How will the PC version of Arkham Asylum fare in terms of DLC?
I know most people would think of Batman: Arkham Asylum as a console game but I am getting this for PC based on Digital Foundry's conclusions in their recent technical analysis face-off [] where although PS3 and 360 versions were virtually identical (360 being slightly better as usual) the analysis found both consoles versions were compromised by inadequate anti-aliasing on both (considering the graphics fidelity) but most importantly the inadequate frame rate.
Both console versions are locked at about 30 frames per second with a few torn or skipped frames, not a big deal for a stealth game or a shooter but the fighting element in Batman AA, with all the combos is really compromised by a 30fps frame rate. As Digital Foundry points out you wouldn't play Tekken or Virtual Fighter at 30 frames per second and the fighting mechanic in B:AA really does deserve 60fps, even though 30fps is manageable it will never be as enjoyable as it should be.
There is also noticeable controller lag on the console version (not on the PC release) which is something that is necessary for most consoles games will have to deal with if the developers want graphics that compete with PC quality on systems of comparatively low processing power.
__The best example of this is Call of Duty 2/4/WAW on the consoles that had comparatively poor graphics compared to other console games though that ensured 60fps and very little controller lag compared to Killzone 2, where the framerate often dipped from 30fps to 20fps as well as having some of the worst controller lag of any console game of this generation. Good graphics though.
It also helps that as well as having a timely PC release, the PC version is the best "port" Digital Foundry has seen in months if not years, which improved textures, effects, physics, Anti-Aliasing, the works really. Plus the PC version is £15 cheaper which is a bonus.
Some sources mention the DLC being on PC, some don't mention it and I have no idea if I get this on Steam will the DLC packs automatically appear in updates or will I have to get the DLC separately via Games For Windows Live? Hmm... I can wait for now.