Best Disney Movie

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
To me it would be Aladdin. It had good visual, humour and overall a great film.

Mercy Blessed

New member
Jan 8, 2011
DEFININTELY hunchback of notre dame! hands down my favourite - i can't remember HOW many times i watched this movie as a kid :D


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Tangled, Mulan, and Nightmare before Christmas were pretty good, but this guy said it best.
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
The Hunchback Of Notre Dame- not only is this film beautifully animated, but it has one of the most mature stories of any Disney animated film. Any film which has includes a song by a corrupt church minister about the lust he's feeling for a gypsy girl, lamenting his fall into sin, and pleading with God to either give her to him or condemn her to Hell for all eternity (let alone tying said gypsy girl to the stake and forcing her to choose between him or the fire) is dealing with some heavy ideas. One of the best films to show to anyone who think Disney only deal in lightweight kid's fluff.


Lvl 20 Hedgehog Wizard
Jan 25, 2010
Well, as for their animated movies, my personal favorite is Mulan, but as for overall quality, it's difficult to beat either Disney's earliest stuff or Disney in the '90s. I would call those two eras Disney's two "Golden Ages": 1937-1959 (Snow White to Sleeping Beauty) and 1989-1999 (Little Mermaid to Tarzan). There were also some gems in that between period, and most of the entertaining ones to me are from that time (101 Dalmatians, Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood), but there wasn't the consistency in quality in that time that there was before or after it.

As for the greatest of the greats, taking overall quality of animation, music, story, and production, I would say from the early period, they would be Snow White, Pinocchio, Bambi (how many of you were introduced to the concept of death through Bambi's mom?), and Cinderella, and from the later period it's gotta be Aladdin and The Lion King.

As for live-action, hands down it's Mary Poppins, no contest, though the first Pirates of the Caribbean gives it a run for its money in terms of entertainment value.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Assuming we're not talking about Pixar's work, I'd have to go with The Emperor's New Groove. I liked how Emperor Kuzco starts out as a selfish, egotistical asshole, as it made him a far more interesting character than the goody-two-shoes Mary Sue characters that usually star in such films. I'd say the kindly Pacha is the true hero of the story, but even he succumbs to his baser instincts occasionally, usually out of exasperation for having to deal with Kuzco (and really, who can blame him?).

I also liked how the "bad guys" weren't necessarily evil to the core. Yzma is power-hungry, conniving and vengeful, but her grievance with Kuzco is actually pretty understandable (getting fired by your jerk of a boss).

Finally, there's Kronk. Best...henchman...ever. Every single scene with him is pure comedic gold:


Saviour In the Clockwork
Feb 2, 2010
Nostalgia overload!

Lion King is my favorite by far, but there's also Hercules, Mulan, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Robin Hood, Aladdin, The Great Mouse Detective.

The list goes on forever :D


New member
Oct 25, 2010
I think it would have to be The Lion King. That's the first movie that comes to most minds when Disney is mentioned and I haven't met anyone who hasn't seen it. My favourite is probably Hercules though or Aladdin.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Hellfire, Bells of Notre Dame, Court of Miracles. The late, great Tony Jay as Judge Claud Frollo, Clopper. Also, Hellfire, Bells of Notre Dame, Court of Miracles.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Firstmark_Bannor said:
Am I the only one who remembers The Aristocats?

Ha! That song was awesome! Especially the end where the cats are stomping on the piano and it falls through 3 or 4 storeys...

Remember the English geese?! 'SHERRY'!!

Ulquiorra4sama said:
Nostalgia overload! :D
Ain't it?!

OT: Oh, so many, I mean, really, so many:

Beauty and the Beast - 'cos I'm a soppy git and the music as Beast changes brings a tear to my eye every time... ¬_¬
Robin Hood - more lulz per second than any comedy churned out these days
Snow White - THE original Disney film and genuinely scary when you're six (not me... *points at sister*)
Fantasia - not really a film per se, just a concert set to animation, but damned brilliant nonetheless (especially 'the Soundtrack')
Alice in Wonderland - sure it's got elements of Through the Looking Glass but you've gotta love the ride
The Reluctant Dragon - a shorter one, but just so... can't describe it, words do not do it justice!

