Best Kind of Goverment?


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2008
mipegg post=18.71519.727443 said:
Representative democracy=huge fail and weak governments. See Wiemar Republic
Also America uses a representative democracy so I disagree it equals huge fail and weak governments

And most democracies are representative in nature, meaning we elect senators/parliament/or whatever that hold the majority of power


New member
Jun 20, 2008
Monarchy/Body of Unelected Rulers, eg. Theocracy, Oligarchy, et cetera: You end up with bribery and patronage unless you severely cut the power of the King or Queen. Which no longer makes it a monarchy...

Anarchy: Nothing would ever get done, nothing would be created, no work would be done. Much of public works - schools, hospitals, safety measures - are controlled by law. No law = no control over the less sane members of society. Which, despite much verbiage to the contrary provided by the text-speak theses provided by teenagers who dye their hair red and think Linkin Park have actually made a listenable album at some point in their overly long careers, is not gonna be a good thing. Try having decent medical practice when bricks keep hurtling through the window.

Communism: In theory it's sound - so long as everyone joins in. Otherwise it simply won't work, even Marx and Lenin realised this. Marx even put it in Das Kapital! So yeah, that's communism out.

We are thus only left with Democracy. It may not be perfect, but it's the not only the best form of government we have, it is the ONLY feasible form of government we can come up with.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
If Karl Marx's vision of Communism was to become true, it would be the best. Thing is, his vision was utopia.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
I think that, though democracies seem to be the most successful up till now, are too complicated to be sucessful over the long term. Eventually I think they will get corrupted and fail.

I think a simple communist government, with strong leaders and leniencies where necessary, could be very effective. As long as the government isn't filled with crazy people, more government control can be a very good thing for ensuring that its citizens live peaceful and productive lives.

It's true that in the world things have proven the opposite; the western democracies have been the most successful while communist contries tend to be poor or complete failures. But I think that has more to do with various surcumstances than the government types itself. With the Cold War, and democracy vs. communism, the western countries proved more able to surpress communism wherever it appeared, pushing those countries towards failure.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
The best government to do what? They all have strengths and weaknesses, so saying "best" without actually saying what the government should be accomplishing kinda diminishes my options.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Throughout time people have ruled other people in different ways, but none have been viewed "right" or "good" by all the people ruled by it. Therefore there is no universally good way to rule because ruling by nature puts people down. Man is not in need of government but government is in need of Man.


New member
Oct 14, 2007
Meh, if we take the whole world into account, "democracy" only serves a few privileged whose rights are built on other people's backs.

Wether you have a capitalist or communist democracy, we always seem to fall on the fact that the ruling class in those systems tends to form centralized homogeneous power structures that end up slowing progress to a halt.

If you take into account that we live in a globalized economy, then it becomes hard to argument against the fact that foreign policy from one country affects the other, leaving the poorer countries completely at the mercy of industrialized nations that build their commodities on the weaker's discomforts.

The only government that could effectively address those problems would have to be a decentralized form of communism. Kinda like the original "soviet" idea which was a form of council. With the advent of technology it could become a reality.


New member
Aug 23, 2008
There is no best government, governments must simply be attatched to the attributes of a nation.


New member
Jun 4, 2008
TheWallsofJericho post=18.71519.727466 said:
...economic reforms of Mao's China...
Cultural revolution halted China's development for a decade or two so I wouldn't say Mao as very efficient dictator.

auron6658 post=18.71519.727470 said:
And back to earlier, If i'm not mistaken the only true democracy in history so far has been Athens, Greece. Any citizen got to go to the forum and vote on any issue. Obviously not everyone participated and the wealthy citizenry found a way to throw around more influence, but still...
Athen's democracy was a joke. You were partly right in that any male citizen could vote but the fact is citizens were only a small group in Athens. Slaves and other lesser people didn't count as citizens.

EDIT: In short, just as the first car sucked, so did the first democracy.


New member
Oct 14, 2007
In short, just as the first car sucked, so did the first democracy.
The current one still does, you just doen't see the suckered ones up close if you happen to live in the first world.


New member
Aug 31, 2008
Democracy doesn't work, full stop.

why? cause the minority holds all the power and the government aren't strong enough to enforce the laws properly. But, at the moment there is no better system of government so till something new comes along we're stuck with it


New member
Oct 14, 2007
HuntingWolf_01 post=18.71519.727618 said:
Democracy doesn't work, full stop.

why? cause the minority holds all the power and the government aren't strong enough to enforce the laws properly. But, at the moment there is no better system of government so till something new comes along we're stuck with it
With the advent of technology, our current western capitalist democracy will be torn to pieces. We live in a world where we subsist from the underpaid work that is performed by people on the lowest reaches of society that have no real access to education; they are the ones that pick our fruit and vegetables, in many countries they are the ones that work the cattle, and hold most of the old manufacture industries together. Sometime it's their exported labour that we buy from cheap at the supermarket and don't even realize it.

Well, if you go around following the old adage of "you are what you do," what will this people become when their jobs are slowly but surely phased out by newer and newer technology and since they are pretty much down, down there they don't have access to education? They for sure, won't be happy with it.

Our current democracy is all about lettin' 'em rot. The problem is that they are the majority. That's when the turningpoint will occur, and then our current democracy will crumble because the "base" won't take kindly further displacement.


New member
Feb 14, 2008
the BEST kind of government is something like the UKs in my opinion. ill say right off that im from the United States of America just to get that out of the way. but back to the topic.

democracy only really works when the people elected to lead are held accountable in a direct fassion. as Americans system of democracy works a leader can do what they want in the first half of their term KNOWING that what ever bone headed manuvers they pull will be long forgotten by the time the next election rolls around.

thats why im all for a King/Queen to be tossed into the mix. whos only function would be to hold elected leaders accountable for their actions. sort of a judge of the Congress, a person with impeccable moral standards, and with a passion for those 'human rights' that all democracys say they champion.

some ONE person with no stake in the process, someone that doesnt stand for relection and is in a position that they cant be bought by anyone. someone free to make decisions that arent clouded by their greed or self interest. after all if your installed as king for life of the USA what more could you possably want from the world?

all in all i think that democracy works well, up to a point, it just needs a break from time to time. someone outside the system with REAL power and authority to make a REAL change should the occasion call for it. i think that you would find that if our president and our congress KNEW they would be held accountable for their actions then those actions would reflect that. if the King could remove Bush at will than im certian you wouldnt have seen the war in Iraq, you wouldnt have seen the wire taps and gitmo and a whole slew of other actions that are ....... shady, shall we say?

the supream court fills this roll now to a small degree, but its not allways in a postion to accomplish much, and on top of that the court is stuffed with its members by what ever political party happens to be in office when they retire.

we need a king/queen that is ABOVE government. that is beholden to no one but themselves and is free to make decisions not on what ever poll is popular this week but on whats best for the nation as a whole.

wont happen of course so im left with saying that American style democracy is the best we can do .......... for now.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
a Totalitarian society would be the best if only people would be given complete freedom in their personal life


New member
Feb 25, 2008
asleep at the comp post=18.71519.727444 said:
monarchy it still works for england
The UK is actually a democracy mate, the Queen is just a figurehead/ambassador for England and the Commonwealth.


New member
Jun 17, 2008
From the choices we have today, representative democracy would be best. Communism is immoral and anarachy is just plain chaos. The government should only be in charge of protecting its citizens rights. As to making something better than a rep. democracy, I dunno. I'm sure there is something better, but I cant think of it.

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
The best form of government is aristocracy.

An aristocrat is one who is best suited to lead.

But every government that's ever been called an aristocracy has actually been an oligarchy.