Bad/mediocre games that could be awesome remakes

King Aragorn

New member
Mar 15, 2013
TheSniperFan said:
King Aragorn said:
TheSniperFan said:
Assassins Creed.
The potential was/is enormous. They could have taken any part of history. One game for each part of the history of civilization.
The Egyptians, the Greeks, Rome, America, present, future. Just to name a few.

Besides that: Mirror's Edge.
Umm...aren't they doing that already? they're exploring different time periods all the time, even if AC:BF's setting looks disappointing, there is still plenty of things they could do.
I meant it more like one game per character. I lost interest in AC, but didn't Ezio had three games?
Yes, Ezio did have three games. ACII, BH, and Revelations. But now, it seems they're going the route of one ancestor per game. First we had Altair, then Ezio, Connor and now Edward.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
No one has said Aliens: Colonial Marines yet? Because I enjoyed that game a bit, but after seeing that demo, and seeing what the game should have been...ah man.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Funnily enough, I just was thinking about how much Brink was wasted potential. Unique setting, unique art design, interesting concept...and it was just so generic, short and hollow. It could've been so good. I'd like to see the developers redo it and hit it out of the park.


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Dragon's Dogma would've been good if they tweaked the inventory system, obliterated the romance system, shut the pawns up, and added mounts that could be summoned.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
TheSniperFan said:
Assassins Creed.
The potential was/is enormous. They could have taken any part of history. One game for each part of the history of civilization.
The Egyptians, the Greeks, Rome, America, present, future. Just to name a few.
. . . Isn't that what they're doing?


New member
Oct 31, 2008
This is probably a controversial one, but Braid to me was a game with one good level and I'd have liked to see a game structured in a more purposeful and aimed way with a little less art and a little more sense.

EDIT: And Heavy Rain with a plot that doesn't suck! I'm hoping Quantic Dream are still working on that though


New member
Oct 27, 2011
LA Noire remove all of the ridiculous gunfights/car chases and add more depth to the actual criminal investigations. Hire a better writer and Badda Bing greatest game ever.


New member
Jan 30, 2011
I'm surprised no one has said Dragon Age 2 yet. It's the epitome of some spectacular potential that was not thought all the way through, rushed, and came out either horrible or mediocre depending on your viewpoint. A remake that had a decent amount of time spent on it would have the potential to be an awesome game.


New member
May 19, 2009
Borderlands 2. With a better UI, better plot and less empty space... and a lot more plot. A LOT.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
[HEADING=3]NinjaBread Man[/HEADING]

NinjaBread Man is, to me, one of the greatest missed opportunities of the last generation.

What it was: A shitty shovelware platformer, released on the Wii early after release. An utterly broken game, with completely ineffectual weapons and horrid coding, the only saving grace was the brilliance of the idea.

What it should be: A gory hack-and-slash brawler, somewhere between God of War Smash Bros. But here's the twist- the whole thing aesthetically looks like a Kirby game... Right up until you tear out the spine of a cake monster and get showered in strawberry jam. All the over-the-top violence of Kratos, filtered through the diabetically sweet lens of a 'kiddie platformer'.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
My standard answer to this thread is VTM:B. Require tons of patching to even get working and even then it still a mess. Combat was at most passable and most of the game had multiple ways of solving issues but about ¾ of the through it throws you into sewer level with nothing but combat yet it still managed to be entertaining.

the clockmaker

New member
Jun 11, 2010
Any modern warfare game, not just the series itself, but rather the genre. I want one of them to be less red dawn and more red storm rising. I mean consider how ripe for storytelling potential and amazing game play the concept of a third world war actually is. Why is no one actually doing this. We get games bucking the trend in platforming, rpgs, cover shooters, why can I not get a single FPS that actually takes the concept and runs with it to a place that isn't the same corridor shooting.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Resonance of Fate

What was good about it: A very interesting turn-based combat system. Players controlled location within the battle area as well as the action, and with certain conditions, the 3 party members could initiate a combo maneuver where they would in essence, run around in a triangle shooting at whatever enemy you directed them to. This made gameplay interesting because you could position units to surround a boss to fire on him from all sides, or in cases where damage needed to be applied from a specific angle, the party could be repositioned accordingly.

What was bad about it: Pretty much everything else. The locations besides the world maps looked like 2D images that were supposed to be interpreted as a 3D setting, so navigation around these areas was utterly confusing at best. The plot line was dismally slow, with large portions of the beginning of the main story revolve around doing retarded shit for characters that were completely unlikeable, with no actual character development of the 3 main characters which you control. Once these characters are explored, however, you will wish you had just stayed in the dark about them. They are all completely over the top and stereotypical; one is the gruff mercenary "badass" (notice the quotes children), another is your typical emo kid to the extreme, and the last is a ditzy blonde. I knew who the antagonists were going to be at the time I stopped playing, because in their cutscenes, they had to blatantly say: "We're evil people doing evil things." But at that time, neither of them had made any appearance that would possibly connect them to the protagonist, save that they lived in this same, run down tower that the rest of humanity now resides in for some reason. One chapter of the MAIN STORY is devoted to the main characters dress up like Santa Claus and use the combat system to throw presents at children. No, I'm not joking.

Basically: Put the combat system in another game, in ANY other game for that matter, and it will be better.


New member
Feb 9, 2013
Risen 2: Dark Waters. The potential was there, and the developers have made amazing games in the past (including the first Risen), but this was a dropped ball. It wasn't terrible, in fact it was pretty okay. But that is more of an insult than anything when used to describe a game from the same people who made Gothic II or Risen. It's a shame, because it ultimately feels half-arsed when it could have been really, really cool.

Also, the DLC practices were a fucking joke.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Resistance 2.

Being a huge Resistance fan, the second game in the series was by far the worst, succumbing to the worst bits of modern fps design with a 2 weapon limit, regenerating health, a campaign more focused on action and less on creepy atmosphere, and throwing hordes of enemies at you so large that you'll probably die at least twice in each wave before you figure out the right way to complete the section. You know Insomniac realized they screwed up big time when Resistance 3 removed all of those things and pulled a spectacular return to form with Resistance 3 (well maybe not so much on the last point, but it was by far a better experience).

If they had removed the single player campaign and the competitive multiplayer and focused solely on the co-op, which was by far the best part of that game, it would have been a blast and it might not have earned so much of my ire.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Tomaius said:
Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis. Could be great if done properly imagine having the ability to summon a whale to demolish your enemy.
wait wait wait...
there was an aquaman game!? really? when? how did i never heard of this??