Biggest gaming disappointment


New member
Jul 29, 2008
I was kinda glad fable was a let-down though, it was the game that made me realize that I should never expect a game to be good.
This way I won't get disappointed if it's bad, but pleasantly surprised if it's a good game.
I don't expect all games to be bad though, but just average at best. I can still hope that promising titles don't get botched up by the developer, even if I don't expect them to be good.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Hmmm where to start. I'd say Black and White was a huge disappointment, but probably nowhere near what Deus Ex 2 was. The orginal has to be one of the best first-person rpgish games ever made, while the sequel was a consolized, dumbed-down, abortion.

If I had to break it down, I'd say it was like this: if DE1 was a normal sized book in terms of actual story/content, DE2 was a brochure. Interface wise, which DE1 could be argued was over-complicated, DE2 was definitely as over-simplified as a game could be. DE1's levels were massive and gave you a real feeling of exploration, while DE2's levels were the size of a shoe-box.

As for Fable, luckily I was on to Molineux's bullshit early on thanks to B&W and didn't touch Fable.


New member
Aug 21, 2008

Good question tbh

I'd say Army of Two. Trailers, looked soooooo good. Gameplay seemed flawless in theory.


Online was the biggest dissapointment known to man. It wasnt set up for Ps3 for a good 2 months after release date, and after the most pathetic story known to man I needed a good online pwnage session, which was completely ruined when they FINALLY got it online and it was unfathomably lagging. Imagine hitting the left stick to make your character move left, 1.....2..... which way is left? ;q
If your team mate leaves the game, or any1 infact, then the whole thing restarts and you have to go through ANOTHER 5 min wait. Proving the fact that EA are a pile of sweaty balls.


Raincoat Killer
Aug 21, 2008
The Nintendo Wii is my biggest disappointment, got it on release and I've only bought 4 games for it, Zelda, Red Steel(Bought it along with my wii at launch before the reviews were released.....), Mario Galaxy and SSBB.... >.< WTB Real games instead of mini games...


New member
Aug 25, 2008

This is why, if you have ever played san andreas you probably thought it was awesome, well the majority of ppl who have played it. But after waiting all that time for GTA IV, it was a huge dissapointment. It lacked in so many areas, although the story was very good for a GTA game. My biggest problem with it though, was the fact that you couldnt fly planes, or sky dive. Just all the freedom from san andreas seemed to be forgotten, all the stuff that i really loved about the series.


New member
May 28, 2008
The fact that I'll will never get closure in the Shenmue series is really disappointing as I love those games and want to story to be played out to its natural conclusion. But that will probably never happen. Then again they said that about a new Nights game being released so you never know.

The ending of Halo 2 was awful as well. I just didnt feel the game had climaxed and was ready to carry on then pfft end with some crappy one liner.


New member
Aug 26, 2008
Killzone. Yes it is, sure. Boring as hell. Not so good as everyone said. Played for 5 minutes then I regret I bought it. Beacuse I was brainwashed by the media. I blame it on Gamespot! A new revolutionary FPS! Since when was FPS revolutionary? Prhaps during the Quake and Doom - era. But that's it. Nothing is new. Kill everything that moves.

But a FPS that I really like is XIII. Great story, amazing graphics, the control is okay. Not good or bad. It's orginal and fun. In my opinon.


New member
May 5, 2008
Every Final Fantasy game after X has succeeded in building my hopes and then crushing my soul into a million tiny shards.

Two Worlds and Haze were terrible let downs.

Too Human is nowhere near as good as I thought it would be, but it's playable.


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Jul 22, 2008
Assassin's Creed: Looked awesome, but was repetitive and medicore.

Condemned 2:It was going so well, why balls it up half way through?

Honourable mention goes to Two Worlds, I thank god everyday that I only dl'd the Demo.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
I actually have started a post just like this, unaware of this ones existence. So i guess il share here what i did there (hey slipknot guy! no hard feelings?)

Fackin DBZ: Burst Limit.

I traded in Eternal Sonata and Gears of War AND 25 bux for this game. And when i got home I realized that not only could you play through the first three sagas... AND THAT WAS IT! But you also couldnt play as like HALF the characters that were present in the show. Where the hell was Jace?!?!?

Whats up with Broli? He only has one form, you cant be his small unsuper saiyan owner guy. You have to be his big, stupid, Hits-above-everyones-heads retard strength jazz box version.
I mean the last game had like... EVERYBODY! and this game has 21 fighters... The new soul caliber almost doubles that. seriously?
Aug 1, 2008
Neverwinter Nights: I was expecting another Baldur's Gate II, but the singleplayer campaign was a glorified version of Diablo and the engine was terrible (enormous rooms, empty mile-long corridors, every place looked the same).

Neverwinter Nights 2: I really wanted to play a good RPG again, and despite the overwhelmingly negative user reviews I went ahead and bought it. Ugh. I recently got a new GPU and NWN2 came with it, and I figured I'd give it another go, after the updates and all that, but the game's installer is broken. Ok, whatever.

There have been many games that didn't turn out to be as amazing as I thought they'd be, such as Half-Life 2, Mass Effect, Grand Theft Auto IV, BioShock... but NWN and NWN2 sucked so much I didn't even get halfway through them.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Gotham Soul post=9.67994.667787 said:
The remake of Conker: BFD. They censored the poo song!
i agree completely....i never got that far. once i found out they had no level select feature, and when i played the game it was exactly the same but with just enough things changed so i couldnt beat it without thinking and just do all the good bits.


New member
Jan 1, 2008
I'm just generally disappointed by the near industry-wide 'dumbing down' of every franchise I used to love...

Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, Call of Duty, The Elder Scrolls, ect.

I even saw a trailer for an IL-2 Sturmovik game coming out... ON CONSOLES?! (Unless they plan on going steel battlion style[note: Huge expensive controller])

It's not that these new games are bad. They just need to be under a different title.


New member
May 4, 2008
-Final Boss (roflably easy)
-Final Cut Scene, both Good and Evil (worse than what George Lucas has been spewing out lately!)

Halo 3:
-The incident with Guilty Spark
-The campaign in general

Halo 2:
-The ending cut scene

Halo 1:
-Floods use rocket launchers as if they were shotguns >:eek:

-Tassidar :'(