Ben Affleck is The New Batman


Good news everyone!
Jun 3, 2011
Some men just want to watch the world derp.

Why couldn't they just pick up where Nolan and Bale left off and have Joseph Gordon Levitt put on the cowl for a couple of movies? Sure he wouldn't be the perfect Batman, but he isn't Ben Affleck.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
Pretty sure everyone had the same reaction when Heath Ledger was announced to play as Joker.

So since that turned out well, I'll hold off judgement till i see something of a trailer with BATFLECK in it.


New member
Jul 17, 2013
No fair I posted this topic first. :( lol oh well had to figure an actual escapist writer/mod would post this eventually.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
I've been thinking about it, and you know what? Give me a Batman who doesn't wear armor and move like a stiff, but wears the suit and has the moves of the Animated Series, who has a little bit of a sense of humour (especially with Alfred), who is a detective, and whose primary interest is justice and not anger-based revenge...give me that and I wouldn't care which actor was used.

Or better yet, just get a stuntman who looks and can act the part, and have Kevin Conroy dub his voice. PROBLEM SOLVED!


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
search_rip said:
I agree, Daredevil IMO has a lot of problems, mainly Elektra, Bullseye and even Kingpin but Ben Affleck as Matt Murdock was a good choice BUT I just can't picture him as Batman even is the characters have some similarities, anyway, some people say "oh but Argo, his Oscar and blah blah blah" just remember that as far as we know Affleck is not going to write nor direct the sequel of Man of Steel so, as other people had written, if it sucks is Snyder's fault.
My problem was the writing:
1) Does Daredevil have/develop a code against killing? He throws a wounded Bullseye through a window and out a building to his likely death. Then he doesn't kill the Kingpin.
2) Daredevil does NOT beat up the Kingpin in a fistfight. Especially not while near mortally wounded.

I may be alone in this, but I loved this version of Bullseye. He differs from the comic book but in interesting ways.

I have heard Affleck is playing an older Batman (and Affleck is in his early 40s now.) I'm thinking the idea is, he was around a long time before Superman.

I hope they lay off the Superman as Jesus allegory (He is supposed to ultimately be one of us, the ultimate immigrant: not simply state that he is from Kansas). Get a new Lois Lane. Somehow, forget that his Clark Kent cover story is absurd, especially around Lois. Get Superman some dang friends! He is not a wierdo loner. See Smallville and the comic books. Forget he let his dad die. Keep the Superman actor. Keep the suit. Keep Fishburne as Perry White. But, almost do a reboot of this reboot. And to the extent it has any conflict between Superman and Batman, make it like the snarky Wayne in Kingdom Come or this:



New member
Dec 29, 2009
They cast someone we don't want. Logically the most reasonable course of action now is the write off the movie completely, without seeing any trailers or even pictures of Ben as Batman. Seems perfectly logical to me.

When you buy something at the grocery store and see, "New recipe" on the box, do you immediately assume the food is going to taste like shit?


New member
Sep 2, 2011
Honestly, this could go either way. And I'll take Daredevil over some of those other Marvel movies ANY day of the week.

I'm lookin' at you, Punisher and Fantastic Four, and you both should still be sorry.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Just going to point this out, no one thought Micheal Keaton would make a good Batman either. Now people have debates over if Keaton or Bale is a better Batman. I'll give him a shot and see how he does, but honestly as long as the "Bale" voice isn't used when he is Batman it will make it some what more enjoyable.

Taurus Vis

New member
Jan 12, 2013
I honestly can see where people are coming from with the hatred, but let's be serious for a moment. Affleck is not a hack. He is a serious presence right now, he recently won an oscar, he has writing and directing expertise (which could help him guide Snyder since Zack sometimes fails in the script department when he is trying to make things visually amazing) and he is well on his way to becoming one of the dramatic big wigs in Hollywood. We need to give him a chance.

That being said, he will not be as good as Bale. Say what you will about Christian Bales "Cancer voice", he was intimidating, brooding, brutally violent, and when he changed from anarchic anti-hero to douche bag playboy, it was believable. Christian Bale is the quintessential method actor in Hollywood at the moment. He went from being under 100 lbs for the machinist to over 200 lbs of muscle for Batman begins. He knows the nuances of the character, and I really think he made you sorry for him, as much as you were in awe of him.

Ben Affleck's strength is in Drama. His character portrayals in Good Will Hunting and Argo show his range in that regard. He failed to be a Romantic comedy draw (you'll never beat Matthew Mcconaughey, Mark Ruffalo and Channing Tatum in the romantic schlock department), he also failed to be an action star in Daredevil, although he gave it a good shot. I think he will be able to play Bruce Wayne, but the weakness will come when he needs to don the cowel, because Ben Affleck is neither brutal or intimidating.

Maybe he'll do some crazy P90X and be good, who knows, I still think Karl Urban or John Hamm would have been better as Batman and Bruce Wayne respectively.

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
I'll reserve judgement until we get a lot more information, but I've always thought Ben Affleck had a very punchable face. When he makes that smarmy look I just want to deck him.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
llagrok said:
Because, just like someone already mentioned, ledger was fairly untried and unknown to many.

