Becoming Emotionally Attached to Game Characters and Feeling Sad After Beating a Game


New member
Sep 7, 2015
I have to add Ellie from The Last of Us to the list as well. Just between the way she was written and what she meant for humanity and how the game ended. Just a great character. I think about what would happen to her as she got older, knowing what she knows (or thinks she knows).


New member
Jun 17, 2010
ZodiacMaster101 said:
Recently I just beat Persona 4: Golden, and I also made sure to unlock the true ending and extra epilogue. After doing so I have to say that I feel somewhat depressed and happy; kind of like a melancholy sort of feeling. This happens every time I get so emotionally invested to the either the characters or story of the game that I actually start to care about both on a much deeper level, almost as if both were actually real. I realize that it's all fictional, but I still can't help feeling that way. So I was wondering if anybody else ends up feeling this after beating a game they really like, and if so then how about sharing some stories or examples of times it actually has happened to you?
Of course mate. This happens to me (and a lot of people) whenever you invest a lot of time into a story, enjoy it all the way through and get attached to it, it's characters and everything.

It's a feeling you'll most often have with a book, because they usually take longer to read (and to be fair, generally have the best stories out of all the mediums atm), but you'll also get it with games and sometimes with TV series, anime etc, assuming the writers didn't drag out the story so much that you got sick of it by the end. Movies are the medium this feeling is the least felt with I believe, most likely due to their relatively short length, but some trilogies do accomplish it (though it's rare, cause movie trilogies usually have at least one shit part :\ ).


Elite Member
Mar 17, 2010
Halfway game-related, but Ezio's passing in the animation Assassin's Creed: Embers.
We stuck with with guy for a while and his story was told far beyond just the games and then it ended. Sometimes I feel like it's sadder when there's an extended universe; you get more of a fix but eventually it still ends.

More on topic, back when Halo 3 really was finishing the fight,that last cutscene was pretty up there.

Marty O'Donnell's a God d*mn artist.


New member
Feb 27, 2014
Bastion... Which went out of its way to make the characters that much more relateble by the end of it...
I want to describe its end as "bitter-sweet", but the game makes it really hard for you to find the silver-lining.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I just finished episode 5 of 'Life is Strange' and I'm already feeling the withdrawal. I loved the characters in that game and I'm sad the story's over, especially given the way it ended (no spoilers here).

Max was relatable and endearing in her awkwardness, and I loved her growth from introverted nerd to local hero. Chloe was less endearing, but had that 'Kenny from Walking Dead' quality of being sympathetic despite being deeply flawed and responsible for about 90% of the problems you have to deal with. Their relationship was incredibly touching, whether you played them as a couple or just a deep friendship

I also dug quite a few of the supporting characters, like David and his J. J. Jameson routine, Kate and her put-upon sweetness, and Warren and his utter lack of self-awareness. The acting and dialogue wasn't always great, but the slightly off writing somehow made them more memorable for it, and they gave their A-game when it mattered. A nice little series, sad to see it end.

CAPTCHA: Picture perfect. Oddly appropriate for a game about photography.


Mages Rule, and Dragons Fly!
May 2, 2011
United States
Kingjackl said:
I just finished episode 5 of 'Life is Strange' and I'm already feeling the withdrawal. I loved the characters in that game and I'm sad the story's over, especially given the way it ended (no spoilers here).

Max was relatable and endearing in her awkwardness, and I loved her growth from introverted nerd to local hero. Chloe was less endearing, but had that 'Kenny from Walking Dead' quality of being sympathetic despite being deeply flawed and responsible for about 90% of the problems you have to deal with. Their relationship was incredibly touching, whether you played them as a couple or just a deep friendship

I also dug quite a few of the supporting characters, like David and his J. J. Jameson routine, Kate and her put-upon sweetness, and Warren and his utter lack of self-awareness. The acting and dialogue wasn't always great, but the slightly off writing somehow made them more memorable for it, and they gave their A-game when it mattered. A nice little series, sad to see it end.

CAPTCHA: Picture perfect. Oddly appropriate for a game about photography.
Just finished Life is Strange as well. Pretty much agree with all of the above post.

Also recently beat Undertale and watched (because no way in hell am I doing) the genocide ending.
Got to say, those two games really outshine a lot of the ends of pretty much all the other games I've played.

To add one more to the list though, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots comes in a close third place after those two games.

Anyway, I need to go take a nap or something. *falls to the floor*


Molotov Cocktails, Anyone?
Jul 3, 2013
I am going to say the ending of Halo: Reach. Even though, I read the book, and had a good guess how it was going to end. I still replayed that ending over and over again. Hoping there was going to be a different fate for that Spartan.


New member
Sep 27, 2014
Delta/Eleanor from Bioshock 2. I originally got the ambiguous-good(ish) ending, and by the time she says "I miss you father...I miss you." I was tearing up.