Batman Fan Creates Guide to Making Arkham Asylum Batarangs


New member
Aug 3, 2010
elvor0 said:
Frontastic said:
elvor0 said:
TerribleAssassin said:
elvor0 said:
Pretty nifty, i canceled my preorder on the special edition luckily (living in britain it came out 3 days later, so i got wise), and got the normal edition then payed £12 for 3 metal ones that are sharp enough to go in to a house wall with ease, success!
Are these batarangs you speak of? In England? You must tell me where you purchased these squire!

OT: Impressive stuff, makes me want to run around in a cape, impressively puncing people on the Unreal Engine..
They're slightly more expensive now, but they're still pretty good value, although it is an utterly bizzare site, as they sell the batarangs, and everything else is hip-hop gear.

Has the coolest stuff though, they've got a kevlar batsuit, and they're working on a working utility belt, had I they money, i'd so buy that stuff and have it on display to fuel my batman man-crush.
... *drools*

Ok, first things first, I got to make me one of those, the fold out just looks too awesome to not make one.

Second, I now know what I want for Christmas. Thank you for that link but I'm wondering, is there any issues with those in customes? I mean, you're importing weapons?! I'm Ireland, so I assume it's similar rules to UK.
I didn't have any problems, I didn't have to pay VAT either, dunno how they are in Ireland and whether it's different depending on NI or Republic, but you should be okay
No VAT? Interesting...
Well, it will probably be ok and if worse comes to's not my name on the credit card. :p
Anyway, thanks again for links. It's some pretty sweet gear.