Most people have seen a great deal of Affleck's movies.
Ledger was not exactly a neophyte by the time he got the part of the Joker either. Furthermore, Affleck from ten years ago is not Affleck now. He's reinvented himself, he's gotten better, and he's gotten more picky about his roles. And considering the fact that people questioned even the GOOD castings of the Batman series (such Michael Keaton, Tom Hardy, Maggie Gylenhaal, Anne Hathaway, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neesonn, etc), this is just par for the course. I can't help bu feel people are going to be embarrassed when in turns out their suspicions were just them overreacting.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Well I suppose they know that it'll be heavily criticised anyway for not living up to the Nolan films so why not put in an easy fall guy to blame it on.


New member
Aug 2, 2012
I think Ben will be a good Batman. He's a good actor and director and putting on that cape and cowl will be a new test for him. Give the man a chance.

I was once skeptical about Christian Bale as Batman. After putting fanboy crap aside, and looking at his previous good work, I knew things would be okay. I enjoyed the Dark Knight trilogy a lot.

I think I'll concede that many hardcore comic fans will never be happy, whatever studios do with films, because we are so scared of things going wrong than right. Sure, its okay to be a bit scared as nothing worthy doing is ever easy. Some also need to realize that comic stuff and film stuff don't always match up, because they are still two different but similar visual media.


New member
Jun 1, 2013
There is NOTHING wrong with Affleck playing Batman. I don't want the continuation of Nolan's Batman. I'd rather see something new. Maybe here Batman will escape his cinematic curse, that makes him mediocre compared to villains in his own movies.
It won't be Nolan's Batman. At least I hope it won't be. TDKR was a mess, and MoS got crippled by Nolan's trilogy(and the fact that MoS would've been better as a second movie, not the first).
Maybe this time Batman will be able to stand on his own as a character without the support cast shouldering him.
The thing that turns me off is the whole Superman vs. Batman thing. It screams: "MoS underperformed! Let's put still hot Batman there to get more money". And WB's half-assed approach to CBMs.
I want Batman vs. Superman to succeed. I want to watch more good movies. But I have doubts. And Ben Affleck isn't a major one among them.

O maestre

New member
Nov 19, 2008
Ruisu said:
I really feel like facepalming, because I wanted so hard that someone at warner would AT LEAST consider Karl Urban after watching his Dredd.

BUT, I too though it was a stupid idea to have Heath Ledger for the Joker before, and did not believe Tom Hardy could do a good Bane, and both proved me way wrong. Soooo, all I can do for now is bite the tip of my tumb and wait to see what happens now. I did like Man of Steel quite a lot, and DC characters were always my favorites, and more than that, freaking Zack Snyder never misses imo.
So bring Ben Affleck.

There's also that guy that was the stupid Human Torch in Fantastic Four, and did a convincing Steve Rogers. Guess I'll let myself open for new ideas.
Karl Urban would have been a great choice, he has the physic and can be grim enough to pull off an amazing batman, in fact that was all I could think about in-between the shooty bits while watching Dredd.

Affleck has become a great film maker, not actor, and it should remain so.

In regards to Bane and Tom Hardy. They didn't quite replicate Bane from the comics, in fact i would almost say it was an entirely new character. But Tom Hardy was very impressive in Bronson and got the thumbs up from me when i heard he was going to be Bane.

In regards to Man of Steel and Zack Snyder, we are on complete opposite sides of the fence, I think the man should only be a creative director or just in charge of cinematography, because the way he handles scripts or narrative is horrible. Man of Steel I was in utter shock and disbelief after watching Man of Steel, and not in a good way. I'm digressing off topic so I'll just leave it at that.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
GamerMage said:
RJ Dalton said:
Words. I have none.

As if I needed another reason not to see the movie.
Why are people so bothered by this. Here's a guy that can act, (See: The Town) can direct, and likes the source material,so what's the problem?
Oh, don't mind me, I'm apparently just behind the times. I knew he'd proved good at directing, but I've never seen him act in a way that didn't make me think of him as a less amusing William Shatner. But I haven't watched a movie with him acting in it for years, so maybe he's gotten better.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
GamerMage said:
RJ Dalton said:
GamerMage said:
RJ Dalton said:
Words. I have none.

As if I needed another reason not to see the movie.
Why are people so bothered by this. Here's a guy that can act, (See: The Town) can direct, and likes the source material,so what's the problem?
Oh, don't mind me, I'm apparently just behind the times. I knew he'd proved good at directing, but I've never seen him act in a way that didn't make me think of him as a less amusing William Shatner. But I haven't watched a movie with him acting in it for years, so maybe he's gotten better.
I agree,. I'm certainly willing to find out.
I'd be more willing if it wasn't still the Nolan/Snyder team. I've been sick of the grim and gritty look almost since Batman Begins restarted the trend and after Dark Knight Rises, I don't even enjoy it for Batman anymore. And I've never liked Zack Snyder. Never. Maybe if they fired Snyder and put Affleck in charge of directing (because he *has* proved himself to be a really good director), but we all know that's not going to happen.