Bleidd Whitefalcon said:
Saucycarpdog said:
I say Nintendo should make a successor to the N64 without any gimmicks. Just a nice powerful console like they used to make with the launch titles being a pokemon MMO and a next gen Metroid as an answer to Microsofts Halo and Sony's Killzone.
Wasn't that the Gamecube? And look what happened with that
The Gamecube sold 22 million units
The original Xbox sold 24 million units
The Dreamcast sold 10.6 million units
The only stand-out of that generation was the PS2.
While the gamecube is regarded as a failure by most in the west (for some reason), it actually didn't do that bad at all.
On a personal note, I love my gamecube, I still play it more often than my PS3.
When people tell me the graphics were bad, I tell them to go and play Baten Kaitos.
When people tell me there were no great games on it that you couldn't get on other consoles, I say:
Tales of symphonia (well it did get a very limited PS2 port very late in the generation)
Super smash bros.
Wind Waker
Twilight Princess
Eternal darkness
Baten Kaitos
Paper mario
Metroid prime
Fire emblem
Pokemon colosseum
Pokemon XD
Lost kingdoms
Lord of the rings the third age
Digimon world 4
Evolution worlds
Summoner: A goddess reborn
And those are just the ones I remember.
The gamecube may not have had as many games as other offerings but almost all of them were damn good.