Assassin's Creed Ending [SPOILERS!]


New member
May 2, 2011
So, I just finished the game, wonderfull game, but the ending left me with a lot of questions.

Do you think Lucy was really a templar? or maybe the whole escape since AC1 was really staged and they were all templar double agents lying to you to keep you leading them to the apple?

Where DOES Lucy disappear to at chapters 6-7? Is the red trail outside the villa really her footsteps or Ezio's blood for more than half a millenia ago?

Any theories on the ending at all? I always love to hear them

King of Wei

New member
Jan 13, 2011
I think the everyone in the group is a templar for a few small reasons.
In AC2, the computer mainframes have the abstergo logo on them. It's possible that they were stolen but you'd think tech like that would be easy to trace considering how large Abstergo is.
Then there's the email's in Brotherhood. Sleeping bags are set up in the underground chamber but everyone keeps mentioning rooms in the emails. The I-Pod on the bed side table, pain pills on the window sill, stuff like that.
Lastly there's the fact that no one was surprised or worried that Lucy - the team leader - disappeared for 3 days in Brotherhood.

Not sure how much of it is actually meant to be in there though. The first two points could very well be resources borrowed from AC1 and dialogue from the early design stages of Brotherhood. We'll know for sure when the next game comes out though.


New member
May 2, 2011
i always kind of figured they all had used rooms in the villa, and those were the rooms they were talking about.

Also, I read an interesting theory that goes like this: In the end credits after a while, you can hear 2 people arguing, talking about how Desmond's going into shock and that they should plug him back to the animus for some reason, then you can also hear Desmond crying a feeble "No!" as if unconcious.

That makes it sound like all the "current" time-line is actualy an animus session as well! being played by Desmond probably in the future who is with the Assassins or back into Abstergo (if he ever truly escaped)