At what point do you stop taking other people's arguments seriously?


New member
Apr 1, 2009
I look for fallacies.
Ad Hominem is a huge one. Example: "Wow you're an idiot!"
False Equivalencies are harder for me to spot but some are obvious, like comparing weed possession to treason. Example: The current political climate.
False Dichotomies, when people think there's only two options of a thing. Life is so much more nuanced.
I don't like generalizations, grouping up one set of radicals with people as a whole. Example: One group of Christians are violent so they must all be fascists.
Someone saying "Political correctness" just shuts down a conversation because they typically don't address the fact that culture evolves past things and certain forms of humor cease to be funny over time. This ties into the "appeal to tradition" fallacy to people who just latch onto past things "Ahh, the good ol days", not realizing the "good ol days" were so much worse.

Just a few things I can pick up on where I'm like "Okay wow nope bye".


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Addendum_Forthcoming said:
Going to have to add "progressive" to that list...
May as well ad "liberal" to the list too given you're not making it impossible to even discuss entire ideologies. And how about "conservative" and "libertarian"?


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Zontar said:
When someone claims to hold a certain view then immediately goes on to take positions that are completely at odds with those stated beliefs. Hard to take someone seriously when they try and make it look like they hold two contradictory beliefs that can't be reconciled, especially when those beliefs are what people are arguing over.

I've seen too many people claim they think everyone is equal, then turn around and openly hold white supremacist views, and claim it's all consistent. It wouldn't be so bad if such people hadn't taken over entire political movements though, what ever happened to progressives being JFK's "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" and into the "mememe" wing of politics?
Yeah, I can't get on with this stuff either. another example would be people using snowflake without realising that they're actually giving a good demonstration of acting like a snowflake. Sargon and the term Regressive.

Also, messing up things like a racist comment or a racist person. The former is one just instance while the latter is a person with a bunch of racist comments showing a clear pattern of behaviour. There's a big difference between 'that's racist' versus 'you're racist'. But then I also find the whole 'demographic x is superior' a silly argument. Even if it was true, what does that even mean for society. E.g. Some people believe that men are much better at math. If that is true, what does it mean for society? Does it mean we should ban women from STEM subjects? Or does it just mean nothing. Some people think that white are more productive than every other race. Does that mean every other race shouldnt get paid or get a job?


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Zontar said:
May as well ad "liberal" to the list too given you're not making it impossible to even discuss entire ideologies. And how about "conservative" and "libertarian"?
Communism, cultural Marxism, Marxist theory ...

I'm pretty sure I could do this all day.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
KissingSunlight said:
Saelune said:
As Jon Snow would say:
You know nothing, Saelune.

On Topic: When people are being blatantly disingenuous. When people avoid acknowledging valid points that has been made. When people demonstrate that they have no interest in having an honest debate. Instead, they want to harass you for having a different opinion. When people refuse to acknowledge dictionary definitions as a valid source to confirm what someone is saying. (This has happened way too much on these forums alone.) In general, when people want to act like an asshole when you engage them in any conversation or debate online. Which is, anymore, most of the time when I am on The Escapist.
When people make great points...against themselves.

Like when a Trump supporter complains about fake news.

Or when someone criticizes people for not holding people accountable for their actions, then complain about being held accountable for their own actions.


Molotov Cocktails, Anyone?
Jul 3, 2013
Saelune said:
Or when someone criticizes people for not holding people accountable for their actions, then complain about being held accountable for their own actions.
Oh! This reminds me.

When people fail to understand or acknowledge context and nuance. When people have reductive views on complex issues. Basically, when they put everything into binary, good or evil, categories.

Sean Hollyman

New member
Jun 24, 2011
Same as OP, those words just really make me care less.

Also, anyone who uses 'true' fan in the arguement, like who are you to judge if someone else is a true fan of something?


New member
Jan 10, 2018
Kenbo Slice said:
Anytime someone throws around terms like "cuck", "libtard", and "sjw" I can't bear to listen to them anymore. Or anytime someone resorts to personal attacks.

Whenever someone starts throwing religion-based justifications for their completely non-related argument.

Combustion Kevin

New member
Nov 17, 2011
Fischgopf said:
On a rare occasion it can lead to what you describe, but more often than not it goes "I'm not racist but science has proven black people have a smaller brain."
In favor of playing Devil's advocate, that is still not a racist statement, it's an objective fact that can be proven either true or false.
Assuming that it is true (I really don't know), the predicted follow-up reasoning of "therefore, they are inferior." would be racist, because that is the value judgement that actually justifies a discriminatory attitude or approach.

Because even smaller brains can be trained into great minds, just like large brains can be woefully wasted.