Batman Gotham Knights Annoucement


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I really enjoyed that first Arkham City game, assuming that's part of the double pack? I don't recall playing any others that they published, as I just sort of lost interest in the series. I was never a huge DC fan to begin with, but, being able to actually BE batman, going out on patrol in a city, and smashing villains as I fly around on my cape, was really fucking fun. The ability to bat-hook to nearby buildings, and then redeploy my cape to maintain flight was fantastically fun. It felt a lot like Just Cause 4's wingsuit mechanics, but not as brutally unforgiving. Also was the closest to replicating the feeling of webswinging from Spiderman 2 PS2, before the PS4 game came out. Definitely a fun title. I don't remember shit from the plot, because it's DC insanity of the rogue's gallery of Batman lunatics (literally), so it makes zero sense. But, flying around fighting thugs, either steathily, or by slamming down in the middle of them and brawling it out in a city street, was super fucking fun.

Actually, on that note, are any of the other open city Batman games, after the first one they did, good/fun? I know there was that one title that was notorious for being broken as fuck, but didn't they do some others? I find myself fondly remembering those nights playing in that city, and wouldn't mind doing it again with another title, if it's actually well made.
Arkham Asylum is the first of the Arkham series. City is the second game in the series. origins was okay from what I heard. It's either love it or hate it, but it's still a buggy game and certain bugs left unaddressed on the PC version. Arkham Knight is a another love or hate a game. It came with my PS4, but I never once put it in. I later traded it in for something else. The double pack comes with Asylum & City.
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Elite Member
May 13, 2010
Arkham Asylum is the first of the Arkham series. City is the second game in the series. origins was okay from what I heard. It's either love it or hate it, but it's still a buggy game and certain bugs left unaddressed on the PC version. Arkham Knight is a another lover I hate a game. It came with my PS4, but I never once put it in. I later traded it in for something else. The double pack comes with Asylum & City.
Right I know Asylum is the first in the series, I was more differentiating that isolated, one location, game, to the sandbox, open city series
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Looks neat-ish, I always enjoyed the earlier Arkham games for the most part, we'll see how this one plays out.
A heads up, but I will be doing my Arkham playthrough tomorrow night and over the weekend. I'll let you all know how it goes.