Best twist in a game ever SPOILER WARNING


New member
Mar 25, 2010
So I was considering storylines and characters in games and some of the recent convoluted messes that pass for such things nowadays. I started going back and playing some of my old favorites like the Persona and Grandia series. It reminded me of Grandia II and the absolute mindf**k of a twist the game had.

The main backstory of the game is that two gods, one good and one evil fought, they were respectively Granas and Valmar. When they fought Granas eventually slew Valmar and splintered his body, casting him down to earth and Granas remained in the Heavens to watch over the world, vigilant in case Valmar ever sought to regain power. Basically that was the gyst. So the church of Granas the god of light sprung up and whatnot, priests and priestesses spread through the world. The same basic story as any good vs evil plot right? In the game, other than the threat from Valmar, the story was pretty much taken as red and players just sort of moved on.

Until you hit the Twist. Major Spoiler Warning here.

God is dead. Yah, that's the twist. The 'secret' that nobody could have guessed is that when Granas and Valmar fought. Valmer f**king won. He killed Granas ages ago but suffered terrible wounds that broke his body apart. His reaction? Start a religion based around his enemy who was a rotting carcass and have the entire priesthood working under the radar as servants of the God of Light to eventually acquire enough power to resurrect him.

Oh yah, that was awesome. Hands down the best twist I've ever seen in a game. Every game has thier respective good/evil deities, how many base their game around the fact that in that 'First Great War' evil dominated and good got pwnt?

End of Spoiler

So what about you? What's YOUR favorite twist?


New member
Mar 22, 2008
"Luke i am your father!"

OT: eternal sonata , i just loved how they lead you to believe the story is about polka , and her journey to find a cure for her disease , but really it is about chopin and struggle between life and death and regrets towards his sisters death . Bassically chopin was stuck in a loop , in a world in his dreams while he is in coma .


New member
Aug 26, 2011
My favorite has to be from Phantasy Star 2. The Algo Star System is being controlled by a mysterious computer that just showed up one day. You play as a guy working for one of the planet's government that is sent to find out why monsters are suddenly being produced in the genetics laboratory. After one quest leads to another it is surmised that the computer controlling everything is bad, and that you must shut it down. Upon destroying the computer, a door opens up and you find out who made the computer... It was technologically-advanced Earthlings who had invaded this star system in an attempt to take it over. The ending credits is your team of Algo natives battling with the alien (Earthling) overlords, with the outcome to the fight never revealed. You literally have no idea if your team lived or were all killed.

I love this twist because until Avatar came out, nobody else in memory had explored the concept of people from Earth being the alien invaders.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
My favorite is when your character literally dies at the end of Persona 3. I was expecting a traditional happy ending and I am so glad that I didn't get it.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, when you discovered
you are Darth Revan.
I genuinely did not see it coming the first time around. As a Star Wars fan, it was the biggest plot twist since...well, since Luke's big revelation in The Empire Strikes Back.

I remember being literally slack-jawed in astonishment for a good fifteen to twenty seconds afterwards.


New member
Dec 22, 2007
My favorite twist is in Mafia 2 when you work for some mafia guy but then later you have to kill him. And then there's some other mafia guy that you think is your enemy but then it turns out he is your friend and you have to kill some other mafia guy. And then some mafia guys you work for kill your best friend and the game ends. See, it's so cool you don't even have to know the names to appreciate it!

Oh and also my REAL favorite twist is in K.O.T.O.R. when you turn out to be Revan (galactic supervillain gone missing who everybody is talking about all the time). I saw it coming but i enjoyed it nonetheless, thats how good it is.


New member
Aug 25, 2011
Neverhoodian said:
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, when you discovered
you are Darth Revan.
I genuinely did not see it coming the first time around. As a Star Wars fan, it was the biggest plot twist since...well, since Luke's big revelation in The Empire Strikes Back.

I remember being literally slack-jawed in astonishment for a good fifteen to twenty seconds afterwards.
Agreed, best twist ever.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
in a way i think sotc is like one long plost twist in that it slowly dawns on you that you are the bad guy in this world


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
In The Divide: Enemies Within, you are knocked unconsious in your mech on an alien planet and frozen solid with the life support systems the only thing keeping you alive. Thinking only a year or two has passed you go looking for your companion. At the end of the game you learn that she has been dead for millions of years!


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

The reason the main character is so in-touch with the Force, has the link with Bastila Shen and took to Jedi training in weeks instead of years. You ARE Revan!

Best damn twist I had in a video game ever. Nothing has topped it since in my experience.

EDIT: DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ninja'd AGAIN!!!!!

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Yup I got to agree with the KOTOR twist and when it is reveal I felt I should of seen coming.
I did wonder why my character can master the jedi training as a adult were all of these training sshould of apply to him as a kid?


New member
Jun 21, 2010
questionnairebot said:
lordmardok said:
So I was considering storylines and characters in games and some of the recent convoluted messes that pass for such things nowadays. I started going back and playing some of my old favorites like the Persona and Grandia series. It reminded me of Grandia II and the absolute mindf**k of a twist the game had.

The main backstory of the game is that two gods, one good and one evil fought, they were respectively Granas and Valmar. When they fought Granas eventually slew Valmar and splintered his body, casting him down to earth and Granas remained in the Heavens to watch over the world, vigilant in case Valmar ever sought to regain power. Basically that was the gyst. So the church of Granas the god of light sprung up and whatnot, priests and priestesses spread through the world. The same basic story as any good vs evil plot right? In the game, other than the threat from Valmar, the story was pretty much taken as red and players just sort of moved on.

Until you hit the Twist. Major Spoiler Warning here.

God is dead. Yah, that's the twist. The 'secret' that nobody could have guessed is that when Granas and Valmar fought. Valmer f**king won. He killed Granas ages ago but suffered terrible wounds that broke his body apart. His reaction? Start a religion based around his enemy who was a rotting carcass and have the entire priesthood working under the radar as servants of the God of Light to eventually acquire enough power to resurrect him.

Oh yah, that was awesome. Hands down the best twist I've ever seen in a game. Every game has thier respective good/evil deities, how many base their game around the fact that in that 'First Great War' evil dominated and good got pwnt?

End of Spoiler

So what about you? What's YOUR favorite twist?

OT: Tales of Symphonia. It had plot twist after plot twist. But they were all manageable. My favorite was one of the silent hill joke ending plot twists. Don't remember which game but it ended up being a dog manipulating everything lol.
Well, that was good twist for Grandia 2 however I thought it really was that:

Granas and Valmar were never Gods to begin with, just massively powerful bio-weapons deployed the the ancient civilizations at war hundreds of years ago. A battle that decimated the world to an unrecognizable state and leaving mankind to re-build among the ruins and fighting against the many other genetically engineered weapons left over from the war(i.e. "Monsters") along with trying to get along with Beastkind as well.

But what you brought up was good to, definitely the bigger twist overall.