Tenmar said:
A damn shame but let's not mention HER name again. Do we as gamers actually think SHE is hot? I sure don't and hate any female protagonist that is meant to represent independence, strength and intelligence compared to the bimbo.
I'll be honest. All of these strong female characters that they churn out one after another tend to run together in my brain as they all wind up seeming like they came from the same cookie cutter mould after a while. Even with Japanese characters where they have more flavors of the "Strong female lead" you can still sort them by type fairly easily.
Honestly I sort of gave X-blades Kudos for trying to break that mould to an extent by having a "Girls wanna have fun" type vibe (or trying to).
I mean even when looking at characters created for girls almost exclusively, the ones that wind up being popular aren't that strong and perfect. I mean Barbie (laugh if you want, she's an enduring character who has been pretty much anything from an Archaologist, to a Detective, to a Rodeo Rider) perhaps the quintessential "can do anything" girl hero, isn't as "I am so perfect and serious Grrr!" as some of these video game characters nowadays.
I guess Yahtzee sort of summarized it in his comments on how Lara Croft has changed from being playful, to what is basically a carpet munching amazon.
I think we need more Bimbo (though that is a bad term) to stand out from the crowd nowadays. As odd as it might sound, your really strong, super-intelligent, independant female leads are not breaking a stereotype, they have BECOME the cookie cutter stereotype. We need less mary sues and you know... more reasonable characters. I find it kind of odd that male action heroes seem to have more fun doing their thing that the female ones nowadays (as odd as this might sound) because the female ones are too busy chain smoking cigars to prove how strong and butch they are.
This is getting repetitive I guess...
But on the subject (after that wall of ramble), I see nothing exceptional about Baynetta. Almost everything about it from the protaganist, to the enemies seems pretty much cookie cutter. I mean even the idea of having her fight Angels and still be the good guy isn't that big a change given the fact that we've had games (admittedly mostly JRPGs like Persona) doing that kind of thing for a while now. Even here on western shores flipping the presumed roles of a cosmology not exactly a new spin on things.
It pretty much seems like a cookie cutter female action hero, like any other grimly serious amazon action hero, turned loose in your quintessential beat 'em up (probably with some customization elements, which they all have), featuring angels as the spin compared to more stereotypical demons, robots, or aliens. Recycle beat-em-up type action gameplay stolen from franchises like Devil May Cry and God Of War, add the new art and wows... it's Bayonetta.
I have suspect that it's not just errors delaying it, but eventually someone figured that what they were releasing was pretty much what everyone else had already done, minus anything revolutionary, so they are probably digging to find some unique spin/gameplay element to throw onto it (and codre properly) to make the game stand out... because honestly nothing I've seen about this game (as others have said before me) seems even remotely noteworthy.
I imagine the game sprung from someone at a dev meeting basically saying "what would happen if Bullet Witch and Devil May Cry had a love child?".