Bayonetta 3 Thread


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America

Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
Just finished watching someone play through the whole game, and... wow, this was a bit ass, honestly. Especially the last chapter, I was fairly unimpressed from start to finish of it. As for the rest of the game... meh. I dunno how much crap went on in the background, but, it surprises me that this was the finished product that they put out. It had some good spectacle, but, definitely style over substance for the most part if you ask me, on top of some very questionable design decisions.
Directionless is what I'd call it overall


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Just finished watching someone play through the whole game, and... wow, this was a bit ass, honestly. Especially the last chapter, I was fairly unimpressed from start to finish of it. As for the rest of the game... meh. I dunno how much crap went on in the background, but, it surprises me that this was the finished product that they put out. It had some good spectacle, but, definitely style over substance for the most part if you ask me, on top of some very questionable design decisions.
Directionless is what I'd call it overall
The game is not perfect I still consider a good title. This game's main flaws are the limitations of the Switch (yet it runs good all things considered), and that this was going to be an open world game originally. It's noticeable with all of the sections when you're back on the island or in the chaos dimension. Nintendo told Platinum to take the assets and separate them by chapter. Saves on memory and space. Replay value is there, but many players aren't gonna replay the unfun or tedious section. When selecting a stage, you can do a verse select which mitigates most of the issues.
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Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
This game's main flaws are the limitations of the Switch (yet it runs good all things considered), and that this was going to be an open world game originally
I'd strongly argue that's not even close to its main flaws. The changes to its overall design probably played a part in the way the game is, but, I found that the story setup was kinda eh (multi-verse plots are bland by today's standards, and somewhat uninteresting even when Platinum likely started development). Not to mention how some of the chapters play out not being all that great in terms of pacing, the very weird cinematics (watching alternate universe Bayonettas making their first appearance by dancing in silence with slightly too low background music playing was kinda hilarious), general level design being not all that engaging, Viola existing, I could go on.
When you actually played the game in combat it seemed a lot better, even if the summons got in your way and made it a bit visually confusing. I did also like some of the set-piece sections, like when the game became a shoot-em-up (that went through all 3 different camera angles, a little treat I always appreciate in games like Astebreed that did it before Bayonetta 3).

but many players aren't gonna replay the unfun or tedious section.
So, like, most of the game?
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I'd strongly argue that's not even close to its main flaws.
I didn't say they were the only main flaws. Just the ones I pointed out specifically. It's why the levels are so over expansive and too large in certain chapters. A lot of this game was supposed to be an open world. Platinum couldn't cut that part right. The game had obvious production troubles, but you can do so much worse than Bayonetta 3. Insert Ninja Gaiden 3 (Vanilla), Lollipop Chainsaw, and DmC (2013).

The game sold over a million copies and Nintendo/Platinum are definitely satisfied. Bayonetta Origins is the more polished game, and I look forward to diving into it, as Platinum is doing something different again. After not having doing so since the Vanquish days really. I've already completeed the first two chapters, but I've been busy with RE4Remake.

he changes to its overall design probably played a part in the way the game is, but, I found that the story setup was kinda eh (multi-verse plots are bland by today's standards, and somewhat uninteresting even when Platinum likely started development). Not to mention how some of the chapters play out not being all that great in terms of pacing, the very weird cinematics (watching alternate universe Bayonettas making their first appearance by dancing in silence with slightly too low background music playing was kinda hilarious), general level design being not all that engaging, Viola existing, I could go on.
YMMV. Trust me every part you mentioned has either its defenders and haters. Though most agree that Egypt was not good, aside from Egyptian Bayo & Egyptian Jeanne, and the end boss of that level. I thought the story was ok, but ending was kinda there and could have had some better build up.Bayo, Jeanne, and Luka biting the dust hit me in the feels, man. Viola I like, but some of the haters go too far.

So, like, most of the game?
Depends on who you're talking to. Once again, see above. Most fans agree Paris is the best level and the most fun. The first set piece involving Phantom, and the two fighting game mode Gamora monster fights no one likes. Most of the other set pieces involving the giant demons are either considered good or great.
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Elvis Starburst

Unprofessional Rant Artist
Aug 9, 2011
but you can do so much worse than Bayonetta 3.
I mean, yeah, obviously. But "it could've been worse" doesn't always excuse sloppy game design or troubled production.

