Best new IP of this generation?


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Even if they ended on the left foot I will give trilogy props and say Mass Effect was a few of the games that made me play it multiple times over and over and not getting sick of it.

Another one would be Dragon Age.They tried something different with the sequel but I really hope they go back to their roots in Dragon Age Origins and give us a proper made game without having to bother with deadlines.

Demon's Souls and Dark Souls games really brought something fresh to the Action RPG genre(if you count out King's Field but that was first person so doesn't count).

Let's not forget The Witcher 1&2 which I love with all my heart.One of the best IP's for me in my opinion.

Wow,those are quite a lot aren't there.I may think of more but I'd rather keep it from reaching a wall of text.


New member
Apr 3, 2011
Hazy992 said:
Pescetarian said:
Hazy992 said:
The Batman Arkham games too if those count. Again Arkham Asylum is one of my all time favourites
Uh, yeah, Batman,

I'm going to go with Portal. I don't really think I need to say why.
I didn't say Batman I said Batman Arkham specifically. That's why I asked if they counted

I see what you mean, and i totally agree with you, the Batman games were actually some of the most unique and innovative of this generation, despite being licensed games. In addition I have to throw in the unoriginal Uncharted because its just so fucking good.


New member
Jul 6, 2012
For me, it's Mass Effect. Yea, the ending was crappy but the Extended Cut fixed it somewhat. One of the best science fiction universes ever created.

Runners up would be Uncharted, Portal and Assassin's Creed


New member
Jul 23, 2009
I'm gonna be the dick who votes for the game that he hasn't played yet, and say Dishonored.

I'm more excited about that game than I have been for any new series this generation


New member
Aug 21, 2011
Hrrmm tough question since most games this generation have been reworked classics/sequels or fairly generic. I was thinking Red Dead Redemption but that has a prequel on the last generation...Batman Arkham Asylum was good but Batman is older than me so i can't count that.

I can't really think of anything to be honest. I've enjoyed some games but they have so many sequels already that they have gone stale. Saints row 2 was good fun but 3 destroyed it. Mass effect 2 spoiled it. Assassins creed 2 spoiled it. Infamous 2 spoiled it...

...I'm going to say that nothing has really caught my attention this generation enough for me to say 'best' but if forced i'll suggest Lost Odyssey because i almost gave a crap about the characters in it.

Terrible Opinions

New member
Sep 11, 2011
Hm. I'm tired as a motherfuck of zombies, but Left 4 Dead is absolutely one of the best things of the generation for me.
lRookiel said:
League of Legends springs to mind, I've got alot out of that game (Even if the community sucks). Also Day Z (I think it counts since it's being made standalone).

But then there has been games like Starcraft 2, Dawn of war, Portal etc.

It's too hard to pin it down :/
But... two of those five games aren't even new IPs. One of them has a "2" right in its name.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Scribblenaughts! j/k I hated that game.

This current gen has lasted a really long time, most of the "new" IPs listed here are already quite old lol.

I'll go with Souls series, Professor Layton series, Etrian Odyssey series, and Borderlands series.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
For me it's "Assassin's Creed", too. For different reasons.
Most important of all:
Due to the "Animus"-system they solve many problems, most games had in their credibility.
If you kill an innocent person, you're gonna be desynchronized.
Not just because the game designers don't want you to do so, it's because your anchestors simply didn't kill innocent people that are just crossing their ways.
And while Desmond isn't able to experience his past without using the memories of those anchestors, the simulation he is in, the game the player plays, can't just move on any further.
If you're "trapped" in an restricted area of the simulated town, it's because Desmond's mind is not on the same level as that one from his anchestor, yet.
If you get killed, the synchronisation suddenly stops working.
Either because of the (simulated) pain Desmond feels and he looses concentration from that point. Or because of the fact, that his anchestor did not die at this point and every further investigation would lead to a false outcome.
Instead of respawning at a traditional checkpoint, a resurrection shrine or just back in town, the simulation will be restarted, rebooted like the machine the "Animus" is.
Or when it comes to rewards:
The better you play, the more you proceed in the story, that more will Desmond identificate himself with those anchestors, no more thinking of himself lying in the Animus, knowing he is Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad, he is Ezio Auditore da Firenze, he will become Connor Kenway.
He "remembers" the weapons he gained, by synchronisating his anchestors memories more and more.
Meanwhile the player forgets that the story of Altair and Ezio is just accessory, clouded by a way greater background story, that much forgets Desmond, that he is the main protagonist for real.
Jumping from one personality to the next makes the player somehow believing that he's in an Animus, himself.

