Best Written Videogame Character


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Nov 12, 2009
hazabaza1 said:
Most of the characters from Persona 3+4 are wonderfully written. Really, the only one who I've found that I don't really like is... Yumi? Yuki? The drama girl in Persona 4. God she annoyed me.
Nier seems to be very well written too. Weiss' voice acting in particular really works with his character.
Love Weiss.


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Jun 21, 2010
Shale from Dragon Age: Origins. I know that she (yes SHE, the game is over a year old with a sequel, no real spoilers here) was a DLC character, but she had a rapier wit and a biting remark to the stupidity around her at times. Actually, she reminds a little of Yahtzee, except the hating pigeons and being made of stone part. Favorite character too, but damn it she sucked at combat at times. Sure she was versatile but her hit rate was crap throughout the game.


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Dec 5, 2010
Now I can't really make suggestions towards the 'best written' character but I have one character in mind that I see as 'well written' that I imagine a lot of people might overlook.



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Sep 2, 2010
1.[Lays out a poster with pictures of every companion character from every Bioware game (i.e.Baldur's Gate, SW:KoTOR, Dragon Age 1&2, Mass Effect 1&2)]
2.[Holds finger above it.]
3.[Drops finger]
4.There's your answer.

Alternatively: Ezio Auditore da Firenze.


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Mar 28, 2008
Roman's a great character. They just have your phone set to ring too often.

On topic, though, Kratos in GoW1. Call me crazy, but Kratos is my choice. He's an incredibly simple character, yes, but he really doesn't need decades of backstory or complex motivation to be well-written. I do enjoy his career path of 'killing everything in the next two games,' though.

... Cousin.


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Jun 13, 2011
Well it looks like ive been beaten to the punch but I would vote for April Ryan from the longest journey, easily the best written character in videogames (that I have played) but I would also like to put a special mention in for Kain from the original blood omen (and only the original) I loved that guy mainly thanks to his dialogue. I suppose it dosent hurt that both of these characters were excellently voiced as well.


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Jun 22, 2009
Kain for the LOK series. Dark and cynical. The LOK series has some of the most beautifully written dialogue ever, one of my personal favourite lines said by Kain

"When consequence is too convenient, I prefer to call it fate"

Pure. Effin'. Poetry.


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Jul 9, 2009
believer258 said:
I've heard a few quotes from the main character of GTA4. I've never played it but he sounds like a really, really well developed character.
He really is, I really think he is the best written character I've ever encountered in a game. He's the unlikable John Marston, but that's what makes him all the more interesting to me.

While they're generally the same characters, John Marston is a good looking, rugged and charming character while Niko Bellic is an ugly, foreign, depressing and clueless person, living in a cesspit of a city.
Those little moments where he so clumsily asks a girl out on a date or where you can spot just a little bit of hope in his expression are the very moments that made me believe in the character, being in such powerful contrast to the depressing mood of the game.
He really is an anti hero and it's not expected of you to like him. You're ment to like John Marston and it shows in his writing. He's more of a tragic Hollywood hero, where Niko is just a person on the street. John Marston makes for an interesting protagonist, but not as much as the social outcast who you can't help but feel sorry for, being in the situation that he is.
Oct 2, 2010
Surprised by how little mention there's been for crazy AI type stuff.

On that note, Durandal from the original Marathon. He has some particularly crazy writing in his titular chapter.
Dec 27, 2010
The characters from pretty much every current gen Rockstar game (including the GTA IV expansions) have been phenomenal (among this medium anyway), and Bioware has made alot of great characters as well (although their overarching plots have been pretty generic) but for me it has to be Kratos (in GOW 1). He may have been an angry f*cker, but he develops in a way that I personally haven't seen done better in any game.


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Jul 12, 2010
Arishok from Dragon Age 2. Say what you want about the game I thought that the Qunari were amazing in the game. And the Arishok was simply great. When he spoke I almost believed what he had to say. When I battled him I was torn. I never respected an enemy before like the Arisok.


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Jun 22, 2011
I'm going for the Illusive Man, from Mass Effect 2.
From his actions in game, and more so from the books, which I enjoyed *stretches out arms to be stoned to death for this infidelity* I've made myself question my own views. I always felt he was a completely bad person, no matter what lies he spun to justify his actions. But, what he has done is utilitarianism. He doesn't shy from live experimentation, torture, mass murder, the slaughtering of children, and Cerberus is responsible for the deaths and suffering of a great number. And yet, because of him, 2/3's of a colony was saved from the Collectors. He brought back Shepard, because of him the collectors were annihilated. Many have suffered, but many more were saved; "ethics and morals must be cast aside for the survival of the species". I can't call that man evil, without calling myself evil. And I've spent quite a while brooding on what makes that man so bad when others who run on utilitarian ideals are good. The fact that he wants to annihilate the other species might help, but still, my views on good and bad were indeed challenged.


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Dec 24, 2008
Francis York Motherhugging Morgan, seconded, thirded and fourthed. All the best parts of Dale Cooper, Fox Mulder and an insane guy all rolled into one incredibly likeable, human and relatable character.


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Mar 18, 2010
John Marston was a fantastic character. Jade from Beyond Good and Evil was also well-written, but I think John wins over-all.


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Dec 8, 2010
Pretty much any character from a Rockstar game, especially John Marston. His last stand brought me to the brink of tears.
Morrigan from Dragon Age. Damn but I loved that crazy dame. On the other hand, Alistair has the personality of cream cheese.
Mordin from ME2. He is the very model of a scientist Salarian, after all.