I thought the story was ok, but ending was kinda there and could have had some better build up.Viola I like, but some of the haters go too far.
I like Viola's backing music/battle theme... that's about it. I didn't really jam with her, and she kinda felt like a big lump of dead weight for most of the experience, ya know?
The last chapter really was a big load of crap though. As you say, YMMV, but... yeeeeeeeeeesh. There's only so many times that the good guys can get smacked down, have the villain do a maniacal monologue, have the heroes get up and be fine/be saved, and then repeat. The process happened, what... 4 times? I lost count, and I can't be arsed to go back and check at 11:30PM.

Depends on who you're talking to. Once again, see above. Most fans agree Paris is the best level and the most fun. The first set piece involving Phantom, and two fighting game mode Gamora monster fights no one likes. Most of the other set pieces involving the giant demons are either considered good or geat.
The giant Godzilla-like monster fights looked cool, but seemed so slow and boring to actually play. The one big monster sequence I liked was the escape from the crumbling tomb in Egypt though. I dunno why, but that one got me somewhat jazzed up compared to the others. Paris was pretty cool too, yeah


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I mean, yeah, obviously. But "it could've been worse" doesn't always excuse sloppy game design or troubled production.
I never said it did. While there was sloppy and troubled production, Bayo 3 nowhere near close to the disaster that was Ninja Gaiden 3. Only 1 weapon (you get Genshin's sword at the 2/3rds mark), 1 Ninpo Magic, even less enemy variety, and a game trying to appeal to "Western Gamers" who had no interests in them to begin with. And for all of Bayo 3's problems with its story, Ninja Gaiden 3 makes the latter look like Shakesprear by comparison.

I like Viola's backing music/battle theme... that's about it. I didn't really jam with her, and she kinda felt like a big lump of dead weight for most of the experience, ya know?
Hehehe, rip-off dead weight! Bonus points if you remember which dead weight in a stylish hack n slash I am referring towards.

The last chapter really was a big load of crap though. As you say, YMMV, but... yeeeeeeeeeesh. There's only so many times that the good guys can get smacked down, have the villain do a maniacal monologue, have the heroes get up and be fine/be saved, and then repeat. The process happened, what... 4 times? I lost count, and I can't be arsed to go back and check at 11:30PM.
True. I still have a soft spot for the gal. Precious cinnamon bun.

The giant Godzilla-like monster fights looked cool, but seemed so slow and boring to actually play. The one big monster sequence I liked was the escape from the crumbling tomb in Egypt though. I dunno why, but that one got me somewhat jazzed up compared to the others. Paris was pretty cool too, yeah
Like I said before, most of the ones involving Gamora (giant demon Godzilla looking guy) are the worst. The one where you're destroying the possessed French army is okay, but thankfully only lasts for about 2-3 minutes. Madama Butterfly actually has the best ones whenever Bayo summons her, or when MB gets even bigger. The Star Fox/Panzer Dragoon section in Paris is freaking crazy! A way better SHMUP section than the Space Harrier segment in the first game. Those are my personal favorites.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Complicated is certainly a word for it.
I can think of many others that sit above 'complicated' personally
Look, I'm under no illusion and know Bayo3 is a contested sequel and love it or hate it. I do have my own problems with the game, but I do consider it a B- type good. At least Foxcade articulated his points, didn't act like a drama queen, nor have none of these grand declarations of "I'll never play another Platinum title (w/Witch Time) ever again!" Like they're saying something controversial or brave. Nor did he feel the need to say Bayonetta 3 sucks for the next two and half months in his longplay streams of games that have nothing to do with Bayonetta 3 (PatStartesAt). Fox did have that I'm not certain, if I'll play another Platinum title, but at least he doesn't go overboard and admits he wasn't in the best mood, and Capcom went through a similar cycle.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Thanks for news @SilentPony!

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