Awkward Parents

Exius Xavarus

Casually hardcore. :}
May 19, 2010
I don't particularly talk. If I don't have anything to say, I don't say anything. I'm rather quiet. I get along, I just don't really converse with them often.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
norashepard said:
I used to be really close with both my parents, and I'd take great pride in it because kids in high school would always be complaining about theirs. But then something happened, not sure what exactly, and suddenly I can even really consider my parents connected to me at all. Like I see them sometimes and my general feeling is about as equal as how I feel when I meet someone I knew in school. It's weird and probably depressing, but that's just what happens, I guess.

That said I have like seven other couples who claim me as their own child now simply because of the rapport I've built with them, so it's not as much of a problem as it could be. Plus I have like the best little sister ever so that is a definite bonus, and probably the only reason I even remember what parents are.
Holy crap... That's kind of what's happening to me at the moment... my friend's parents practically consider me family, while my actual family has grown distant. And like you I used to have a half-decent relationship with them: I used to be able to have a conversation that wasn't just them giving me orders or insulting me.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
I can't really talk to my parents about anything seriously. One's a self-righteous religious fanatic and the other is a pissed-off atheist, both are really racist. My dad's drunk most of the time and my mom is always complaining.

The few times my dad's not drunk are okay as long as I talk about the things he likes.

Makes me wish I had a better social life so I had a reason to get out of the house.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Edit: removed, I really shouldn't be rambling about parental issues on the internet. There are more productive things to do.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
I get along great with my parents, the conversations I have with either of them are different though. My mother is a much more easy going and outgoing person. She likes joking around and can take some friendly ribbing. However, she has these passive aggressive moods at times where she's completely irrational and impossible to talk to. My father is a lot more level headed and he's my go-to guy for work advice. Socially though, I haven't ever really gone to him. I've never talked relationships with him and frankly, it's impossible for me to imagine him as ever having been an easy going and sociable dude in his 20s. In essence, it's hard for me to relate to my dad when it comes to anything other than work.

Total LOLige

New member
Jul 17, 2009
My mum couldn't keep a secret to save her life, so I don't talk to her about personal things ha. Other than that it's easy to talk to her in general, although at times she can be quite stubborn.


New member
Feb 21, 2013
Not really, my Dad is a gamer too and was actually the one to get me interested in PC gaming back when I was younger, to this day one of the best pockets I've ever had as a soldier in TF2.

My mom and I get along fine too, shes pretty down to earth so chatting with her is easy.


New member
May 1, 2012
My mother is quite fine, gives a good example if anyone would want to know how well I'll age...
My father is a bit difficult. his peopleskills arent really good and he just figured out how a conversation works. He used to talk a bit too open about his sexlife to me...kinda weird but atleast I can talk to him about everything, but I probably get a budhistinc answer which isnt often satisfying. he is a way better listener now, after he had a mild stroke and needs to focus more to talk clearly...(he is really doing fine with that, Im proud of him)

My mother likes to play games like the the settlers, anno (of any year) and even starcraft and she is better than me at that, my father played pong once...


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Eh, my parents are mostly fine to talk to. I don't talk to them for 2 reasons;
1. They have opinions, and don't know how to not act on them. If I were to tell them that I liked someone, they would do everything they could to try and get us together. Some people might like that, I find it a pain in the ass as I don't need that help, I can handle that shit myself, I just want someone to talk to about things. Same goes for pretty much anything I'll want to talk about. They'll want to help, and they're bloody persistent so me saying "Don't" results in nothing but them putting on a sad face then doing the same thing next time.
2. They feel the need to tell all their friends about it. Honestly, I'm rather introverted and would rather keep the details of my life private from all but my closest friends - and even then there's some things they won't know. If I decide to tell my parents that I got some award, that I quit my job to get a new one, that I've been offered a trip to Japan or really anything - they'll tell everyone. Its annoying and uncomfortable.

So, much as they'll understand what I'm saying and are nice and will try to help and shit, they're too persistent and don't know when to just let it go, so I tell them nothing. They wonder why, but if they haven't figured it out by now - what with me complaining about that sort of thing at least once a day - then I really can't be bothered sitting them down for an hour and explaining it.

Zombie Sodomy

New member
Feb 14, 2013
I don't talk to my mom about anything substantial because we understand nothing about each other, and my dad lives to far away for me to go to him for day to day stuff. I can have a regular, no substance, conversation but I stopped talking about anything real with them years ago.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
My parents make some poor racist remarks (a belief which i do not share) on occasion. But otherwise my parents are great, I get along really well with them, we all have a shared distaste of my brothers wife and her family. but yeah, i can pretty much talk to them about nearly anything (except my dad and technology, they just don't mix).

