Bethesda: We Said No to Game of Thrones


Aug 27, 2010
It certainly proves that they have great taste in video game developers, apparently the only one that isn't in the industry, given the crappy tie-ins that keeps coming out.

Wow, that would have certainly been a perfect fit, but I'd rather have the song of fire and ice in book form and skyrim in video game form. Still, would have been fun with a good tie-in game for once! I seriously doubt this other one will be any good.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
I call BS on this. They never said no to it because it was never offered to them in the first place.

GRRM has never had any interest in pushing for a game adaptation. It's cyanide that approached him first and sold him on letting them do their take on it.

this post comes off as bethesda just trying to create some extra buzz for skyrim.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Game of Thrones...isn't really suited to an open-world environment.
It would be best suited to a specific character story (that's what makes the books appealing; how all of these specific stories and points of view tie together), and that's just something Bethesda is plain AWFUL at.

The stories in Oblivion and Fallout 3? Don't make me laugh (or worse). Oblivion was about as generic of a "save the world using the McGuffins" story as it gets, and Fallout 3's plot makes no fucking sense just after the halfway point.

So unless you really just wanted a digital walkaround for King's Landing or Winterfell, or The Wall, etc it doesn't really sound like a game that plays to Bethesda's strengths.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
Fai57 said:
I've only read the first book so far, but I feel like an RTS would work better for Game of Thrones than a Bethesda style RPG. Bethesda/Western RPG's are about one person basically doing everything and saving the world. That really doesn't mesh with what I've seen of the series so far. It's much more about politics and intrigue, which fits a RTS better, or even turn-based strategy. As far as I know, Bethesda doesn't really have any experience in that area, so it's probably for the best that they aren't making a GoT game.
i actually disagree. though that's probably because i've read all of the books.
rts does fit.. kind of. i feel like genesis is going to be a playthrough of the stories from the books from the perspective of one faction or the other... which could be nice. and the books leave a lot of leeway for the battles but you're still locked into the book's outcome. i think a social rpg would be amazing. where you can play as a new lord or a knight or a sellsword or a septon. if you could go to Kings Landing and play the "game of thrones" as it were it would be amazing. the books are so character driven that there are so many unknown factors that allow for customization. there are entire stories going on within the world that have little to do with the main cast of characters, and i think this is why it would succeed. because you could potentially play a major role, or you could choose not to.

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
Honestly, I'm somewhat glad about this. Bethesda does a great job developing large, open worlds, but frankly, their main stories are terrible. Which is a shame because their lore is actually really interesting, it just seems like they're completely unable to write a convincing and powerful main story, exactly what a Game of would need.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
On one hand, a ASoIaF would be completely awesome....if done right, which is pretty hard with a series like SoIaF.
[zonking great said:
]Prediction: That Genesis game? It will bomb horribly. There's no solid timeline (you can fight Aegon the Conqueror as Ned Stark, FFS!) and it's just brought out to coast on the success of the HBO series. Let us be honest about this.
As far as I can tell, the single-player campaign will follow timelines, but the multi-player section will allow you to play as any house from any time. Which is an acceptable break from canon to make the MP more interesting.
Also, I'd totally take the hit to the timeline if we can get Ned to kill a dragon.


New member
May 6, 2010
toomuchnothing said:
Logan Westbrook said:
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, also known as the game that Bethesda made instead of Game of Thrones, comes out for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on November 8th.
So its not 11/11/11 anymore? That makes more sense since its a Tuesday aka typical release date but this was the first I heard it.
No, it's still 11/11. I thnk he's getting confused with Saints Row, which is 11/8.


New member
May 6, 2010
toomuchnothing said:
Logan Westbrook said:
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, also known as the game that Bethesda made instead of Game of Thrones, comes out for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 on November 8th.
So its not 11/11/11 anymore? That makes more sense since its a Tuesday aka typical release date but this was the first I heard it.
Whoops, no its not. I went the wrong direction. CoD is that day. Saints Row is 15.


New member
Jul 29, 2011
toomuchnothing said:
So its not 11/11/11 anymore? That makes more sense since its a Tuesday aka typical release date but this was the first I heard it.
I know 11/11/11 is the EU release date and America usually gets their releases 3 days before us.

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Just a quick note: The release date for Skyrim is November 11th. As a few people have surmised, I got the Skyrim release date mixed up with Modern Warfare 3, which is November 8th. I've corrected my mistake, and I'm very sorry for any confusion caused.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Somehow, im glad.

Dont get me wrong, I love Bethesda, but I think GOT would have been better suited to someone like CDProjekt who are actually capable of weaving together a half decent main quest line.

I would need a fairly interesting and well written, character driven narrative, along with some great dialogue...neither of which Bethesda are particularly good at. We don't really need any more open-world games with swords and arrows.

Dmitry Bogdanov

New member
Aug 28, 2017
Just wanted to bump this old thread, as now (6 years later!) rumors are starting to emerge about an actual Bethesda Game of Thrones game being in development:

How about some Elder Scrolls VIesteros!


New member
Apr 3, 2010
How is the Game of Thrones universe better for a videogame than any other fantasy setting? I don't even know what the gameplay could look like that would justify it. Is the game supposed to tell the story? Well that's what the show is for. The only reason to do it is for name recognition.