AT&T Bandwidth cap, how does it affect us gamers?


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Tubez said:
Vault101 said:
Oh please 6gigs! thats how mcuh I get! its not even enough to be able to play left 4 dead 2

yet I still manage to watch some videos and play left 4 dead once in a while

its a pain but I manage
6gb :O

I would be really pissed if we suddently got a limit and we would change as soon as possible.
If I had the means I could get better internet (I think) anyway Its a kinda a luxery for me anyway

but yeah, thats Australia, land of the internet limits and no R 18+ games


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Vault101 said:
Tubez said:
Vault101 said:
Oh please 6gigs! thats how mcuh I get! its not even enough to be able to play left 4 dead 2

yet I still manage to watch some videos and play left 4 dead once in a while

its a pain but I manage
6gb :O

I would be really pissed if we suddently got a limit and we would change as soon as possible.
If I had the means I could get better internet (I think) anyway Its a kinda a luxery for me anyway

but yeah, thats Australia, land of the internet limits and no R 18+ games
=/ May I dare ask what your download/upload speed is?


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Vault101 said:
If I had the means I could get better internet (I think) anyway Its a kinda a luxery for me anyway

but yeah, thats Australia, land of the internet limits and no R 18+ games
If you take a look at which games actually get banned, you'll find that it's actually a very small number compared to the # of games that get rated 18+ in other countries.

So .. Australia is also the land of giving 18+ games to 15 year-olds.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Tubez said:
=/ May I dare ask what your download/upload speed is?
That's largely irrelevant seeing as Australia is its own continent.

See, I have a 20 megabit connection, and while I download stuff from Australian sites it's quite fast ... however, even while trying to play Starcraft 2 on the SEA server, I get pings of >300.
Heck, downloading from north america is about 20-50 kilobits per second most of the time.

In short, our undersea cable is way not thick enough.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Tubez said:
Vault101 said:
Tubez said:
Vault101 said:
Oh please 6gigs! thats how mcuh I get! its not even enough to be able to play left 4 dead 2

yet I still manage to watch some videos and play left 4 dead once in a while

its a pain but I manage
6gb :O

I would be really pissed if we suddently got a limit and we would change as soon as possible.
If I had the means I could get better internet (I think) anyway Its a kinda a luxery for me anyway

but yeah, thats Australia, land of the internet limits and no R 18+ games
=/ May I dare ask what your download/upload speed is?
to be honest I dont know exactally but its quite fast (except a steam download went between like 20kbps to like 200kps after I fiddled around with the settings) this was 1.9gb so usually steam downloads arnt that slow

however in the country its a little slower, but mabye thats just because we were on a plan that if you went over it didnt cut you off but just got really really slow (want to watch a video? haha reading a book would be faster) I mean I dont its speed thats the issue (most of the time) more the low limits and the cost

they are trying to upgrade it and everything, anway Its because of the infastructure in Australia


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Danceofmasks said:
Vault101 said:
If I had the means I could get better internet (I think) anyway Its a kinda a luxery for me anyway

but yeah, thats Australia, land of the internet limits and no R 18+ games
If you take a look at which games actually get banned, you'll find that it's actually a very small number compared to the # of games that get rated 18+ in other countries.

So .. Australia is also the land of giving 18+ games to 15 year-olds.
well its not a huge thing, but its annoying as I would at least Like to have a choice to purchase such a game

AND when somthing like left 4 dead 2 gets cencored like that it puts me off

plus wouldnt an 18+ rating help keep "bad" games from the hands of those sweet inocent children should they corrupt them with their dark ways?


