

New member
Sep 8, 2011
This is a thread I've been meaning to start for a while, and its on bisexuality. Ill start by saying that this ISNT a "does it exist thread". As far as Im concerned it does, and for the purposes of this thread, those of you who dont believe it does should just go along with it.

Now heres my question....What constitutes being bisexual? Is it someone who has some attraction to both genders, or is it someone is attracted to both genders and can make long term romantic relationship with both genders?

My opinion: I think that bisexual is being attracted to both genders, and having relationships with both genders, or being capable of developing relationships with both genders. If your physically attracted to both genders, but only date one, I dont think that thats truly bisexual. Im not saying that that person is straight because I dont think theyre that either. Really, I think that thats something else entirely.

So what do the people of the escapist think.


Apr 8, 2011

excentric22 said:
I think that bisexual is being attracted to both genders, and having relationships with both genders, or being capable of developing relationships with both genders.
You pretty much hit the nail on the head in your own post, but that's just me and my non-bisexual opinion.

excentric22 said:
If your physically attracted to both genders, but only date one, I dont think that thats truly bisexual.
I don't agree with that however. Someone in that situation may just simply be scared to act on their desires based on cultural/social stigmas, or other underlying causes.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
I would agree with your definition. Personally, if I am attracted to someone then I am attracted to them. Gender is not a problem to me.


New member
Jan 11, 2009
You have a good definition, but since bisexuality is a very loose term, I like to refer to this thing:

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
For me, it's someone who's sexually attracted to members of both sexes, which implies that they can sustain a relationship with both sexes.

Not someone who makes out with a member of the same sex for lulz, anyone can do that.
Dec 14, 2009
Is this even a question? Do people not know how to use a dictionary nowadays? Or is this blatant attempt at attention seeking?

Bisexuality is a sexual attraction to both genders, it has nothing to do with being able to sustain a relationship.

There are plenty of straight and gay people who can't hold down a relationship, does that make them non-sexual?

Of course it bloody doesn't


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
I know someone that enjoys sex with both male and female, but only forms relationships with one, so considers themselves not bisexual.

But, it's a label on types of people. not that useful.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
I'd say that bisexuality merely constitutes having a physical attraction towards people of either gender, regardless of whether or not they have a preference. Where things get complicated is when you measure this along side Biromanticism. One might have a romantic attraction towards both genders, but not a sexual one, or inversely being sexually attracted to both, while not necessarily romantically; only seeking gratification from one gender and a more serious, intimate reltionship with the other. They might have a sexual preference for one gender and a romantic for the other, or they could have a sexual and romantic prefernce for one, or an equal interest in both, or maybe their more attracted to certain individuals than genders etc. etc. there's many possible combinations and positions that aren't so easy to identify on a scale. I realise I'm probably getting a bit too far into the semantics of it all, but basically to me the only real defining factor of bisexuality is physical attraction towards both genders. Although I imagine when most people think of and identify as bisexual they are referring to this:

excentric22 said:
I think that bisexual is being attracted to both genders, and having relationships with both genders, or being capable of developing relationships with both genders.
In other words being both physically and romantically interested in both genders, with the willingness and intent of pursuing a relationship with either one (regardless of any preference or lack thereof), which is generally what I think of when someone identify's as bisexual and is how I would categorise myself as well. Sexuality is a very complicated thing, but I think in regard to bisexuality the one qualifying characteristic in which we can unanimously agree is physical attraction towards both genders and in most cases we would presume romantic attraction as well, to what degree's of preference, or what quirks and reactions they have to particular genders is down to the individual. That would be my unecessarily long winded opinion on the subject.


New member
Sep 30, 2011
Idsertian said:
excentric22 said:
If your physically attracted to both genders, but only date one, I dont think that thats truly bisexual.
I don't agree with that however. Someone in that situation may just simply be scared to act on their desires based on cultural/social stigmas, or other underlying causes.
Exactly. That's like saying that a guy who likes girls but doesn't date isn't straight. Of course he is. He just doesn't date.

