AT&T and Verizon: 10Mbps Is Too Fast For Broadband

Johnson McGee

New member
Nov 16, 2009
Cable companies suck, the U.S. ones should be charged with anti-competitive practices and the FCC needs to grow about 40 additional pairs of balls and pussy up about 30 additional times.

On top of that though, I wish 'they' would stop defining internet speed in terms of download volume only. I have cable internet (provided through my rental agreement) which has about 40 Mbs download... and an incredibly unstable .2 Mbs upload. Playing any type of game online is a crapshoot as to whether it will work well or not. Thankfully I don't do many business related things like video uploading or some such or I'd just be screwed. ISP's just barely give up even the most basic info about prospective plans when they should be providing all the details possible including up-times, down and up speed, caps, where routing stations are, etc.


Stuck in a vortex of sexy horses
Jun 27, 2011
That's insane. In what kind of world is 10Mbps enough for anything? I had no idea the state of the american internet services was this bad. I don't even know anyone with speeds less than 30Mbps. Most of my friends and colleagues have around 100Mbps.


New member
Sep 9, 2014
Ed130 The Vanguard said:
The more I read about your ISP actions, the more convinced I am that your country is a corrupt shithole.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with your legislative branches?
Well, we have something called an "Ogliopoly", in which multiple cable companies agree to not compete against one another in order to overcharge and underprovide for the customers. Which should be illegal, but those companies have dozens of "lobbyists" whose job it is to bribe government officials to look the other way.

A friend in Italy put it best: "We have lobbying in Italy too. We're just more honest about it when we call it bribery"


Dice Tart
Oct 22, 2009
Im on 10mbps... kind of fine I guess. :/

Like, I can play games comfortably and porn streams fine.

Anyway, is it possible they want to keep the minimum definition at 4 so that in the times when line quality dips, or for consumers who are out in the sticks and only capable of getting around that work, they can still say "Ah, we're still offering you broadband, sir, technically."?


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Knife-28 said:
Meanwhile, I'm stuck hoping that a koala doesn't come along and knock over the loose collection of knives, 4x cans and snakes I call a modem while I try and pirate a new episode of Game of Thrones.
Where about in Aus do you live mate? No-one I know has under 20mb/s and most have far more.

OT: This is why I laugh when fellow Aussies complain about our net, our net speeds are far beyond what I hear most Americans quote. Problem is that out distance from game servers is often the other side of the planet causing higher ping. That's distance issue not net speed.


New member
Jul 14, 2012
Wow. Reading this thread, it seems like everyone has completely insane speeds compared to me. I just did a test, and I get about 4.75 Mbps (and oddly enough I have a higher upload speed than download speed). I never noticed many problems to be honest, but finding out about how much faster speeds are in other countries, it hardly seems fair or frankly even ethical that American ISPs are charging this much for speeds this low.


New member
Oct 10, 2009
RicoADF said:
Knife-28 said:
Meanwhile, I'm stuck hoping that a koala doesn't come along and knock over the loose collection of knives, 4x cans and snakes I call a modem while I try and pirate a new episode of Game of Thrones.
Where about in Aus do you live mate? No-one I know has under 20mb/s and most have far more.

OT: This is why I laugh when fellow Aussies complain about our net, our net speeds are far beyond what I hear most Americans quote. Problem is that out distance from game servers is often the other side of the planet causing higher ping. That's distance issue not net speed.
Well it depends, if you live in one of the big city's the net's fine, but if you're like me and live a bit south of the middle of nowhere and east of whoop whoop, then the net's a tad bit shitter.

Which I guess is a problem with people in far out places all over the world really.


Zombie Steve Irwin
Feb 22, 2009
Unkillable Cat said:
Here in the UK the only time you would expect less than 10Mbps is if you were with a company that gave free internet access. In my area i can chose from four companies that have 40Mbps as a minimum, and up to 150Mbps.

How on earth is America so far behind with this?
I live in a pretty rural area of Norfolk, UK and I can just about squeeze 20Mbps through the pipes. I have a friend in town who can get over 100Mbps. Hell, when I was at university 2 years ago I got a 4Mbps connection for free in student halls. FREE! The big ISPs should do this, then internet usage will become ubiquitous and people will be more willing to pay for better packages. It works with phone contracts so why don't they do it for landline connections?


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Knife-28 said:
Well it depends, if you live in one of the big city's the net's fine, but if you're like me and live a bit south of the middle of nowhere and east of whoop whoop, then the net's a tad bit shitter.

