Doom-Slayer said:
I find that idea strange. Hes reviewing the game, not two different games.
It's not an idea, it's a precedent:
I'm merely wondering why they didn't follow it as it's obviously the better route of doing it. The point is not two reviews, it's giving enough time to review an element. If you prefer, you can keep it in one review and make it twice as long or as long as necessary to actually explain what the game is about, the ups and downs and generally, just give an actual review that informs whoever's watching it.
Doom-Slayer said:
Also the "people only play this for MP" is a bit of a cop out. BF games have always had fairly decent SP campaigns, Bad Company 2 for example had a great one SP campaign, this doesn't quite live up to that.
First off, Battlefield games never had a singleplayer. They had a bot match through all the maps with a small historical description while the map was loading. The Bad Company spin off series has had SP, but I wouldn't regard it as great.
Doom-Slayer said:
I'm also reminded by Yahtzee, because if this game had had an amazing SP element, all the fans like yourself would be talking abut that, but since it doesn't the inevitable comment of "nobody plays it for that" comes up. If a game puts focus into both elements it needs to make them both of a high standard. Either do one well, or both well, don't skimp on one of them.
I'm not saying "people only play this for MP". I'm saying "people who buy this will finish the SP in 6 hours, then spend 100s of hours on the multiplayer - so how can you spend an equal amount of time reviewing both?". Though again, equality isn't the issue, not giving the multiplayer its due review is (which is not surprising considering the whole review is some 5 minutes long and giving a review in half that time is not really reasonable). And again, not saying this as a fanboi because "YOU DIDN'T SAY HOW AWESOME MULTIPLAYER IS!!!11!11!", merely observing the fact the review is not at all informative, of the multiplayers good and bad sides.
For the record, no, it's not ok that BF3's singleplayer is meh. I was quite disappointed with it as the launch trailer really pumped me up and made me hopeful they'd make a game that has a good singleplayer. It wasn't my number one concern, but I was looking forward to it and am rather disappointed on that end. I don't regret buying the game because of it - not by a long shot. I knew going in that this is a multiplayer game, that's why I was buying it and the singleplayer would only be a bonus. But it's sad nonetheless because the singleplayer trailer made it look like it had potential and I always hate to see wasted potential.