On a side note, does anyone remember those Disney shorts (6 minute cartoons), 'cos there was one that was with three versions of Goofy, and it was a tutorial on driving. How fucking-A was that?!

Robert Ewing

New member
Mar 2, 2011
Am I the only one that absolutely HATES the lion king? It's so bad! And extremely boring! Why is it so loved!? Is it just because lots of now grown children saw some cats go through emotional trauma, and now it's the fondest memory they have as a child? WHY?


New member
Jun 24, 2011
I felt a great connection with Hunchback of Notre Dame. I first saw it after having my heart broken and Quasimodo's status as social pariah reminded me of my terrible time in middle school and Esmeralda just made me feel so bad for Quasi at the end.

There's also the Toy Story trilogy. In what is possibly the only flawless movie trilogy, we follow the growth of a childlike imagination and playfulness all the way up to death when Andy grows up. But the true childlike feeling is reborn and passed on to a new generation. Add the fact that Andy was my age in Toy Story 3 and you had me blown away.

Other fantastic Disney films that still pale in comparison include Aladdin, Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Hercules, all Pixar movies except Cars 1 and 2, and all Miyazaki movies.


Team Stupid-Face
Nov 11, 2008
I love Disney Films, despite being a 26 year old male, and always try and go to see them when released despite getting funny looks at the cinema. Favourites include:

Beauty and the Beast - Love the story, the growth of the Beast as a character and the music (not just the songs) is fantastic and is probably one of my favourite film soundtracks.

Basil The Great Mouse Detective - I love Rattigan. So over the top its amazing.

Princess and the Frog - While I know it shouldn't matter, traditional handrawn animation is much nicer to watch compared to either full CGI, or more obviously computer assisted animations and so this film came as a wonderful breath of fresh air.

Tangled - Despite what I said above, I do like this film. Great to look at and has a nice sense of humour running through it and doesn't take itself too seriously.

Treasure Planet - I've always felt this was very underrated. A film that was made with the wrong audience in mind and suffered at the box office because of it.

Sword in the Stone - Very fun

Fantasia/Fantasia 2000 - Love the music so the animation is a bonus.


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
The absolute best movie Disney ever made in my opinion is 1943's Victory Through Air Power.



New member
Feb 21, 2010
ahh that's a hard one, but I would have to go with either the sword in the stone, Mulan, Aladdin or treasure planet. There are so many good disney films, ahhhh.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Given when it came out, I'll go with Sleeping Beauty.

Witches, dragons, music, great art direction. Sleeping Beauty was great for its time, but if you've watched it recently, is slow paced and redundant to the point of being unwatchable.

In the modern age (post Black Caudron) it is a tie between Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. B&B is a more complete, well executed film. "Kiss the Girl" is what romantic cinema is all about.


New member
Sep 24, 2010
This thread drowns me in nostalgic bliss. I really want to go have a Disney marathon now. Alladin, Lion King, Mulan, The Jungle Book, The Aristocats, The Sword in the Stone, Peter Pan, The Fox and the Hound, The Black Cauldron... I could go on and on and on. *sigh* The good old days. I'm a 20 year old guy, and I still appreciate this sort of stuff to this day. If I ever have kids, I know what I'm making them watch.

I mean, to be quite honest, there are too many excellent movies for me to actually choose a number one.

Long live these sort of movies! Who's with me!?


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Really, REALLY hard for me to pick a number 1.

I've got two that I hold as two of my favorite movies ever.

The first is Aladdin:

The second is The Nightmare Before Christmas:

I couldn't possibly choose between the two of them.

But my third place Disney movie is probably Lion King.