Arkham City Dev Defends UK Studios


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Kinguendo said:
Secret world leader (shhh) said:
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you don't elect supernanny into office.
But we didnt, we elected Super-fuck-poor-people into office. As a result they are screwing everything we love, like and even the things we think are "Meh, okay I guess.".

The Conservative party are proving once and for all that they are the party of "Huh? What? Speak into my hearing aid, I cant hear you otherwise. Whats that? Gammon? Yes please... wait, Gaying?! No, the gays shouldnt get tax breaks. Scrap that plan. What? Gaming? I dont care what games the gays play, its not good clean fun like the ball and cup or the pennyfarthing and other really old things. Did I mention my Family is upper-class and that means we are better than you despite the fact that I would be crapping in my pants without your help?"... their ideals are outdated. Subtle, eh?
I know the Conservatives are bad, but the Liberal Democrats who are sharing office are also doing nothing and before them Labour also reused to give the competitive tax cuts to UK gaming.

So on the gaming front they're all as bad as each other. And if anyone is going to give tax cuts to encourage an industry it's going to be the Tories, not the tax-happy socialist leaning parties.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Treblaine said:
Kinguendo said:
Secret world leader (shhh) said:
And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why you don't elect supernanny into office.
But we didnt, we elected Super-fuck-poor-people into office. As a result they are screwing everything we love, like and even the things we think are "Meh, okay I guess.".

The Conservative party are proving once and for all that they are the party of "Huh? What? Speak into my hearing aid, I cant hear you otherwise. Whats that? Gammon? Yes please... wait, Gaying?! No, the gays shouldnt get tax breaks. Scrap that plan. What? Gaming? I dont care what games the gays play, its not good clean fun like the ball and cup or the pennyfarthing and other really old things. Did I mention my Family is upper-class and that means we are better than you despite the fact that I would be crapping in my pants without your help?"... their ideals are outdated. Subtle, eh?
I know the Conservatives are bad, but the Liberal Democrats who are sharing office are also doing nothing and before them Labour also reused to give the competitive tax cuts to UK gaming.

So on the gaming front they're all as bad as each other. And if anyone is going to give tax cuts to encourage an industry it's going to be the Tories, not the tax-happy socialist leaning parties.
Yes, because thats exactly what Conservatives are... forward-thinking progressives(!)

The Liberal Democrats are in an honorary position, not much power. Hence the Cons doing exactly the opposite of what the Lib Dems said they wouldnt do to damage the Liberals reputations while keeping the mindset that everyone already had of the Cons, its clever... but also a massive dick move of their part. They are playing petty political games with the futures of many of tomorrows children just to ruin the reputation of an opposing party instead of actually working together which is what "Coalition" implies, the bastards that they are.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Kinguendo said:
Treblaine said:
I know the Conservatives are bad, but the Liberal Democrats who are sharing office are also doing nothing and before them Labour also reused to give the competitive tax cuts to UK gaming.

So on the gaming front they're all as bad as each other. And if anyone is going to give tax cuts to encourage an industry it's going to be the Tories, not the tax-happy socialist leaning parties.
Yes, because thats exactly what Conservatives are... forward-thinking progressives(!)

The Liberal Democrats are in an honorary position, not much power. Hence the Cons doing exactly the opposite of what the Lib Dems said they wouldnt do to damage the Liberals reputations while keeping the mindset that everyone already had of the Cons, its clever... but also a massive dick move of their part. They are playing petty political games with the futures of many of tomorrows children just to ruin the reputation of an opposing party instead of actually working together which is what "Coalition" implies, the bastards that they are.
I never said they were forward thinking nor progressive, just that they are more likely to cut taxes than anyone else, even for video games industry.

What the hell does "forward thinking" mean anyway? In an actual solidly definable way? Everyone thinks forward, only insects and small animals don't think towards the future, and so too every party and movement dwells on the past for inspiration and warning. Progressive vs conservative is neutral term also entirely relative. Conservative is to keep the same, and progressive is to change but when things have been changed around so often you can no longer be sure whether you are trying to change it or revert a change.

Lib Dems do have power to object, they wield extraordinary power to block any of Tories legislation by Clegg ordering his MPs to abstain or vote against, as Tories do not have a majority. But they don't. That is entirely Nick Clegg's initiative and candidly overheard conversations between Clegg and Cameron show they struggle to find things to disagree on.

