Better to be single or in a relationship?


New member
Oct 1, 2012
I would say single myself as the majority of the relationships I've seen always just ended and neither party is happy because of that. It just seems short sighted in my view. Why put that much effort into managing a relationship if it's just going to end in tragedy anyways?


New member
Mar 18, 2011
Its better to be single, BUT in a relationship at the same time...

Its better to be single if you cant get a partner

Its better to be in a relationship if you can get a partner

Its better to be in a relationship if you come in direct contact with other living beings

im confused, was this a retorical question?
.... was this a topic to give advice to?
.... was this a topic to answer personally?


New member
Oct 27, 2010
As long as you have a partner that respect that you sometimes need your space you get the best of both worlds.


New member
Oct 17, 2012
Maybe you haven't found the girl for you then. Sometimes, it's better to be single for you to have time for yourself and friends. But, not all the time, it is a best option. Having a relationship as well as having a girlfriend is special and romantic. You can't be alone all the time. At times, having a girlfriend would mean there is someone always there for you specially in times of problems. Someone who will comfort you, makes you smile and happy.


New member
Nov 18, 2011
single = privacy and you can do what you want, whenever you want

relationship = sex (probably) and somebody to be there for you


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Single. can do what you want when you want and there's no one around to stop me... well maybe the cops. I'm also not exaclty the nicest person or the easiest to get along with so that doesn't help getting girlfriends anyway. I've had 2 girlfriends and both of them have cheated on me with friends. Then when i got pissy about it i lost half of my friends, im running out of friends so i will stay single for a long time.

Also most friends and acquaintances' i've met have this i need to be in a relationship mentality that i don't think can be healthy. Infact i think its kind of sad, though they probably think the same about me being single all the time.

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
I hate being single personally. 20 and I've never had a girlfriend or even a friend who happens to be a girl. I guess you could blame it on the fact that I'm a shy pessimistic shut-in, but that is also partially due to my upbringing and how people treat me on a day to day basis.

Being single has its plus sides. You can drink soda and play video games till 5 in the morning......but gets lonely and boring fast.

sigh, I need to stop posting in these threads.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
Really depends on you. I used to think that it was be better if I was single. I have the freedom to work, sleep, eat, and play when I wanted to. Who wouldn't want that? And as for the sex, meh I could make do with just myself.

Well then one day something happened I felt sad and lonely, sick and unloved. I admit it got so pathetic that I put my extra pillows in a row and cuddled them at night to pretend someone else was in the bed with me. Thats when I knew there was no way I could not be in a relationship.

I never would of predicted how helpful it could be to be in a relationship. You have a 24/7 friend who can talk out any issues, sooth and comfort you, cook you food and make your day a little easier. Sure there is conflict, but you if set aside pride and trying to win, they get resolved quickly.

There is also the safety thing. I didn't realize this till it happened. One night I was throwing up blood in the toilet, my wife told me she called the hospital and they said I need to come in right now. I lost too much blood to safely drive myself so she was there to make sure I got to the hospital. I could of died without her.

There is a lot of perks for being in a relationship.

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
It all depends on who you are with. Honestly if being in a relationship is worse then being single you probably shouldn't be in a relationship with that person anyway. While you are a teenager or in your early twenties there should be nothing keeping you in a unsatisfying relationship. You aren't financially mixed, you don't have kids, and assuming its not a long term thing you have nothing keeping you there besides the relationship itself. If it goes bad then leave. Relationships are supposed to be better then single life, otherwise it defeats the purpose.