Batman: Arkham Knight


New member
Jan 23, 2009
Pretty burned out on Arkham, so unless this is as good or better than the first game i'll pass on it


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Am I only one that is disappointed that they have ditched the classic Batmobile design that they used in the first game and just decided to go with the one from the Nolan films like the films and the games are tied together someway. Boo I say, boooooooo!

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Catfood220 said:
Am I only one that is disappointed that they have ditched the classic Batmobile design that they used in the first game and just decided to go with the one from the Nolan films like the films and the games are tied together someway. Boo I say, boooooooo!
I was slightly disappointed, but then I remembered that the Batmobile from the first game got destroyed, so it made sense for batman to get a new one anyway. Besides which, it isn't quite the tumbler from the Nolan movies, more like a cross between the tumbler and the batman and robin batmobile (the lights and the wheels look really similar to that one).


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
Dirty Hipsters said:
EHKOS said:
Well this is the first time the next gen console graphics impressed me, and if I'm perfectly honest, blew me off my feet.
A bit disappointed that they didn't go Beyond, but like a lot of great TRILOGIES there is sometimes a fourth spin-off a-la Sly Cooper and Naughty Dog that still shines.

Also I'm getting more angry than I should be about the amount of people who thought Origins was supposed to be the last game. It was a prequel made by a second-rate studio to stave off fans until Rocksteady finished their work. You can't rush art.
Do we actually know that these are in game graphics and not just pre-rendered cinematics?
Oh I'd put money down that they were pre-rendered. But if I didn't know better, there were a few scenes I could mistake it for a real life trailer with actors. I've still never seen anything like it outside of movies before. So for that to have come off a console is pretty amazing, even if it wasn't real time in game work.

Sep 9, 2010
Dirty Hipsters said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
More importantly, if this is the last game? End it with Batman's death. Why not? There are only two logical outcomes for Batman thematically- Either the day comes that he actually has something to live for, that he can actually be happy and move on from his parents death OR he dies saving people.

And the Nolanverse gave us the happy ending. Now give us the Death version.
There's the DC animated universe version, where Batman gets too old to fight crime and ends up a lonely old man forgotten by the world, so there is a 3rd logical outcome.
It doesn't sit well with me. I think if Terry hadn't come along he would of eventually went all The Dark Knight Returns.


New member
Aug 31, 2012

First off:



I'm very pleased that it's actually going to be Rocksteady's hands again, as Origins was a dull uninteresting experience. I am curious though about how are they going to make do with the Bat's voice, as Conroy is not voicing him anymore (and Mark Hamill is no longer the Joker, but they have a way around that). Probably an older Batman? Voiced by Clint Eastwood? In a thong?

Dirty Hipsters

This is how we praise the sun!
Feb 7, 2011
3 children in a trench coat
Grach said:

First off:



I'm very pleased that it's actually going to be Rocksteady's hands again, as Origins was a dull uninteresting experience. I am curious though about how are they going to make do with the Bat's voice, as Conroy is not voicing him anymore (and Mark Hamill is no longer the Joker, but they have a way around that). Probably an older Batman? Voiced by Clint Eastwood? In a thong?
Kevin Conroy is still voicing Batman for this game.


Tiger Robocop
Aug 29, 2010
Jaylo69 said:
Shocksplicer said:
Kinda figured they'd use Arkham Knight at some point. I hypothesise that future sequels will include Arkham Fall, Arkham Future, Arkham Rising and Arkham Shadow.
Calm Sands said:
Sweet. I enjoyed all of the games in the series and this is pretty cool news. I never did 100% origins though, there is a lot of side things I need to complete and haven't got around to yet. Also I need to try out Blackgate on the 3DS. It has been in my backlog for a few months.
Don't bother. Blackgate on 3DS is fucking terrible.
*Blackgate on everything is fucking terrible

There, mate. Fixed for you...


New member
Dec 31, 2013

I'm worried about Paul Dini not coming back to write the story. I know he said his schedule was full, but I was somewhat hoping they could put off development of a sequel until he could come back, but that probably was hoping for too much. It's that Paul's the only one who can spin a good Batman yarn, far from it, but he is one of the best and I'm concerned that switching writers may lead to some inconsistency. I'm reminded of Mass Effect 3. I'm not talking about the endings, but several key writers had left Bioware during it's development, and you can see numerous plot threads that weren't followed up on, along with some inconsistent characterization. In fairness, Arkham City didn't follow up on several things in Arkham Asylum, so it's really mostly characterization and continuations of certain themes that I'm worried about.

Speaking of themes, my biggest wish for the plot is to explore what Gotham was like after protocol 10, and discuss the question of whether Hugo Strange really did manage to do more for Gotham than Batman has. I don't expect them to say "yes", but with all of the series' talk about saving the city and how Gotham seems to be cursed, I think it should be an important part of the game.

I am a little worried about the new size of Gotham City. It's to be expected, but I fear that expanding the city so much will make navigating a pain in the bat, especially if there are as many Riddler challenges relative to the size of the map as there was in the last game. I do think it's kind of funny that there's apparently going to be five times as many enemies. Gotham had a quarter of it's criminal population slaughtered. Shouldn't there be less enemies?

Not really sure how many villains the game can introduce. They've used all of the well known ones, and some lesser but especially dangerous ones. There are numerous references to Prometheus scattered throughout Asylum and City, which has always made me wonder if they were building up to an appearance. He's pretty obscure, and often poorly handled, but he could provide a unique challenge for Batman.

I'm glad we finally get to drive the Batmobile. That was the only aspect of being Batman the games haven't let us do yet, and with it, the experience will be fully complete.

I want a sequence where you fight alongside Robin and Nightwing against the biggest group of enemies ever encountered in the series. It would be awe inspiring.

In regards to the villains: Killer Croc on Titan. Make it happen.

And I do not want The Joker coming back. No clones, no twins, no resurrection, maybe a hallucination or two, but no real Mc Coy. They have an opportunity that no other Batman series has had, to explore what Batman and Gotham is like after his greatest enemy is gone. I hope to God they don't squander it.

Closing thought: I have to be honest. "Become the Batman" is a pretty lame tagline. Becoming the Batman has been the entire point of the games. Couldn't they have thought of something a little more thoughtful?


New member
Oct 27, 2010
Catfood220 said:
Am I only one that is disappointed that they have ditched the classic Batmobile design that they used in the first game and just decided to go with the one from the Nolan films like the films and the games are tied together someway. Boo I say, boooooooo!
No you are not I really wish they went with the look from the animated series or tried something new. Though previous Arkham games had different outfits for Batman hopefully we can reskin the car in this game. My only wish for this game, other then being fun to play, is that it has no Joker, a side plot where Harley tries to make people believe that the Joker has been revived would be fine but please keep him dead and focus on other villains.