There sure are points to add, but I think you've got an idea, what I meant to say.



PS: What is more difficult, in your opinion?
To keep a successful IP alive and keep trying to improve it?
Or to create an entirely new IP?

I think it's not really fair to compare one-strike-IP's like Bayonetta and Mirror's Edge with Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed.
I am not even sure, if you may call them IP then, when there is only one game released...
The best thing would be, in my opinion, to differ between long-time IP's and surprisingly-good-or-innovative-games-but-strangely-there-is-only-one-game-released-yet.
Such kind of thing.

I like your avatar. Best times of my life... (Until now, hopefully.)


victim of VR
Jul 29, 2011
scorptatious said:
Geez, I don't know. There were plenty of good ones.

So I'll just list the ones off the top of my head:

Valkyria Chronicles
Xenoblade Chronicles
The Last Story
Left 4 Dead

I just know that I'm missing a couple of IP's, but I can't think of any more right now.
Xenoblade chronicles is part of the "xeno" series of games, and thus isn't really an original IP as I understand it.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Quite a few damn good IPs were started this generation. The few that i think people will be able to look back on with actual nostalgia years from now are probably as follows:

1) Assassin's Creed. Even though the series is getting in a bit of trouble with many people with its yearly releases, I do think the games bring something very unique to the gaming genre with it's expansive yet detailed open worlds and it's general sense of a great, big adventure.

2) Bioshock. While it's definitely not a personal favorite game of mine, I love the setting and the characters. I'll never forget Andrew Ryan and his incredible opening monologue, or the great twist that it threw at you. It's a memorable game in every way that counts, and it'd be a crime not to mention it even if, like i said, it's not personally one of my favorite games (from a gameplay standpoint, at least).

3) Borderlands. This game pretty much invented it's own genre; a loot-driven, MMO-setup, action shooter that still managed to provide a fairly deep RPG system, something a lot of games that tried the whole "rpg shooter" thing failed to do. It's got it's own unique look, a great cast of characters, a fairly nice soundtrack, and some very satisfying shooting, especially when accounting for all the guns you can find.

4) Demon's/Dark Souls. Again, a game that isn't exactly my favorite, but I still cant deny how much it deserves to be mentioned. While many games today focus on "reaching a broader audience" (and we all know what that means), Demon's/Dark Souls aimed to reach an audience that wanted more than just a hard game, it wanted a brutal game. But what makes the series so interesting is its infinite fairness -- making it more like a sport than a video game.

And, finally...

5) Dragon's Dogma. Yah, i know, it wasnt exactly a huge release like an Assassin's Creed game or something, but damn did this game really deserve more attention. A huge open world with plenty of neat places to discover, some really great combat with a bit of a Devil May Cry feel to it, with a bit of a classic, medieval fantasy style world seen in something like Dark Souls, and topping it all off is plenty of gigantic boss battles that allow you to climb on their backs like Shadow of the Colossus. It brought everything one could love about all these different games into one in a way that is simply beautiful. It's got its problems, and it could even be considered unintuitive in some places, but all those quirks almost give the game a personality. So with that, I consider Dragon's Dogma the best new IP this generation, and one that i certainly can't wait to see more of.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Bioshock if we don't count the horrible cash-in sequel, although Infinite may redeem the franchise which would strenghten its position. Although I dare not say it sits alone on the "best new IP this gen"-throne, Uncharted, InFamous and LA Noire were also very worthy.

And we're still getting new IP's, Dishonored is looking promising, then there's The Last of Us, not to mention Rockstar's AGENT! We could still be blown away.