I loved this story when I first saw it. Short and effective.
"'Daddy, I had a bad dream.'
You blink your eyes and pull up on your elbows. Your clock glows red in the darkness?it's 3:32. 'Do you want to climb into bed and tell me about it?'
'No, Daddy.'
The oddness of the situation wakes you up more fully. You can barely make out your daughter's pale form in the darkness of your room. 'Why not, sweetie?'
'Because in my dream, when I told you about the dream, the thing wearing Mommy's skin sat up.'
For a moment, you feel paralyzed; you can't take your eyes off of your daughter. The covers behind you begin to shift."
Also the one about the babysitter and the angel statue that wasn't there before. I've heard versions where it was a clown statue too but I like the angel statue better.
Oh and I enjoy the Holders stories, but only a couple of them are really good. Others are trying too hard, and it's starting to become a little too fleshed out, making it lose that element of mystery. They're not really scary but they do have that horror aesthetic.