Alex Graves

New member
Aug 16, 2012
Well, my mom is alright most of the time. We get along well enough as long as we don't get on the topic of religion or anything that involves..well anything I like basically(from video games, to anime, to comic books, and even my taste in clothes(anything that is comfy really)). She can be difficult for me to be around some times because we are complete opposites, me being "shy, anti-social, and pointlessly mopey"(said by my wonderful grandmother every time she introduces me -.-) and her being the most over the top energetic friendly outgoing nut bar you could ever meet. She will find and use any reason to talk to someone even ran up to a cop to chat about good photo areas (shes a professional photographer) opening with "I know cops get to see all the cool places and was wondering if there were any like this church over here I got thrown off of for trespassing." I'm standing there filling the car with gas thinking "why don't you just put the cuffs on yourself then tell him about all the speed'guidelines' you don't follow" all the while she is holding a donut in front of the guy. She still has some good funny moments we can laugh at, as long as we avoid all the subjects she'd most likely shoot me (or at least lock me in a padded room) after finding out about.

As for my father....well HE will be lucky if we never meet again, I'm just going to leave it at that. He deserves the worse fate any man can suffer a few thousand times over and then some.

So yeah maybe not awkward, but different...


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Me and Mom get along great... to a point. How fantastic our relationship is inversely proportional to "how much we've been around each other recently".

My Dad is just straight up fun. He takes interest in what I do.

Neither are particularly awkward, thank heavens.


New member
Jan 29, 2011
I've always been most natural with my family, only folks I can really chop it up with besides my siblings. Kept me open minded, and humble growing up.....sort of made me a recluse growing up with the other kids (the ever so fascinating courtier ship system of teenagers), but I'm more thankful now looking back at it.

cool peeps though, blessings I can count!


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I'm the kind of person who has a hard time talking to most people about anything personal, because it's, well, personal, and I don't think it's any of their business most of the time. That being said, when I actually do want to tell my parents something they're always extremely supportive and try to be understanding of things. Mom and I don't always see eye to eye, but mostly we do and we rarely fight. Dad's an all-around sweetheart, and we get along just fine.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
My Dad more then my mom for sure.

Especially considering that my dad is one of the biggest nerds I know next to... well myself. Guy grew up reading comics, watching G1 transfomers, and saturday morning X-Men, playing a fair share of Atari and arcade games back in the good ol Regan years, the real deal pretty much. So theres always something to talk about and do with him, we talk about relationships, how bad the modern day transformers films are, still mind boggled at the fact that an Avengers movie even saw the light of day, and so on and so forth. (Recently got Bioshock Infinite, dad walked in and was instantly hooked by the concept and ideologies the game presented... of course we had to have a long discussion about the game after hours of playing it!)

Then theres my mom...
She likes to talk about how much she hates when her co workers gossip about her... yeah, anything else?... nope. nothin. :/


Senior Member
Jan 4, 2013
I'm sure everyone says this but I'm quite confident that I had the UNCOOLEST parents when I was going through teenhood.
My parents are both Middle Eastern/Mediterranean people and so by default they are more conservative and traditional than any other parents. Not that's that a problem, there are many conservative Christian parents like mine that are still quite understanding and 'cool' about most stuff.

My mother had a fucked up childhood (father died early, mother controlling and hateful) and is quite easily the biggest antisocial nerd I've ever known. Till this day she doesn't quite grasp the idea of doing something for 'fun'. To her, everything has to be done for a meaningful purpose, otherwise she will label it as 'immature'. That meant whenever I showed interest in video games, girls or film she told me I was being 'immature'. I also had no privacy on any level. My mother knew my room better than I did. She quite literally coded my clothes and just by looking at my wardrobe she could tell you what I was wearing that day. And she's by far the most compulsively clean person on the planet. She will actually listen for the squeak on a plate before she deems it "ok". And to top it all off, my parents had an extremely unhappy marriage with both verbal and physical abuse involved. Till this very moment, she's simply the strangest and saddest person I've ever met. She doesn't know how to get over her awful past, she thinks too much about what others think, she's never had a real job and she has no proper close friends. I love her so much, but I have a very twisted love-hate relationship with her. Teenhood couldn't have been any rockier and unsure than with my mother.

My father is pretty cool. He's always been very social and I got my good speech and charisma from him. He's still one of the smartest people I know and I wish I could be half the business-head that he is today. He just knows his shit. But unfortunately he's still living in the 1970s in terms of customs and mindset. He kinda hates technology and still believes in "dressing your age" and "acting your age" in a very old-fashioned and outdated way.
My parents are still together and have never been separated or divorced and I guess I have respect for that. It's very easy to drop everything and give up, but they carried on for the sake of their faith and family. But I've become extremely intolerant of women and, despite the fact that I'm an extremely social and extremely well-spoken guy, I have absolutely no patience for any form of a serious involvement with anyone at all.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
I've always had a close relationship with my mum and she always had discussions and debates with me ever since when I was a kid.

I never really knew my dad growing up, but as an adult I moved to the same city and we became friends, who have the same taste in a lot of stuff. He has the tendency to make assertions, though, and then get annoyed with me when I disagree with him. Religion is one of the things we disagree on, and he has the habit of saying things like 'You know, without Christianity the concept of mercy would not exist', and then when I argue against that he gets annoyed.
Don't randomly bring up stuff like that if you aren't prepared to defend your views.

My sister is the one I don't get along with all that well. There's no bad blood but we have nothing in common.


I forgot what this was before...
Jul 10, 2009
Small language barrier with my parents along with my mother being uptight.
I've gotten a better relationship with my mother over the years though.