Beta Testers Extract PlayStation All-Stars Roster

Sep 13, 2009
Foolproof said:
hazabaza1 said:
Raidan, but no Snake?
What is this bullshit?

Oh, and the new Dante? Eh, this isn't going well.
THEY PLAY THE EXACT EFFING SAME! The difference is entirely cosmetic! Hell, the characters recolour would BE the original Dante.
The gameplay isn't everything, if they threw Crash's moveset onto Mario and put him in this game it wouldn't be at all the same, even though the different is purely aesthetic. People want to see the old Dante because it's the one they remember, this new punk version of him might as well be an entirely different character for all I care.


New member
Nov 6, 2006
I want to see, either Kain, or Raziel from the Legacy of Kain series in this, or at least as a DLC character.

Mostly, as a way to try to revive the old series, and get some love from crystal dynamics away from tomb raider. >_<
Sep 13, 2009
Foolproof said:
The Almighty Aardvark said:
Foolproof said:
hazabaza1 said:
Raidan, but no Snake?
What is this bullshit?

Oh, and the new Dante? Eh, this isn't going well.
THEY PLAY THE EXACT EFFING SAME! The difference is entirely cosmetic! Hell, the characters recolour would BE the original Dante.
The gameplay isn't everything, if they threw Crash's moveset onto Mario and put him in this game it wouldn't be at all the same, even though the different is purely aesthetic. People want to see the old Dante because it's the one they remember, this new punk version of him might as well be an entirely different character for all I care.
Even though the only way to see the difference is with the colour of the hair. Reskins have more discernible differences.

Hardly, the difference is pretty evident. At least to the extent that you won't be able to feel like you're playing the regular Dante.

OT: I will second (third? fourth?) Crash and Spyro


Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009


Elite Member
Sep 18, 2010
Alright, people, who'd win in a fist fight to the death?

Ratchet and Clank vs Jak and Daxter
Sep 13, 2009
Foolproof said:
The Almighty Aardvark said:
Foolproof said:
The Almighty Aardvark said:
Foolproof said:
hazabaza1 said:
Raidan, but no Snake?
What is this bullshit?

Oh, and the new Dante? Eh, this isn't going well.
THEY PLAY THE EXACT EFFING SAME! The difference is entirely cosmetic! Hell, the characters recolour would BE the original Dante.
The gameplay isn't everything, if they threw Crash's moveset onto Mario and put him in this game it wouldn't be at all the same, even though the different is purely aesthetic. People want to see the old Dante because it's the one they remember, this new punk version of him might as well be an entirely different character for all I care.
Even though the only way to see the difference is with the colour of the hair. Reskins have more discernible differences.

Hardly, the difference is pretty evident. At least to the extent that you won't be able to feel like you're playing the regular Dante.
The difference is only evident because you gave me two scenes that are of radically different perspective shots with radically different weapons. Here, lets try that again.

*snip*(They can just look up to see both)

Can you see a signifigant difference from the scalp down?
Body type (new Dante is a fair bit lankier), demeanor(which will likely show in their movesets, or at least expressions or voices)and new Dante's jacket looks a fair bit darker in about half the pictures I'm finding.

That really doesn't matter though, my point of them not being the same character still stands, people who want to play the character because of their memories with DMC won't be getting the same character they wanted, just one who happens to share a name, weapons and wearing a similar looking jacket.


New member
May 10, 2011
I have zero interest in this game, really... I already have Smash Bros.

But this DOES make me hate Sony for NOT giving us a new MediEvil game since the bloody Clinton administration. Same for PaRappa the Rapper and Ape Escape.

Though I think Sony has forgotten they once made games like Legend of the Dragoon, Primal, Dark Cloud, The Mark of Kri, and Wild Arms.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Foolproof said:
Mysnomer said:
I can already tell this is going to be a train wreck. Who develops a game that banks on nostalgia, but then puts in a much maligned remake of a nostalgic character?
Capcom when they made Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 and put in the new form of the Bionic Commando, Nathan Spencer - the one with the dreadlocks - instead of the dork with sunglasses from the NES games?

How is this even slightly different, except, in contrast to the rebooted Bionic Commando, the new Devil May Cry actually looks pretty cool?
MvC3 didn't bank on nostalgia. Yeah, that's a factor, but Capcom also has a reputation for developing stellar fighting games (a reputation they are steadily working to lose, but I digress). Also, Bionic Commando is famous because you killed Hitler, and because it had a unique, if somewhat frustrating*, mechanism. It is not the pinnacle of it's genre, with an iconic and charismatic main character. Devil May Cry 3 is all these things, until something knocks it off it's throne, and even then it will still have a charismatic and iconic main character who has charmed millions of gamers. DmC Dante is a storm of controversy, and a terrible choice. Nathan Spencer was a meh choice. Not ideal, but you're not opening Pandora's box either. But then again, it looks like they can just flash some Fortesque and people eat this crap up, so what do I know?