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Vault101 said:
Tubez said:
Vault101 said:
Tubez said:
Vault101 said:
Oh please 6gigs! thats how mcuh I get! its not even enough to be able to play left 4 dead 2

yet I still manage to watch some videos and play left 4 dead once in a while

its a pain but I manage
6gb :O

I would be really pissed if we suddently got a limit and we would change as soon as possible.
If I had the means I could get better internet (I think) anyway Its a kinda a luxery for me anyway

but yeah, thats Australia, land of the internet limits and no R 18+ games
=/ May I dare ask what your download/upload speed is?
to be honest I dont know exactally but its quite fast (except a steam download went between like 20kbps to like 200kps after I fiddled around with the settings) this was 1.9gb so usually steam downloads arnt that slow

however in the country its a little slower, but mabye thats just because we were on a plan that if you went over it didnt cut you off but just got really really slow (want to watch a video? haha reading a book would be faster) I mean I dont its speed thats the issue (most of the time) more the low limits and the cost

they are trying to upgrade it and everything, anway Its because of the infastructure in Australia
Some places are already on the NBN, though. >100 megabit connections.
Also, some providers offer good value.
I think (off the top of my head, so I could be wrong) TPG has a $30 per month plan for unlimited ADSL2+. But only if you live in certain places.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Vault101 said:
well its not a huge thing, but its annoying as I would at least Like to have a choice to purchase such a game

AND when somthing like left 4 dead 2 gets cencored like that it puts me off

plus wouldnt an 18+ rating help keep "bad" games from the hands of those sweet inocent children should they corrupt them with their dark ways?
Yeah, I was just pointing out just how stupid the current system is, 'cos it's doing the exact opposite of what those "save the children" idiots are saying.
Heck, I helped the Australian Sex Party campaign during the last election just because they had an "18+ rating for games" policy.


New member
Mar 10, 2011
(first post... yay)
personaly, I think this is a cash grab. If they want to restrict traffic, how about they severely restrict bandwidth

well, I have Telus up here in Canada, and with their cheapest package; so the only reason I have no problem not hitting a cap as high as 150 is due to my bandwidth (though I don't believe I have a cap anyways)...

My max bandwidth being 150Kb/s, or 1.2Mbit/s(ish)(yea..... probably why I have no cap) in about 3 months of streaming an average of 3 hours of video a night I've only downloaded about 335GB worth (I have a meter on my desktop). I would say that would cut down on traffic, although because of this abysmal speed, it becomes difficult to play some MMOs, like world of warcraft, because it does take that much for some content (world battlegrounds and instanced raid content). It is also difficult for watching video because I can only stream 480p at the most. quite frankly, I think they would have a $#!^storm on their hands from their subscribers if they did do this.

...kinda makes me want to make an ISP so i can get around this crap...


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Danceofmasks said:
Some places are already on the NBN, though. >100 megabit connections.
Yeah but the NBN only promises Fibre To Node not Fibre To Premises so if you don't fork out for a fibre connection to the node, you're gonna have to eat the restrictions of copper lines.

I think my cable is getting upgraded from 30Mbit to 100Mbit later this year... unfortunately it's with BigPondScum, so they'll try and find a way to fuck me. They always try.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Danceofmasks said:
Heck, I helped the Australian Sex Party campaign during the last election just because they had an "18+ rating for games" policy.
Brendan O'Connor has said if the State AGs don't pull their heads out of their arses on this the Federal Govt is considering taking unilateral action about it.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
RhombusHatesYou said:
Danceofmasks said:
Some places are already on the NBN, though. >100 megabit connections.
Yeah but the NBN only promises Fibre To Node not Fibre To Premises so if you don't fork out for a fibre connection to the node, you're gonna have to eat the restrictions of copper lines.

I think my cable is getting upgraded from 30Mbit to 100Mbit later this year... unfortunately it's with BigPondScum, so they'll try and find a way to fuck me. They always try.
My other line is with Telstra, along with my fax line.
(Business run from home, so going with multiple providers just in case there's some sort of "authentication server error" or somesuch)
It's ... so rubbish I only use it to manage my email and some web browsing.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Danceofmasks said:
It's ... so rubbish I only use it to manage my email and some web browsing.
I wouldn't touch Telstra for anything that still uses the copper infrastructure. Hell, if smaller ISPs had inroads into cable I wouldn't touch Telstra at all.


New member
May 22, 2009
Wow, so I never really knew that this was already as widespread as it was (good ol' american news not telling us anything about the rest of the world). It really makes me wonder why so many companies think that this is a sustainable business model, or if it is really just the product of rampant monopolies on internet services by different companies across the globe.

