Battlefield 3 on Xbox Looks Awful Without HD Texture Pack


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
Adam Jensen said:
And why are we still using disks anyway? You can put more data on a USB flash drive these days.
When I went to Japan a few years back, I saw flash drives in convenience stores that you could buy that had games on them.

Granted some of the games were old classics, and the more modern ones weren't huge titles, but the possibility are there.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
I don't know. My threshold for "awful" might be higher than other people but. Sure, the textures are blurry but that's just one aspect of graphics and calling it awful is overreacting I think.


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Irridium said:
So I'm fucked if I get it on the 360 then

It will be a cold day in hell when I pay $100 for a 120gb 360
Can't you use an off-brand hard drive? Like with the ps3's SATA, or do you have to use the official merchandise. Cause 100 for a 120gb drive is crazy. I only shelled out 40 for a 500gb for my ps3.


New member
Aug 4, 2010
Kitsuna10060 said:
its not about 'keeping up', your making the mistake in think 'just cause its older and thus under powered it has to look like shit with out this texture pack' which is laughably wrong and ignorant. I've seen Nintendo field some jaw dropping graphics on their underpowered systems, i see ZERO legitimate reason they could not mange to make the game just look good. especially with all the hype surrounding 'how pwetty' it is . which ironically looks MORE fake and plastic-y to me. *shrugs*
Read the bold part. Provide examples
There are thousands of legitimate reasons why they couldn't make the game look that good but currently the hardware limits have to do.
You cannot saw X company makes beautiful games and use that reasoning to say that Y company is incompetent and lazy.
Also, why the fuck am I even arguing to you? You don't know jack shit about what are you talking.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
The thing is the game looks amazing with the install. I think this article (and especially the header) make this sound like it is a bad thing. Dice should be applauded for their approach as they are the first to go around the 360 rule that all games need to be playable from the disc. This s just a great solution that allows them (and future other developers) to deliver the highest quality possible.

Techno Squidgy

New member
Nov 23, 2010
Tin Man said:
Techno Squidgy said:
Fair enough, valid points made and accepted. I personally am not so keen to push to the next gen yet. I agree that we are currently reaching the upper limits of consoles, and indeed, Battlefield 3 appears to have broken one, but I think the industry could do with being here for a little while.

The games being put out are not at all scuppered versions of themselves, and if you look at late ps1 and ps2 games, the amount they managed to get out of those machines was incredible, and devs learned loads. Not to mention the general cost of the toolkits came down. I think if we pushed it now we'd end up with a situation where developing quality games is even *more* prohibitively expensive...
I have to say, I'm not really sure about my own viewpoints. I know what I'd like from a consumer viewpoint, but I always neglect to factor in the economic view point. I'm starting a game dev course next year at Uni so I guess I'll discover all this first hand.
I do see your point regarding the late PS2 games, maybe I shouldn't be so quick to rush ahead. I tend to get carried away when I see the potential of future tech.
Apr 28, 2008
Al-Bundy-da-G said:
Irridium said:
So I'm fucked if I get it on the 360 then

It will be a cold day in hell when I pay $100 for a 120gb 360
Can't you use an off-brand hard drive? Like with the ps3's SATA, or do you have to use the official merchandise. Cause 100 for a 120gb drive is crazy. I only shelled out 40 for a 500gb for my ps3.
You can use USB drives as a sort of mini-hard drive. But then you run into the issue of having a bunch of those things around, which will end up just being annoying. Other than that, I'm pretty sure you can only use the Microsoft branded drives. For the old models at least, maybe things are different with the Slim. Doubt it though.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Frizzle said:
Wow that's bad. Like, really bad. I don't mean to make this sound fanboyish, cuz I was considering an Xbox but: Is the hardware really that far behind the PS3 and regular computers? If i didn't have that texture pack i'd be so pissed.
I have an xbox and I installed the texture pack and the game looks amazing. It can support the graphics, but the disc the xbox uses doesn't have enough room. I wish Sony wouldn't horde the blu-ray format haha.

Eve Charm

New member
Aug 10, 2011
Just wait till someone finds out the ping is a little lower without the pack or it preforms a tad bit better. Then it will be the "MLG" thing to not have the pack installed.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Guessing here, if the pack is on the disk, the problem may just be DVD read speeds. If it's on the HDD, it probably will load the textures faster from the hard drive than from the disc, and won't mess up loading textures like Rage on PC.

Just guessing.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Vibhor said:
Also, why the fuck am I even arguing to you?
you know what i had that exact same thought just after that last post.
since,1)it's the 360, which you couldn't give me
and 2) its another uninspired gray-a-thon FPS, which i have never liked
so yeah, we just wasted a bunch of time on an argument that really shouldn't have happen, *sighs* only on the internet ...

TL/DR: I'm done, don't care anymore, and donno why i even cared in the first place


New member
Oct 9, 2008
Am I the only one that is glad the game is so huge and beautiful that we need these things to play?


New member
Dec 24, 2008
2005 called, said it wants it's textures back.

Well that what it looks like without the texture pack anyway.

With it, it still looks rather meh.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
I wonder if the PS3 has any similar issues or if the HD automatically installs on it in this case.

Meh, won't buy it anyway until it gets cheaper. 24 player combat on consoles? I'll stick with MAG.


Sep 12, 2008
Irridium said:
So I'm fucked if I get it on the 360, then.

Got the old 12gb hard drive.

And no, I will not buy a bigger one, because it will be a cold day in hell when I pay $100 for a 120gb 360 hard drive when I can buy a 1tb hard drive for my PC for $60.

Microsoft can shove their over-priced hard drive where the sun don't shine.

And even if the graphics were super-good, the game itself is just pretty... meh. Ah well.

Sectan said:
I don't understand why they even have these two different texture packs. Why not have it default for the game?
Because there's not enough space for them on the disks the 360 uses.
Pretty sure you the Xbox uses a 2.5" HDD which is the same as a laptop. So there's no way you're getting a 1tb HDD for 60$ at that size. It's more like twice that price. Also, I doubt you'd ever use an entire terabyte on your 360... Just throwing that out there.

Also, I'm pretty sure you can get a 360 data transfer cable and hook it up to an external HDD.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
It makes me sad how many people on this thread are celebrating the fact that another group of people got screwed.

Sheldon Raimey

New member
Oct 28, 2011
sravankb said:
BTW, do you guys even know how large the texture pack is?

1.5 GB.

Anyway you look at it - that is really not much. Even a 4GB Xbox will be able to run it.

Good job at making it a sensationalist article by holding back details, dude.

Dude, I have a 4GB Xbox Slim, the hard drive is not compatible with the Battlefield 3 HD texture back. I have more than enough space in it but it will not work. Nice try though, dude.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
I'm just glad that the PS3 version comes on one disk, let alone having to download extra texture packs.

I hate to be a fanboy about it, but since I'm limited to playing BF3 on a console, I'm glad it's PS3.


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
Elmoth said:
What did you expect on 6 year old hardware?
Nothing like this then. [] :p
EDIT related to the link: Balls, that's a PS3 image. XD

OT: Eh, it's not a big deal to me, personally.
It's just a disc size issue, after all.