*By the conventions of a side scrolling platformer.

Also, the fact that you think the betrayal of the core ideals of a character (specifically, smoking, but also charismatic hubris and a positive outlook) looks "cool" makes me gag. Even if DmC is a technically competent game, it will never be a good game overall. Think Star Wars prequels, maybe they're fun to watch because the action is cool, or they show you glimpse of this fantastic world. But measured as whole films, they are awful. I won't say you're a bad person if you like enjoy playing schlock (guilty pleasures, y'know?), but why would you actively advocate for schlock over a quality, complete game?


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Eclpsedragon said:
Surely this can't be all the characters. A lot of those aren't the first that come to my mind when I think of PlayStation.

hazabaza1 said:
Raidan, but no Snake?
What is this bullshit?
David Hayter, who provided the voice of Solid Snake throughout the Metal Gear Solid series, has already mentioned that he is providing voice work for the game
Although nobody said Solid Snake is in the game, the fact that David Hayter has confirmed he's done voice work is a pretty darn good bet Solid Snake is in the game. If Nintendo does somehow have young Solid Snake tied up, we'll probably get the older MGS4 version.
To be fair, the Snake in Super Smash brothers is a different one to the one from MGS3. They could use Big Boss, and exploit a potential loop hole.

Foolproof said:
hazabaza1 said:
Raidan, but no Snake?
What is this bullshit?

Oh, and the new Dante? Eh, this isn't going well.
THEY PLAY THE EXACT EFFING SAME! The difference is entirely cosmetic! Hell, the characters recolour would BE the original Dante.
Well yeah there's that and the fact that the new Dante is the physical manifestation of a douche bag wearing a ****. Seriously, the new trailer is physically painful to watch. I want to tear his voice box out and then feed him it. Then make him eat it again.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Foolproof said:
hazabaza1 said:
Raidan, but no Snake?
What is this bullshit?

Oh, and the new Dante? Eh, this isn't going well.
THEY PLAY THE EXACT EFFING SAME! The difference is entirely cosmetic! Hell, the characters recolour would BE the original Dante.
Yeah, and cosmetic difference is enough to make me dislike him.
Let's hope the recolour is the original, eh?


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Foolproof said:
elvor0 said:
Foolproof said:
hazabaza1 said:
Raidan, but no Snake?
What is this bullshit?

Oh, and the new Dante? Eh, this isn't going well.
THEY PLAY THE EXACT EFFING SAME! The difference is entirely cosmetic! Hell, the characters recolour would BE the original Dante.
Well yeah there's that and the fact that the new Dante is the physical manifestation of a douche bag wearing a ****. Seriously, the new trailer is physically painful to watch. I want to tear his voice box out and then feed him it. Then make him eat it again.
Give me one scene - one single solitary scene - in the entirety of all four Devil May Cry games where that Dante wasn't by all conventional definitions (and not your stupid " A douche is anything I don't like at this moment") a gi-fucking-normous douche. ANYONE, who actually tries to grip a rose between his teeth and is NOT Raul Julia playing Gomez Adams, is a douche.
"and not your stupid " A douche is anything I don't like at this moment" "

Do you listen do your self? No need to get touchy, you seem to be taking this whole Dante thing a bit personally. I just forth my opinion on the new Dante, I wasn't attacking you, I was merely stating a point. I'm obviously not the only one who dislikes the new Dante, granted expecting the gameplay to be a complete trainwreck is unfounded, and thinking no good can come of it is taking it a bit far, but there /is/ a lot of hate for him.

To answer /your/ point, I'd say he was a pretty cool customer in DMC 2, granted the writing was icky and the voice acting was down right terrible at times, but he never made me want to mush his tongue out with a cheesegrater. He was pretty down to earth, and was reasonably mature (given the setting) and showed an actual friendly bond with Lucia. He showed off a /bit/ but then that's part of the style of the series, and y'know he's superhuman, so he's obviously gonna have some flair to his skill set. Even if you didn't like the original Dante, I refuse to believe you can say the new Dante is less of an ass than the original with a straight face.

You may think the original Dante was a douche, and if you think so, then you're stupid because a douche is anything you don't like at this moment. Riight? Of course not, that would be frivolous of me.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
omg MediEvil? That shit was my bread and butter back in the day. Too bad I don't own a PS3 to play as him :(


New member
Apr 5, 2010
MrGalactus said:
Alright, people, who'd win in a fist fight to the death?