Which I guess is a problem with people in far out places all over the world really.
Exactly, people who live in rural areas anywhere on earth has that problem. Atleast we've got NBN rolling out to fix it here, the US doesn't have that benefit (this is assuming Abbot doesn't turn us into the US anymore than he's already trying and can the whole thing like the backwards idiot he is)

Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
Pinkamena said:
That's insane. In what kind of world is 10Mbps enough for anything?
It's enough for 1080p video, apparently, so that probably is plenty for most people right now, especially people who live alone. And it's not like this definition of "broadband" is preventing anything higher from being available (Time Warner, our local provider, offers six tiers of service; four of them are between 15 and 50 Mbps, and the other two are clearly aimed at people who used to be content with dial-up), nor would this proposed change force them to lower their prices any (which is the bigger concern, given that every ISP has been constantly raising their rates over the past few years).


Dec 16, 2008
LordMithril said:
*stunned* seriously?
I just checked to be sure. The slowest connection I can get with my cable provider is 50Mbit. THE SLOWEST!
On DSL I can go as low as.. brace yourselves.. 10Mbit.
And the fun part is. I'm almost willing to bet that next year around this time but will be higher.
(Just for the record, This is the Netherlands I'm talking about. The weed smoking, cheese loving, tulip farmers.)

I know there are some problems with the size of the US and putting cables every where. but still. Not like these company's don't have any money.
It's not even just the size of the country. It's all about willingness to invest in infrastructure over shareholder returns. In the UK there are a lot of people I know who live in semi-rural areas (15 miles from 100 000+ population town) who can't get more than 2Mbps. And they have a monthly cap too. There's no better services around in some places.


New member
Sep 9, 2008
Quite frankly, any time I hear people in the US whining about their internet service - service that is ranked in the top 15% globally - I think "First World Problems".

Boohoo - you're not in the top 10 countries. Do you know how many other countries have worse internet than you? Over 150. Suck it up.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Just checked and it says mine is 160.06 mb/s download, and yet Steam still only downloads at 10 mb/s. Come on Volvo.

But that really sucks for Americans. I would be livid with 4 mb/s. And from what I've heard it's really dodgy most of the time too.

Hopefully the freakin' FCC can twist their arms and get better standards from your piece of shit ISP's.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Korskarn said:
Quite frankly, any time I hear people in the US whining about their internet service - service that is ranked in the top 15% globally - I think "First World Problems".

Boohoo - you're not in the top 10 countries. Do you know how many other countries have worse internet than you? Over 150. Suck it up.
Problem is America is one of the most developed countries in the world, so the fact that their internet is relatively far behind is frustrating.

And just because someone has it worse than you doesn't mean you're not allowed to complain. If someone stole your TV and they also stole your neighbors bigger better and more expensive TV, you still have the right to complain.


New member
Aug 28, 2014
Ed130 The Vanguard said:
The more I read about your ISP actions, the more convinced I am that your country is a corrupt shithole.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with your legislative branches?
American ISPs are all about Money. "How much money can i make and how little can i give people until they stop buying", and its not like we have a choice. Where i live, there is one ISP available, so its either pay it or don't have it. The same thing goes all around America. It's all kinds of screwed up.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
None of this surprises me. In my city right about where the library is is the last place you have options for your internet. If you live South of the library you only get Time Warner Cable (which is what I have and I'm pretty happy with it most of the time). However if you're like me and live North of it, you get TWC, AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast....And Dish but Dish is shit out here. Dish is not meant for places that get wind like we do. But Dish is also more cable than actual net anyway so mostly I don't count it. Also this is just reasons why I won't ever go to AT&T or Verizon. And Comcast is just shit period (I feel sorry for the poor souls in the parts of LA and San Diego who have no choice but Comcast). Also, I just checked my internet speeds and this is what I'm currently at

So at least I have decent speeds for download. Not sure if the upload or ping is any good since I'm not very tech inclined but I know the download is decent to pretty good for my area. Then again I do live in a fairly well populated area of Southern California so that might be it


New member
Dec 26, 2012
It really depends on who runs the local telco cartel.

Also this is not the advertised rate. As advertised it's 250, but it's Alaska so you are a part of a caged audience.

I pay quite a bit, but every year or so they upgrade the bandwith again. 5 years ago it was only 20 I believe. Same price.