Avengers assemble!


New member
Apr 22, 2010
theevilgenius60 said:
I'm kinda of a same mind on this, only it's Hawkeye that should be replaced by Dr Pym. Ant Man was an original Avenger and yeah his career has been lackluster compared to some of the others, but Hawkeye didn't come into the team until the second grouping(Cap's group along with Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver). Black Widow wasn't an Avenger until waaaay later. The Pyms should have been in this movie.
Hawkeye's roll is in The Avengers is way to small, there wouldn't have been enough time to set up Pym if they would've switched those characters.
I think they made a good decision by letting Ant-Man have his own movie and using Hawkeye for small roles.


New member
May 21, 2010
By the grace of some ancient power or by the twistings of the strands of fate themselves, im seeing it at a midnight showing tonight. One of the few times ive seen Australia get a major release before the rest of the western world. Not really any point to this, just hoping to make everyone jealous :p

To answer the question;
Id love to see Ant Man and Wasp get some screen time in a future Marvel film (Avengers or stand alone) as well as getting some spotlight on the lesser known 'Magic' hero types, Doc Strange, Iron Fist etc.

Oh, and Deadpool, that would be epic.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
HardkorSB said:
idodo35 said:
the scarlet witch
well i would never! there is actually a character called the scarlet witch she is magnetos daughter and a long time avenger...
but i would love to see johanson as the scarlet witch...


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Gizmo1990 said:
i live in israel we only get to see it in may 10th :( also we can always have johanson as the scarlet witch! (even though id like to keep cap,widow and hawkeye in...)
Ranorak said:
I just wish this whole studio exclusive character would stop so we can have a full out, fleshed Marvel world where cameos and team-ups go around.
amen brother... amen...
cognitively_deprived said:
I really want DC to do a similar thing to this and make a justice league film, I prefer the justice league to the avengers. They could do that when someone makes the next set of batman films maybe
after what they did with GL i just want DC to sell the rights for their movie license to disny (the guys who made the marvel movies) and never return to hollywood...