Ratchet and Clank vs Jak and Daxter
Jak and Daxter hands down. Those two kicked soooo much ass.

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
Holy fucking balls, they actually put Sir Dan into the fight!?!?
Excuse me a moment while I produce a fangasm/squee session the likes of which even God has never seen...


New member
Nov 11, 2009
Just something to know going into my posts, when I praise the "depth and style of DMC" I'm generally talking about the 3rd game. The first game was revolutionary in it's own right, but 3 blows it out of the water in terms of weapons, scenarios, and boss fights. I generally deny the existence of two, but if we had to make that mistake to get to 3, then it was all worth it. 4 is a pretty big step backwards overall, but the weapons are nice and the demon bosses are kinda cool.

Foolproof said:
Mysnomer said:
It is not the pinnacle of it's genre, with an iconic and charismatic main character. Devil May Cry 3 is all these things, until something knocks it off it's throne
Hi man from before 2005. I mean, thats the only possible explanation for how you could have not known that God of War has already decapitated and dethroned Devil May Cry as the true king of the Hack and Slash genre.
Hello, uneducated gamer who thinks Devil May Cry is a mere hack and slash game and not the pioneer of the Spectacle Fighter genre (I'm really glad Yahtzee coined this term, it encompasses everything so neatly). Sure, there are elements of hack & slash, but the emphasis on chaining different combinations to create a stylistic flow sets it apart from God of War and Dante's Inferno with a mere "combo counter" measuring how fast you can move from one enemy to another and start mashing their face in. You could play DMC like a hack & slash, but by forgoing style and optimization, you'd be missing out on the majority of the depth and complexity of the gameplay. You would also be unable to complete the game on higher difficulty levels.

DmC Dante is a storm of controversy, and a terrible choice.
Sure he is. Just like Daniel Craig as James Bond, who up until the day the movie came out, people decried as the WORST BOND EVAR. And oh look, DMC isn't out, and you have no grounds to judge this Dante on.
Please don't attempt to replace me with a straw man. The knee-jerk reaction of people over an odd casting choice have little to do with reasoned discourse over sweeping changes in style, design and characterization. There is plenty to judge this Dante on. From Tameem's inept defense of his redesign, to the smoking scene, to his limp-wristed gunplay, we have quite a bit to work with. We can even look at their backpedaling attempt to appease people who complained about the color of his hair. If they were really so confident in their redesign, why the sudden change? What we can't judge is the gameplay, which I made allowances for in my criticisms.

Even if DmC is a technically competent game, it will never be a good game overall.
Thats some brilliant bullshitting there. Making it look like you're being even handed with the game, but refusing to imagine it will be more than competent.
Have you ever played a Ninja Theory game? I'm being pretty generous. The only thing they seem to be any good at is characterization. And yet, they've already proven they don't want to maintain Dante's character, but rather replace him with their own pseudo-Dante. Now, the true talent at NT will probably shine through, meaning there will be probably be some decent dialogue, maybe a genuinely human moment or two, but they're still working with slag, instead of refined ore. Garbage in, garbage out, that's how I see it.

Think Star Wars prequels, maybe they're fun to watch because the action is cool, or they show you glimpse of this fantastic world. But measured as whole films, they are awful. I won't say you're a bad person if you like enjoy playing schlock (guilty pleasures, y'know?), but why would you actively advocate for schlock over a quality, complete game?
You want to talk fucking schlock? How about the game where a guy shoots cue balls into his enemies with a single bullet? Thats some crap right there.
Over the top =/= schlock. Schlock is cheap and disposable entertainment. Devil May Cry may look like a brainless action film, but has great depth to it. Also, the choreography for those scenes is slick, and a lot of what happens is genuinely creative. Yeah, "...LIIIIIIGHT!" is pretty corny, but what about DMC3? I think the corniest scenes in that are "JACKPOT!" and some of the drama surrounding Lady. Also, Dante has an Oedipus Complex, so even if the voice acting is bad, there's nothing really wrong with the scene.

In closing, if you really want to bring down DMC, you have to find fault with 3, because that's the best one. If you want to convince me that DmC won't be a complete and utter bastardization, you'll have to find candid dialogue from Ninja Theory expressing hopes and concerns that let me know they are genuine people who understand Devil May Cry and want to make the best game possible, as opposed to a soulless shill that hashes out a game because they were commissioned. I do not begrudge you your enthusiasm, only your naivete.