Doesn't mean that I agree with it in any sense, and feel that it should be eliminated as soon as humanly possible. I mean, is there anything that we as a community can actually DO to prevent/revise these bullshit systems put into place, or are we stuck fighting against a group of corporations with a rule that 95% of the world doesn't give a shit about?


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Blazingdragoon04 said:
Wow, so I never really knew that this was already as widespread as it was (good ol' american news not telling us anything about the rest of the world). It really makes me wonder why so many companies think that this is a sustainable business model, or if it is really just the product of rampant monopolies on internet services by different companies across the globe.

Doesn't mean that I agree with it in any sense, and feel that it should be eliminated as soon as humanly possible. I mean, is there anything that we as a community can actually DO to prevent/revise these bullshit systems put into place, or are we stuck fighting against a group of corporations with a rule that 95% of the world doesn't give a shit about?
Well, I think it's a symptom of inadequate infrastructure.

The reason we get throttled is 'cos our bundles of cables aren't thick enough.
Any more traffic, and everybody slows down.
As in, the band doesn't have enough width.

If AT&T's performance is degrading due to increased traffic, this could be a way to maintain quality of service for their customers who don't use >150GB/month.
Which should be most of them.
Just sayin'


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Really the bigger question is why exactly are companies trying to revert to the AOL days and put in place bandwith allotments? There is no logical reason to do so. It is not like AT&T or any internet provider is limited by bandwith so there is no logical reason to try to charge for usage in that fashion.

I worked for the Cingular which became AT&T for their wireless division and I can tell you that their ideology on usage is "We are in the business of selling air." meaning they know what they provide is basically costless (btw, 1 cell phone hour costs less than 1c to produce) So they know their model is basically gouging people and reaping benefits.

Also, consider in these uncertain economic times why is it that your entertainment companies such as cell phone, broadband, etc companies are recording obscene levels of profits?


New member
Jul 16, 2010
viranimus said:
Really the bigger question is why exactly are companies trying to revert to the AOL days and put in place bandwith allotments? There is no logical reason to do so. It is not like AT&T or any internet provider is limited by bandwith so there is no logical reason to try to charge for usage in that fashion.

I worked for the Cingular which became AT&T for their wireless division and I can tell you that their ideology on usage is "We are in the business of selling air." meaning they know what they provide is basically costless (btw, 1 cell phone hour costs less than 1c to produce) So they know their model is basically gouging people and reaping benefits.

Also, consider in these uncertain economic times why is it that your entertainment companies such as cell phone, broadband, etc companies are recording obscene levels of profits?
No no ... you're confusing the terminology here.

Data limits are not bandwidth allotments on your end.
Bandwidth = how much data is moved per unit time, i.e. speeds.
Data limits reduce the amount of traffic they get per month.

It doesn't matter if an ISP doesn't have a data limit.
Every ISP has to deal with a limited bandwidth, because there is always a hard limit on how much data they can move every second.

Where the confusion comes in is, by imposing data limits, they experience less demand on their bandwidth, and are therefore able to provide faster speeds.


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
Blazingdragoon04 said:

Take a quick read, definitely worth the time to see what we're dealing with.

Now, I can't tell you how much bandwidth gaming takes up, or how much of that 150Gb cap an hour of gaming might consume, but I know that it is a lot, and I know that it seems like this is going to be a terrible move for anyone who subscribes to AT&T here in the US and potentially abroad and is going to severely hurt the online gaming community in areas where AT&T has a monopoly on internet providers.

My question is just how bad of a situation are we dealing with here? Do you think that they are going to actually go through with something like this, is it going to be bad, and if it is going to be bad should a mass boycott be in order so that we can show them that this business model is not going to work for us, and so they will not get our hard earned dollars.

I know that I am lucky enough to live in an area where Verizon is offered, so they are my current internet provider, however I have been seriously considering switching my wireless carrier due to this fact. I want to show them that I am mad about this decision, and if they want to screw me over in such a fashion that I am not going to take it lying down.
All your textures are stored client side, all that's really sent is raw primitive data types on what others are doing.

Gaming is very light on Download sizes.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
No way I would allow this kind of shit. This is exactly when I'd cancel my service and tell them very personally to FUCK OFF!


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Yes, I'm being evil.

If you're in the UK, switch now:

BT takes OFF their usage caps []