Are you....?


New member
Apr 7, 2012
The question is:

Are you happy? Is it strange not to find such a simple thread here, one about simply how you feel, and how you are. as a psychologist, i find that many times one just needs to tell some one how they feel. so why not here? so ill ask how are you? Are you happy?

earlier i was on a thread about sex stories, and i looked and realized, i am pretty lucky. Got a hot, sexy, but still thinking and funny wife that loves me utterly (i know cause she will attack any woman she believes looks at me, and flips out if she thinks im looking at another woman), makin all my personal fantasists come true, even when we got a half year old to look after. in that, we love taking care of him, and he doesn't disturb our love making as much as we thought he would (he doesn't cry much). So good wife, good son, and a good steady job as a game developer and part-time psychologist, im gettin paid good (along side with my wifes teaching job). Good job, good wife, good son, im healthy, got good friends that for once, i am having fun with. i got god on my side, shining all my days. So yeah, i am happy.

Now, DO NOT turn this into a religious debate because i mentioned RELIGION as a reason i am happy, its just another reason to me, but it doesn't have to be for you. Another, No telling me how it is all gonna go down hill for me, cause i respond, 'well, better live right now then huh?'

this thread is about you, not me. Are YOU happy?


New member
Mar 3, 2011
I am just happy enough. Not an excessive amount of happiness and i'm not particularly fortunate right now. I do have the fortune of being able to earn money and still have time to get drunk, chat with girls, and play games (sometimes all at once).

How can I put this more simply...

I'm happy enough that I don't plan on killing myself. Not all at once, anyway.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Ive often thourght that...

yes, I am actually very happy, the worst thing to happen to me this year is Mass Effect 3's ending, thats saying somthing

I have everything I want materialistically wise (well...not the really expensive comander shepard statue or replica rifle) thing are easy, not stressful..Im very content

however I know complacency isnt always a good thing, I feel like I should want more..but for now Im just happy to go along without any worries, I think its the first time in years Ive been able to do that, there somthing comforting about the routine of "wake up, go to work, come home, game"

I know its natural for us to not be satisfyed for very long, thats what keeps us going....however I also wonder how much of that is forced on us by our consumer driven society, were constantly being told we shouls want and deserve MORE


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Happiness is a bad metric for measuring one's sense of self. What people are really looking for (or rather, should be looking for) is contentment. Happiness is subject to change based on random occurrences that pass during the day. Contentment is a much better thing to have because it means no matter how your day goes, you'll still be able to wake up the next morning without feeling like shit.

Happiness has a polar opposite in misery as an emotion. Being content is more like having a ground state where your emotional status won't affect your mood either too severely (creating negative impulses) or for too long.

Captcha: hoi-polloi

From wiki:
"an expression meaning "the many", or in the strictest sense, "the majority" in Greek, is used in English to denote "the masses" or "the people", usually in a derogatory sense"

Seems fitting.


New member
Apr 25, 2010
Ever since i started slowly making friends and getting out more my mood has bettered a lot... just having people to hang with and enjoying the outdoors with people has made me a happier person! :D


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Nope. I try really hard. I surround myself with happy people and people who love me. I'm currently doing some therapy, hoping this works out.

I'd like to be happy.


Man must have a code.
Dec 21, 2007
Yep. I'm almost finished my course and soon I will be working as a doctor. I've got a wonderful girlfriend who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I'm young and healthy. Yeah I'm happy.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
eyup, bout as happy as I can be. Life's not exactly smooth, but I've been through worse. Money problems is about all I've got to worry about and while I'm single, it doesn't really bother me. I do admit to sometimes getting to the point where my "brain" wants me to fuck anything that stays still long enough, but my willpower handles it easily. I've also been able to keep in touch with the guys despite going to college, another advantage to gaming, and all I've got to do is fight boredom on occasion on that front.


New member
Feb 27, 2010
Yes, I am quite happy.

There's never really been a period in my life where I haven't been happy. Sure, I have my down days but overall life is good.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Freechoice said:
can we ever fully achieve contentment though? human nature and soceity seem to go against that
(personally Im really content now..but that might change later if or when I desire more)


New member
May 11, 2012
Depends on the moment you ask me that. Sometimes I think about things that make me sad, angry, etc.

But on average I am content, if not ecstatic, about my life and where it is at right now.


confused by humans
Sep 8, 2010
I am not happy... life is painful and can suck something fierce. but I will be happy eventually, must keep hold of that thought, and I have been happy before. I wish I knew exactly what ticks in me to make me happy. I don't care about money but that causes its own issues. I can never stay interested in stuff. I have things that I enjoy doing but they are just temporary bonuses to my happiness. I live in a world that seems unfair, but that is mostly because I don't do much to make it fair.

no girlfriend or anything close, never been overly interested in dating. still not but I think I would be happier with someone I care about to spend time with, ( odd subject, I just don't spend time trying, its not like i have been turned down, I just never asked, however I have turned down a couple of advances, guess I fear the commitment of having to care for someone?)

I wished I could care enough about stuff to do something about it.

at least I should be doing something I will enjoy soon and hopefully have a job doing it also. but I worry that the irregularities and annoyances of that field will make me dislike it.

figure it will be TMI for most of ya all but what the heck, I try to be honest with my self and others.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Yup. I have every reason to be. But even if I'm not happy, I will be graceful and accept that I'm feeling down.


New member
Jun 28, 2011
there are thousands of things that make me upset with my life
-out of shape/overweight.
-never done anything too cool.(it doesn't help that 2 of my friends are Olympic level athletes and my best friend is basically a professional gamer.)
-never had a girlfriend.
-that won't change any time soon unless it's long distance.
-working a fairly low paying job.
-college is something far away from me right now.
-i could go on.

but for now i'm pretty happy. things are improving nicely in my life and the following quote sums it up quite nicely.

"I can't help envy, Up until now I've lived a boring life,
and plenty of people have done a lot more than I ever have.
But that is why I promise myself that I will do more than they ever will.

just remember the biggest and brightest of fires take a while to build up.


New member
Aug 29, 2011
I'm happy with what I have accomplished so far in my life and I look forward to what I wish to accomplish in the near future.

Currently, though, I feel a bit bummed out because my job ventures are not going so well and I feel like the world just doesn't want to employ "someone like me" at the moment. I'm not at all picky about where I would work and what I will do for the time being, but there's a bare minimum that I hold myself to and I expect nothing less.


Tamer of the Coffee mug!
Feb 17, 2010
Yeah, Yeah I am.
There is always room for improvement or a little less every-day-worries, but the big picture. Yeah, pretty damn happy.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Not really, no. Plenty of time for my disposition to improve at least though, I guess I just kind of have to figure out what it is I really want to do with my life, I'm 20 and I don't know what I want. =/