Biggest Dutch Retailer Rejects PSPgo


New member
Nov 25, 2008
Let's call the Waaaaah-mbulance for these guys AND for Gamestop who will probably refuse to sell it for the same reason. Yay, Gamestop.

Let's all just order our PSPGo's online.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Meh. I don't really care about this. The old PSP was still better, so I can see where they're coming from.

Still, they're being big babies, not wanting to stock on something because they think it sucks. They're a big retailer, they should stock up on any products that have potential, regardless of if they don't support UMDs.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
There right too, while the thought of sony actually doing something with the psp was pleasing, the PSPgo wasnt, its just one big cash in for sony, who will profit from its inflated price AND from the monopoly on digital downloads. There even sitting on the fence with it too by keeping umds and the 3000 going. It would be pretty funny to see a mass boycott of the psp go by retailers, as unlikey as that is. ultimately though, if your buying a digital downloads then your probably going to buy the console online. It begs the question though, how is a kid supposed to get there psp games off the internet, aside from nagging mom for the credit card, which she maybe reluctant to tie to a psp account so little timmy can buy everything.


New member
May 9, 2008
Casual Shinji said:
Oh Nedgame, wees toch niet zo kleinzielig.

Accepteer de toekomst voor wat hij is.

.........Oh sorry, my Dutch pride took over a second.
ik heb nog nooit wat van nedgame gehaald, ik heb ook geen enkele behoefte ervoor, en al zeker niet voor een PSP.

OT: the dutch don't care, we are to busy smoking pot legally.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Pendragon9 said:
Meh. I don't really care about this. The old PSP was still better, so I can see where they're coming from.

Still, they're being big babies, not wanting to stock on something because they think it sucks. They're a big retailer, they should stock up on any products that have potential, regardless of if they don't support UMDs.
I think the problem here is more that they can't see themselves making a profit from this, since they won't be selling any copies of the games. In effect what Sony has done is removed the middleman from the equation, at least as far as the PSP is concerned. Whether or not that will work remains to be seen. But they basically consider that they could probably use shelf space on something that they can profit from. The economy isn't exactly in the greatest of shape after all.

Plus considering that the exchange rate puts it as more expensive than a PS3 in the States, it's hard to see people spending their hard-earned Euros on it.

Then again I have no clue what the standard amount of income for someone in the Netherlands is.

Dan Shive

New member
Jun 9, 2008
I wouldn't want them in my store if there was a terrible profit margin and no games to sell with it. It would encourage my customers to spend a lot of money that I would see very little of. I'd rather they spend the same amount of money on things that actually earn a reasonable profit for me so I can enjoy the finer things, such as food, shelter, and all that jazz.


New member
Aug 28, 2009
Pielewap said:
Nedgame isn't the biggest dutch games retailer by far. Blokker owns Intertoys, Bart Smit, the dutch Toys R usses and E-plaza, so they sell more then half of all games in the Netherlands. Nedgame owns about 7 stores, though their service is 10 times better (E-plaza tried reparing my PS3 with by poking it with a cigarette)
Yeah, that was my thought too. Before Steam I bought all of my games at the local Bart Smit. Whose words were "Holland's largest videogame retailer" exactly?


New member
Jul 26, 2008
Honestly, I don't blame nedgame for boycotting the PSPgo, it's really hard to find fault but since I don't live in Holland, I can't comment on the videogame retailer stuff, and also this could start a frenzy where the only people supplying PSPgo's could most likely be the usual suspect of Amazon

El Poncho

Techno Hippy will eat your soul!
May 21, 2009
I'm not really interested in sonys portable games, the DS captured my attention more probably because I prefer the games that help me kill time.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
This is a good call on their part, actually.

You see, without the sales of UMDs, the reason for them to even CARRY UMDs drops dramatically, and then there goes all their PSP profits, which means they might have to drop the PSP. Meanwhile, Sony rakes in the moolah with their digital distribution.

It's a rather pessimistic viewpoint that assumes a lot of people would move over to the Go, but I can't blame them for thinking that.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
AceDiamond said:
Pendragon9 said:
Meh. I don't really care about this. The old PSP was still better, so I can see where they're coming from.

Still, they're being big babies, not wanting to stock on something because they think it sucks. They're a big retailer, they should stock up on any products that have potential, regardless of if they don't support UMDs.
I think the problem here is more that they can't see themselves making a profit from this, since they won't be selling any copies of the games. In effect what Sony has done is removed the middleman from the equation, at least as far as the PSP is concerned. Whether or not that will work remains to be seen. But they basically consider that they could probably use shelf space on something that they can profit from. The economy isn't exactly in the greatest of shape after all.

Plus considering that the exchange rate puts it as more expensive than a PS3 in the States, it's hard to see people spending their hard-earned Euros on it.

Then again I have no clue what the standard amount of income for someone in the Netherlands is.
That's actually a good point.

Still, if this happens to Gamestop, I hope the PspGO sells more. I don't want to give those jerks anymore of my money.


New member
Jun 25, 2008
Nedgame??? (Yes, I'm jumping on the bandwagon here.)
Thanks to my internet connection I know about GameStop and a bunch of other faraway companies, but I never heard of Nedgame; no way this is the Dutch equivalent.
I do appreciate their reasoning though, from what I understand the PSP Go is just a plain stupid idea from a consumer perspective.
It sounds like they're actually doing their customers a favour, even non-customers by being in the news and educating people that way.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
SgtFlaman said:
Why bother going through retailers anymore anyway? In an age of digital distribution where games don't need to be shipped to stores to be sold to customers, why not just sell new consoles/handhelds factory direct and streamline not only the software sales process but hardware as well?
Well for one, there are people without internet access, and for another, there are people who can't buy online due to not being able to have a credit card nor paypal. Also if you're like me and stuck on dial up, you can't connect up your XBox, and so, you can't buy games online, nor could you download games on the PC due to dial-up limits.

For me, it is £10 per 1Gigabite. A four gigabite game would cost forty pounds, as well as however much it actually costs )say, thirty pounds), that's about seventy pound for a game I could just go to the store and buy for thirty pounds.

Then as said, the people without internet access cannot go online and buy the games.

You have to think of the minority as well as the majority here, sure, thousands of people use wireless, however, hundreds are stuck on dial up for whatever reason, and hundreds of people haven't got a credit, or debt card, nor a paypal account.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Walking past my local GAME retailer in town today, they had a sign up saying "Tell us what you think of the PSPGo!" Which makes me think that perhaps GAME are currently on the fence on the whole thing. If a bunch of people express an interest than they might stock it, but if they don't get much response/get negative feedback it's more than possible that they may go the same was a Nedgame and simply not stock it.

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
Baby Tea said:
Wait wait, the PSP-Go doesn't play UMDs?
Where is the appeal to go from your old PSP to this one, then?
If some guy has 10 or 15 games on his PSP, then where is the appeal for the PSP Go?

Can he somehow download his titles on the new machine? OR is he screwed? Seems like a bad investment to me.

Beyond that, however, I can't really fault the store-chain for not selling it. It's a business, after all, and businesses want to make money (Go figure). If they can't make money off of it, then why sell it at all?
At the current moment, Sony is not allowing already purchased games as downloads.