010
I always seem to be in a class full of girls every year so I have learn to deal with it. Now, if it some one I like or am "into" then that is a little different. But, for the most part, I am fine around the opposite gender.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
SuccessAndBiscuts said:
Yay for rambling sleep deprived trains-of-thought!
Oh, those are the best. I've had all my best ideas come from sleep depravation and intoxication.

And being trashed on redbull, perhaps. But I don't remember any of that stuff, so I can only speculate[footnote]I think I stabbed someone...[/footnote]

In any case, all my ideas for books to write come from staying up too late, or having a few drinks.


Warrior without Weapons
Jul 27, 2009
It depends. Such a wonderful answer, isn't it? Depends on several factors really. Am I feeling especially social? Are we doing something or just "around" each other? Do I have something interesting to say? Is she interested in talking to me? Is she unbelievably good looking? etc

So yeah, it depends. Sometimes it works out well enough though.


New member
Dec 14, 2010
It depends on the person. If I think of that person in the "I want to date her" sort of way, I start to "meta-panic", essentially the thought of panicking/being nervous makes me panic/become nervous. If I see them as just a friend, I can relax and feel comfortable.

Although, it isn't like I am very comfortable around guys either.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
OP you sound a lot like me. The only difference is that instead of saying dumb things I don't say anything.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Once I break myself out of the maelstrom of trying to impress a woman with conversation and just remember to talk to them like a human being then everything flows well. Any intentions you have are better just left in your subconscious. In other words, just say "screw it" and play it by ear. Once you relax, they relax, and good times ensue.

Free yourself from the expectations you have about potential interactions and question the expectations that popular culture stress upon you in this given situation. It's liberating, in my experience.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Comfortable, yes. Competent, no. I can talk to a girl fine, but if it comes to anything approaching trying to ask her out, I freeze up.

The only time I ever get uncomfortable around women is if they approach me. I'm not the most attractive person ever, and I only get interesting when you get to know me, so why a woman would approach me out of the blue is beyond me. I start to get paranoid, thinking "what does she want from me? What plans does she have?"

Then again, I think about much the same thing most times a man approaches me out of the blue. I'm a very distrustful, paranoid person, I should really try to ease off on that.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
I'm perfectly comfortable around girls. Especially since I'm only going to spend any amount of time associating with the kind of girl I would enjoy speaking to (that goes for anyone; I don't waste my time on people I don't like).
So yeah, I can make good conversation; its mostly the same as talking to anyone else. I don't just freak out if someone has foreign genitalia.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
You just need more practice, go to a bar with or without your girlfriend and try talking to the bar staff about...well anything, they are used to talking to strangers about everything and anything.


New member
Jul 15, 2009
Hmm... now that I think about it, not at all. Despite the fact that I have the most powerful sex drives, I c completely cool around women. My eyes might wander a bit, but I usually poke fun about it to clear any awkwardness it might make.


New member
Aug 14, 2010
I'm always uncomfortable around people at first, but it takes me much much longer to feel fully relaxed around a guy than a woman. It's less the whole being of the opposite sex thing and more that I've spent most of my life with around mainly just women, so men are a little intimidating since they are more unfamiliar to me on a personal level.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
As a gay man, I find being around women a lot more comfortable than being around men. Make of that what you will.


New member
Jun 12, 2011
krazykidd" post="18.311256.12591892 said:
This will probably not help with my overall coolness , but i am a 22 year old male and i am uncomfortable around women . By not means do i discriminate nor think less of them , i mean i get really nervous when women are around me. And when i have to speak to anyone of the oposite sex other than family of course i can/will say the dumbest things . I was wondering if anyone on the escapist have the same problem? I do have a girlfriend but she had to make the first move and thw first month of us seeing each other was really awkward . I don't have any self confidence so i know thats why i have this problem . I even have trouble speaking to my boss at work , i will say the bare minimum and try to avoid her when i can. ( oh god i'm such a loser hahaha)

So what about you? Are you uncomfortable around people of the opposite sex? Or is it just me and i'm doomed?[/quoteI totally agree, it's hard for me to socialize around women considering that:
anything I say off hand, or deviating from the norm ( aka everything) is taken out of proportion
the only thing I really have in common with women is my liking of cooking, and my like of anime ( applies only to certain girls however, you see, if a girl read that she'd have said that i was steryotyping, I was a little bit, but c'mon)
the girls i hang around with are almost always lesbian, bi, or in some way shape or form emo, and dn't care when i say a sexual joke, wheras a lot of girls who are local/ "mainstream" are not those types of girls.
Idk, I could've written this better, i'm much better in the lab then i am ona keyboard, thoughts?


New member
Jul 27, 2011
No, I get nervous as fuck. I second-guess everything I say and I usually feel like an idiot, though I must say, the moments I feel I've said something witty or intelligent, I'm very elated.
Nietzsche said it best: "Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent."


New member
Dec 31, 2008
I have no problem talking to people of any sex. Unless they're obviously coming on to me, which is when I don't know what to do because that doesn't often happen to me (has only happened once or twice).


New member
Jan 24, 2010
yeah sure some girls are kinda nasty, but most girl are a lot more accepting than a lot of guys.
Probably because other guys see me as competition and so don't want me around.