PS: Trying to cut deficit is screwing tomorrows children? I thought that was the precise OPPOSITE of the current situation. We COULD keep on borrowing massively and irresponsibly for another generation THEN tomorrow's children will be fucked. No TODAY'S children are screwed with tuition fees and they are screwed by the Thatcher then Blair/Brown government borrowing too much and we have to take a light screwing now rather than tomorrow's kids being utterly boned... I mean Greek-Bailout boned.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Treblaine said:
I never said they were forward thinking nor progressive, just that they are more likely to cut taxes than anyone else, even for video games industry.

What the hell does "forward thinking" mean anyway? In an actual solidly definable way? Everyone thinks forward, only insects and small animals don't think towards the future, and so too every party and movement dwells on the past for inspiration and warning. Progressive vs conservative is neutral term also entirely relative. Conservative is to keep the same, and progressive is to change but when things have been changed around so often you can no longer be sure whether you are trying to change it or revert a change.

Lib Dems do have power to object, they wield extraordinary power to block any of Tories legislation by Clegg ordering his MPs to abstain or vote against, as Tories do not have a majority. But they don't. That is entirely Nick Clegg's initiative and candidly overheard conversations between Clegg and Cameron show they struggle to find things to disagree on.

PS: Trying to cut deficit is screwing tomorrows children? I thought that was the precise OPPOSITE of the current situation. We COULD keep on borrowing massively and irresponsibly for another generation THEN tomorrow's children will be fucked. No TODAY'S children are screwed with tuition fees and they are screwed by the Thatcher then Blair/Brown government borrowing too much and we have to take a light screwing now rather than tomorrow's kids being utterly boned... I mean Greek-Bailout boned.
The gaming industry is a relatively new one and one that the older community dont understand or even think is destructive, the Conservative party is the embodiment of this way of thinking. Not only has Cameron called for strict cencorship of the gaming industry, he directly blames it for the "rise in gang violence and yobberish behaviour". But no you are right, the misguided thought that Conservatives are more likely to cut taxes means they are more likely to cut taxes of anything... rather than the things their friends work in.

Oh and lets not pretend the 50 seats the Lib Dems hold are anything more than a bump in the road to the Cons, it was a clever political game... damage an opposing partys reputation while maintaining the public view of your own. Clever, but a dick move.

P.S. Did you know all of these cuts dont even come close to the amount they would have gotten if they just collected a few Corporations unpaid taxes? Thats right, all of this was completely unneccesary and thus only done to weaken the working class as they are the ones taking the biggest hit from these cuts. And dont pretend they didnt know about those billions in unpaid taxes, if they can fine my mother over £1000 for a mistake THEY made then they sure as hell know about billions being owed.

P.P.S. Didnt the UKs borrowing actually increase? The answer is yes, yes it did. The Conservatives arent doing what is necessary to "save the country"... they are doing what they want to do in order to further seperate themselves from the "oiks and yobs" that are the rest of us.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Kinguendo said:
Treblaine said:
I never said they were forward thinking nor progressive, just that they are more likely to cut taxes than anyone else, even for video games industry.

What the hell does "forward thinking" mean anyway? In an actual solidly definable way? Everyone thinks forward, only insects and small animals don't think towards the future, and so too every party and movement dwells on the past for inspiration and warning. Progressive vs conservative is neutral term also entirely relative. Conservative is to keep the same, and progressive is to change but when things have been changed around so often you can no longer be sure whether you are trying to change it or revert a change.

Lib Dems do have power to object, they wield extraordinary power to block any of Tories legislation by Clegg ordering his MPs to abstain or vote against, as Tories do not have a majority. But they don't. That is entirely Nick Clegg's initiative and candidly overheard conversations between Clegg and Cameron show they struggle to find things to disagree on.

PS: Trying to cut deficit is screwing tomorrows children? I thought that was the precise OPPOSITE of the current situation. We COULD keep on borrowing massively and irresponsibly for another generation THEN tomorrow's children will be fucked. No TODAY'S children are screwed with tuition fees and they are screwed by the Thatcher then Blair/Brown government borrowing too much and we have to take a light screwing now rather than tomorrow's kids being utterly boned... I mean Greek-Bailout boned.
The gaming industry is a relatively new one and one that the older community dont understand or even think is destructive, the Conservative party is the embodiment of this way of thinking. Not only has Cameron called for strict cencorship of the gaming industry, he directly blames it for the "rise in gang violence and yobberish behaviour". But no you are right, the misguided thought that Conservatives are more likely to cut taxes means they are more likely to cut taxes of anything... rather than the things their friends work in.

