BEST gaming communities


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
This is a tough question, I would probably say that all gaming communities are as bad as each other. I believe I answered this same question ages ago, but I can't remeber which community I chose (I think it was the Left 4 Dead community), but honestly, you can't go anywhere in the world of gaming without encountering complete idiots.

EDIT: I'm thinking the Fifa 11 community, very occasionally people are dicks in online games, but mostly people are silent, but then at the end of the game, win or lose, I will receive a "good game" message.


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009
The Sonic fans who aren't total idiots, which means probably 3% of the whole damn fanbase.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
Monxerot said:
Rift community
its essentially wow but heres a few examples why Rift > WoW community
*ask question in general*
WoW: UMG NUBL2P rofl just fukken google it
Rift: Sure you just *gives good relevant answer*

example 2
Tank happens to die once in a dungeon
WoW: WTF n00b tank get more stamina and suck less
Rift: Ah damn sorry man my heal didnt reach in time even though i know this boss is kind of hits like a truck, ill res ya and then we'll have another go.
To be fair WoW was also like that when it had just came out. I remember discovering all of the ins and outs of it and being in awe when I saw a player with an awesome weapon, tabard or mount. I'd send them a whisper to politely ask where they got whatever it was they had, and they'd always respond kindly with some helpful info. Granted, it's gone to shit nowadays, but I think that's to do with the size. There's still a great core community, but it's shrouded by the rabble.


New member
Apr 16, 2011
OT: Most of SOE's games tend to have a good community behind them. EQ2 has a real stand up community, and SWG (when I played it from launch to slightly before the NGE) had one of the absolute best communities I've seen.

Monxerot said:
Rift community
But Rift's community is equally as bad as WoW's. Maybe its become better since the game has effectively died, but when I played, the forums, general chat, and the player base were only a step above WOW.

I mean, you have to remember: Rift's community IS WOW's community. It is the demographic Trion targeted the most in its advertising, and is clearly the intended audience of the game (given how its nothing too much more than a WOW clone who played in the dirt for a bit).


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
Vibhor said:
Dwarf fortress forumites. Every post made in the forums is pure gold.
Absolutely. The mermaid bone farming thread is my favourite.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
The Escapecraft Minecraft server is really pretty excellent, although we seem to get more griefing newbies these days. The TESNexus community for Elder Scrolls games used to be good but it's gone a bit shit because it's been so long since oblivion came out. Plus the staff are a bunch of assholes. I should be allowed to swear on forums that cater to a game that's rated 15.


Last day of PubClub for me. :'-(
Mar 23, 2011
FirstToStrike said:
The Sonic fans who aren't total idiots, which means probably 3% of the whole damn fanbase.
*is part of the 3% of level-headed fans*

*is also cool with most 3D games and some of the 4Kids VAs*

The Black Prophecy community is cool. If a high level Tyi/Genide is picking on you, most (if not all) available Genide/Tyi pilots will come in and steamroll them if you need help. Great bunch of friends who works as a team and actually gets shit done. What more could you want?

William Fleming

New member
Mar 6, 2011
White Knight Chronicles community is really good up until the 2nd one for Longsword users, but still 99% of the players I have came across have been really nice and helpful (and sometimes funny when finding a graphical glitch in the guild hometown so everyone lines up to try it out).

Mr. Omega

Jul 1, 2010
Well, XBL is full of obnoxious assholes.
the PC Comminuity is full of elitist obnoxious assholes. (Just an XBL asshole with a better vocabulary)
PSN is filled with people who are likely assholes but without a mic. (And the few who do are usually assholes)
And Nintendo... they have no online community. (But if they did, it'd probably be full of assholes.)

So the best gaming community? The kind that involves you and all players being in the same room together. So they'd have to be someone you like and/or trust enough to let in to your house, or they'd have to trust you enough to let you into their house. And if somebody is an asshole, you don't have to worry about seeing them again.

And to everyone saying TF2... are we playing the same game? I found one good server I frequent that is awesome, but they sure as hell aren't representative of any other server I've been on since the F2P update... a lot less complaining at that server...

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
okay okay don't laugh but the sims 3 building community is actually full of really nice lads and lasses. Everyone has fun and there is little drama. The main sims community is a bit packed with young female drama queens but the building community seems to shun those as soon as they appear.
It's good times.
Probably the most friendly game related community I've come across along with the escapist ofc :p


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
The Call Of Duty community.

As I write, 64 well known COD Youtubers are making 16 teams for a massive charity tournament called 'Call Of The Community', involving some of the biggest, most influential channels on all of Youtube and hundreds of thousands of fans.

This is completely organised by gamers at a grass roots level. It's the first time I've seen something like this and I'm very impressed.