Bisexuality is such a simple concept. It baffles me that people don't understand it (or don't believe it exists!)

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Someone who is sexually attracted to both genders.
Dating has absolutely nothing to do with it, because some people will be pressured to pick one or the other and a good chunk of people wont ever even go on a date.

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
SEXUAL attraction to both men and women.
wanting to DATE them both is being 'bi-romantic' (thats sort of a made up term. if you only want to date your own gender, you're 'homo-romantic' etc...)


New member
Jul 13, 2010
I belive anyone willing to form a long term sexual relationship with either male or female is bisexual.


New member
Sep 8, 2011
Idsertian said:

excentric22 said:
I think that bisexual is being attracted to both genders, and having relationships with both genders, or being capable of developing relationships with both genders.
You pretty much hit the nail on the head in your own post, but that's just me and my non-bisexual opinion.

excentric22 said:
If your physically attracted to both genders, but only date one, I dont think that thats truly bisexual.
I don't agree with that however. Someone in that situation may just simply be scared to act on their desires based on cultural/social stigmas, or other underlying causes.
I should've clarified, im talking about someone whos attracted to both genders but only dates one, but not due to external influences. Thats why I put in the part about being capable of developing relationships with both genders.

Daystar Clarion said:
Is this even a question? Do people not know how to use a dictionary nowadays? Or is this blatant attempt at attention seeking?

Bisexuality is a sexual attraction to both genders, it has nothing to do with being able to sustain a relationship.

There are plenty of straight and gay people who can't hold down a relationship, does that make them non-sexual?

Of course it bloody doesn't
The problem is that the useage of words in the dictionary dont always match up with how people use them in real life. Hence the thread. Ill go even farther than saying capable and add willing. so please read "capable and willing" when you read my first post. course, i thought that was implied. Someone who wants to form a relationship but cant because of social problems is kind of exempt from this discussion.

So if someone who is attracted to both genders, but will only date one is bisexual, then what does that make someone who is attracted both genders and dates both?


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Bisexual (note: sexual), describes a person who has sexual attraction to both sexes. Whether they form relationships with either or if they can be in "love" with either is irrelevant.

Gmans uncle

New member
Oct 17, 2011
I'm bisexual.
I'm physically attracted to both genders, I wouldn't say it has anything to do with how frequently I date members of either sex, it's just how my brain is wired.
Also, we have the coolest pride flag...



New member
Aug 31, 2009
I think you only need to be attracted to members of both gender to be considered bi-sexual. You don't necessarily have to have dated members of both sex but if you're attracted to at least one person on both sides than I'd say it's safe to assume you're bi.

Grant Hobba

New member
Aug 30, 2010
To determine what bi sexuality is, one must first understand how what stimulates sexual preference...

personally I think it doesn't exist but then there are people who can fall in love with plant life... dendrophilia I believe it's called ( so who am I to say what does and doesn't).

Psychologically it has been studied and "proven wrong" but the test was on too small of a sample to get real results, yet people still say they are.

My opinion is that they are merely attracted to sex.

Love is a different thing all together; love in an emotional response to the physical attraction or vice versa.

so in short.... empathy... I guess those who like the thought of getting pleasured more than they care about which gender doing it.


Olivia Faraday

New member
Mar 30, 2011
Labels are labels are labels.

My definition of a bisexual is someone who feels the way straight people do towards opposite sex, or the way that gay people do towards same sex, for both sexes. I really don't see why we need to complicate it more than that. But some people do. Some people don't feel that label fits them. And while some might say that's silly, what the hell does it matter? Labels are labels are labels.

I'm a bisexual, I label myself bisexual. I like both hot dogs and tacos and I really don't see the need to embellish it any more than that, but I'm not everybody and unless someone is A) hiding out of a sense of shame or B) trying to feel special by inventing different ways of saying "there's nothing interesting about my sexuality," I don't care what someone calls themselves.

(Even then I don't really care, but I reserve the right to raise an eyebrow and shake my head.)