Battlefield moments

Feb 18, 2009
Ok, so Battlefield Bad Company 2 has been out a week or so now, and the trailers have made a big thing of 'battlefield moments' - times when you have done something insanely cool that couldn't possibly have been scripted in a massive online Battlefield match.
For example, you might have loaded a jeep with c4, driven it round the back of the enemy lines, run over three people, rear-ended a tank, hopped out and blown the tank sky high.

So basically, share your Battlefield moments. Older games like 1943 or BF2 are fine too.


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Not quite the same, but I just had one of my best rounds ever. Rush game, lost it but still doesn't change the stats: 39:39 K:D, over 8000 points, 20 pins etc at the end of the game, bronze starred a new gun, silver starred my knife, got 6 dog-tags, 7 kill streak, destroyed 4 stations, numerous headshots. Now while this might sound like an average game to many of you, it was an awesome game to me as a) I usually suck and b) my team spent the first half of the game at the starting base waiting for the heli to spawn...all my team bar 2 of us who managed to sneak in and blow up an M-con station, which got everyone else off their backsides.


New member
Jul 27, 2009
Playing as an engi, I blew up a fully loaded transport tank with a mine. Another tank was behind that one, and 2 people (excluding the driver) saw the other mine I had laid out on the street and got out. In the chaos from the explosion of the second tank, I took out those 2 guys with my repair tool.

Lemon Of Life

New member
Jul 8, 2009
I hid in the remains of a house and took down 17 people, most of them with a pistol.

I couldn't get out, as it collapsed on top of me.


New member
Mar 14, 2010
I was playing a game of rush, as a scout.
Let's just say the headshots kept rolling in, and I didn't get killed once, hehehe.


New member
Apr 24, 2008
I was the victim of a Battlefield moment.

I was sitting comfy in the second floor of a ruined building, sniping at two engineers. Got one of'em. Switched my scope over to the other and saw a missile headed right towards me. I quickly dodged, making it miss me. "Aha, now I've got plenty of time while he's busy reloading".
I looked down my scope again and suddenly noticed the whole screen wobbling strangely. A strange creaking sound was heard.

Bastard had brought the entire building down with me in it.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Need to say more? []

Optional Opinion

New member
Dec 29, 2008
The best moment so far for me was actually on the demo. On the rush map with an attack helicopter, I shot the pilot with a sniper in the air (lucky shot) and the gunner didn't realise and didn't change seat so died in the explosion that followed.

In the real game I would say killing an engineer who repair tooled a teammate by repair tooling him in the head myself and that's how I got the achievement.

Or even the numerous amount of times I run around shocking baddies with the medic. :)


New member
Mar 19, 2010
Not really had the chance to play it properly...
So far my controls have gone nutty...
It made me use my mouse to look but my XBOX controller to move :|
So my greatest moment was running over to a soldier and then getting killed because I thought he was an ally :p


New member
Mar 28, 2009
On the PC version, we (my squad) won the entire game on rush, using a UAV, with 4 squad members worth of C4 and detonating it into the M-COM stations.


Regular Member
Apr 16, 2009
TerranReaper said:
On the PC version, we (my squad) won the entire game on rush, using a UAV, with 4 squad members worth of C4 and detonating it into the M-COM stations.
That's an awesome tactic, gotta use that one some time ;)

OT: In BF:BC2, I was playing a Sniper once. We were defending so I took a spot with a good vantage point. The attackers had to use a parachute to get to their base and I spotted one of 'em. Then I was thinking to myself: "Shall I shoot or not?". After pondering for a while (which was actually about 2 secs) I decided to take the shot: BOOM HEADSHOT! the Marksman headshot score on that one was +210 :)

Also I'm very good at taking down helicopters without a tracer with my Carl Gustav ;) Always brings me joy when I get like 2-3 kills from taking down the helicopter. And then there are always people who get out early, only to be perforated by my submachine gun.


New member
Mar 12, 2010
On BF2 on PC on the dam level (Not Bad Company 2) I strapped tons of C4 onto a helicopter and flew over the the CP at the bottom of the dam. I then jumped out of the helicopter and jammed my parachute. My plan was to have the helicopter fall onto the CP and make a massive explosion on 3+ enemies. However, I forgot to realize that the helicopters have auto-pilot so they just kinda fly around on their own. Disappointed, I decided to just randomly detonate and I accidentally (actually on purpose *ahem*) blew up a second helicopter with 2 enemies in it that was flying by. Phenomenal.

one of them

New member
Jan 16, 2010
I've run through a couple open fields with mortar strikes, tank fire, helicopter gunners, and snipers shooting at me. It's pretty epic with constant explosions going off five feet away from you.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
I blew up an M-COM station in BC2 and got 7 kills because the bomb killed 3 and 4 snipers were above it when it brought the building down.

In squad deathmatch I killed an entire enemy squad that was in the tank with C-4 lol

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
Teabagged someone in the F35B. The guy had chuted on to the USS Essex and was making a bee line for the jet. I got there first powered up, took off then cut power and dropped right on top of him. Then moved the jet up and down once or twice before taking off. I don;t usually teabag in games because... well it blows but it was such a rare opportunity I really just had too.
Feb 18, 2009
Nice stories guys! I'm going to be honest, I made this thread because I bought BC2 about a week ago but haven't had a chance to play it yet and this is the closest I'm going to get to it until Monday.
Keep 'em coming!
Oatmeel said:
Playing as an engi, I blew up a fully loaded transport tank with a mine. Another tank was behind that one, and 2 people (excluding the driver) saw the other mine I had laid out on the street and got out. In the chaos from the explosion of the second tank, I took out those 2 guys with my repair tool.
This has to be the most epic so far. Good job.


New member
Apr 27, 2009
Shooting down an apache with the UAV missile was pretty cool - the enemy heli was moving fairly fast too.
I also held both of the first M-coms using a fixed mg to chop down all the trees so the attackers just got pounded as they ran across the dead zone.
And the first time I realised that you could get into the lighthouse, and the long range headshots that followed, and then on the flip side zero'ing my rifle on the window ledge of that same lighthouse from the 3rd M-Com stations and then getting 3 headshots in a row on 3 snipers as they appeared in the windows. Lovely stuff.
Or on panama canal on conquest, seeing an ATV being driven at me in my Abrams M1, and knowing it's laden with C4 but I can't bring the gun to bear on it, only for it to explode about 30 yards away and go flying over my turret in flames, and then getting 200 points for it because it had hit an anti tank mine I'd thrown there 10 minutes ago and forgotten about.

Its a great game. As soon as you have a few unlocks, epic stuff just happens every match. Even if it's just one headshot, one tank detonation, or one particulalrly fierce firefight, it's awesome.