Oh and lets not pretend the 50 seats the Lib Dems hold are anything more than a bump in the road to the Cons, it was a clever political game... damage an opposing partys reputation while maintaining the public view of your own. Clever, but a dick move.

P.S. Did you know all of these cuts dont even come close to the amount they would have gotten if they just collected a few Corporations unpaid taxes? Thats right, all of this was completely unneccesary and thus only done to weaken the working class as they are the ones taking the biggest hit from these cuts. And dont pretend they didnt know about those billions in unpaid taxes, if they can fine my mother over £1000 for a mistake THEY made then they sure as hell know about billions being owed.

P.P.S. Didnt the UKs borrowing actually increase? The answer is yes, yes it did. The Conservatives arent doing what is necessary to "save the country"... they are doing what they want to do in order to further seperate themselves from the "oiks and yobs" that are the rest of us.
I think you will find all the main parties are full of old farts, labour are not young and dynamic, they are a bunch of old socialists who reminisce about the good old 70's when they could charge 89% income tax.

You want to look for a human embodiment of conservatism today, I'd say it's this...

(the most fitting pic of him I could find)

He loves stuff like fast powerful cars, and has even written a glowing review of Gran Turismo 3 as well as references to the joys of video games "shooting Russians in the face". Oh, and he and his family shares christmas day dinner with David Cameron and family, to give you an idea of what close friends they are.

The "Jeremy Clarkson Demographic" is very significant one that Conservatives want to woo and they want to play awesome video games and even more love it when they are made in Britain (or at least not in North America).

And the most active antagonist of video gaming in parliament is none other than Labour MP, Keith Vaz

I know that picture is a bit too familiar on this site:

"Not only has Cameron called for strict cencorship of the gaming industry"

Where? When? Did he call for it when he was hanging out with Jeremy Clarkson chatting about Call of Duty?

"he directly blames it for the 'rise in gang violence and yobberish behaviour'."

You are misusing the whole quotation marks on this story:

Key word there "social responsibility" he is not endorsing a ban, he actually in the same manifesto condemned Labours "knee jerk legislation" and he does NOT want government censorship, he wants developers on their own initiative to create more socially conscious games, basically he is in favour of morality systems in games like Red Dead Redemption which reward acting honourably. He most certainly does not directly blame it for gang/yob criminality but has listed many other factors.

What about this:

He seems pretty pro-video games overall and generally anti-censorship. Under his leadership the tyranny of BBFC censorship of video games were broken for much more lenient PEGI ratings that are not actually legally enforceable.

"if they just collected a few Corporations unpaid taxes?"

Define "unpaid taxes"? If they 'evade' taxes then who says the government won't collect in the end? If they 'avoid' taxes well we are currently operating under tax laws that mainly the labour party set up in their 13 years in power so if there are a lot of loopholes then see Gordon Brown and Tony Blair about that.

Borrowing is a not the sole problem, the deficit is. It's very complicated but it is possible to borrow to reduce a deficit that was caused by excessive borrowing. It's a matter of who you borrow from for how much and on what terms and how the deficit is being reduced. You may have issues with how the conservatives are going to save this country but the LIBERAL DEMOCRATS AGREE! Nick Clegg has stood side by side with Cameron on these cuts and has independently and vociferously defended the cuts as necessary. So whatever the conservatives are doing it can't be THAT much of a Conservative policy as Liberal Democrats are in agreement.

Nick Clegg could be silent, abstain, but he doesn't. He actively and vociferously defends this current fiscal policy and he is not being tricked into this nor manipulated... unless he is a COMPLETE moron, and I don't think he is.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Not to add kindle to the fire but...

Welcome to Canada! :)

P.S. Toronto and Vancouver are also big on game devs, Montreal's first but the other big ones are close.I'm not mentioning Edmonton since they have only 1 studio, granted it's a big one but 1 Bioware does not make a gaming city :p